Part 54 ~ Alma getting ready

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While Keith was busy buying a land for them, Alma and her mates were busy getting everything ready for the move. Alma wanted to take as much as she could with them, since it was time consuming to make new things and she suspected they would have to build a new home and make furniture. She had been making some kind of nets, (similar to what fishermen's use) she made them in all kind of sizes, depending on what she wanted to catch or use. She had used the leafs of a certain tree she found. The leaves of this tree was not like anything she had ever seen. It was very strong but still rather slim and the the colour of the leafs was rather beige, she liked the colour though, almost as much as she liked the use of the leaf. She knew she could use this leaf for many purposes and it made her very happy and excited. She  decided to make the nets in hopes that her flying beasts could carry it while flying, she could take more things with her with this but she was not sure how much weight they could carry, she really hoped that they could work together and fly with her bed too, she loved that bed, she spent so much time making it cozy and it held so many memories, she smiled to herself thinking of all the new memories she would make in the new place.

While she was busy making a big net Addi knocked on their door asking if he could take Alma out for a ride. Alma was so happy, she loved horseback riding and she had not been on a horse since she was a teenager. Odin did not look pleased, he resented how the horse had disturbed his mate, she had been very busy making some thing he did not know the use for but he loved watching her making it and now the horse had distracted his mate and thus making him annoyed, the day had been so good until that pest knocked on their door. Odin could see Alma's face light up, he was sure she did not know the meaning of riding a horse back and since he was trying to be more considered towards the other males he held his tongue. He was not pleased and wanted to tell her to stay by his side but he knew he had to share her with the others, if he would constantly make trouble with his jealousy she might come to resent him and stop loving him, he felt his stomach go in knots just thinking about her not loving him anymore so he quickly changed his facial expression and told her to go and have fun but he looked at Addi and told him to protect her with his life. Addi of course would do so but he still fumbled with his words since he felt how Alma was looking at him, Odin frowned at his words and thought to himself that this horse might not be as good as he thought he was, Alma on the other hand felt sorry for him. She knew Addi must have been very embarrassed fumbling speaking with her first male so she tried her best to show him that he was just as good as everyone else. Alma told Odin not to worry that Addi would take very good care of her since he was both very strong and was very smart. Addi blushed and felt like there were butterflies dancing in his stomach while Odin was filled with envy, he felt like that stallion had just been showing off to get attention from Alma, he looked at Alma with sorrowful eyes, he felt she had wronged him, he was just as intelligent as that dam stallion if not more. Alma could read his mind like an open book so she took his hand and told him how wonderful he was and he was the most handsome snake she had ever seen. This was enough to lift his spirit so Alma went off with Addi.

Addi had been fantasying about Alma riding him since the day he met her. To let a mate ride you was the most intimate act a horse beast would do with his mate, even more so than mating. If he would let Alma ride him and Alma would then decide not to accept him as his mate he would have to live alone for his entire life. You never let any female ride you that was not your mate, even though she had a mate and you were not interested in her, it did not matter, this was what they believed in, they would let their male beasts from their herd ride them only if it was life or death situation, since the herd was bonded in brotherhood, they were a family and they would sacrifice their life for each other if needed. Addi morphed into his stallion, it only took a few seconds, alma loved his horse form, he was such a beautiful horse, black as the night and his eyes were the colour of the moon, she could not help herself but to touch him, his fur was short but very soft. She could feel his body heat from petting him, he was so big that she could not hop on, she saw a stone and told him to walk towards it, she climbed the stone and finally after a little tug was able to ride him. She held his mane firmly and told him she was ready, he neighed loudly to sound off to his herd, he started to trot and alma saw that his herd was joining them in their ride. They all neighed to reply to him and she could feel their happiness just by watching them. She had never seen so many wild horsed with her own eyes, it was such a beautiful sight. She was enjoying their time together and told Addi she wished this ride would never end. The ride brought her back to her teenage years, back to when she had her horse, she missed him so much, she had not ridden another horse since he died but she felt he would have been so happy if he had been one of Addis herd, she did not stay in such sad memories for long since Addi could sense she felt sad so he decided to go faster, that was enough to get alma back to the present, she started to laugh, this was so much fun, her hair was wild with the wind, she had never seen so much of the beast land before, the land was vast and beautiful, filled with so much colour, she wanted to fill herself with all the colours of the world, she truly felt very happy in that moment, she felt so free, she wished they could run forever.

The herd stopped by a lake to satisfy their thirst. Addi morphed back and stuttered if she had enjoyed riding with him. Alma could not hide her happiness, she was so happy that she jumped into his arms and told him that this was one of the best experiences she had ever had in her whole life, she told him she would never forget this and she hoped they could often go out to ride, it was so freeing. Addi could not have been happier, his mate liked riding him was the best news he had ever had. He had loved feeling her on his back, she was the first and only female he had given permission to ride him and it was just as incredible as mated horse beasts described. He could also see the happiness of his herd, they liked their new queen, no beast would ever dislike such a kind female, everyone was smitten with her, it could not be helped, still he did not mind, he loved them all but still he loved her the most. Alma wanted to thank them all for giving her such a lovely day so she decided to sing to them a song called old town road (lil nas x style) they had not heard her sing yet but Addi had told them she could sing with words. They were all silent just watching that beautiful female singing, they would never forget her singing, she sang about horseback riding, this would forever be their favourite song and they would ask her to sing it often in the future, for this was the first song she had song for their herd, she gave them something they had never expected a queen ever being able to give her subjects, she made them feel like they mattered, they felt welcomed but most of all she made them feel special. She had a gift that made beasts feel special, she was truly one of a kind.

As promised another chapter. I wanted her to ride with Addi before moving, ever since i created Addi, i wanted to write a chapter about her first ride with him and his herd, this was also some kind of farewell to the place she had been living. How did you like the ride? I really loved writing about it. Ill probably update again in a week, I'm going camping tomorrow :)

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