Part 94 ~ Going home

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Haffi did not linger, he ate what Tram gave him and headed back to the air as soon as he had had his filled. he was getting weary, his muscles ached all over but he did not stop, he had one goal and that was to get Alma home as soon as possible.

With Ulfars help Alma was feeling better but she still did not want to meet her new mate or her potential mate, Ulfar was the middle man in keeping everyone calm. He reassured bot Hafthor and Pistris that Alma only needed time, he made it very clear that she might need a lot of time and they would have to be okay with that if they wanted to be in her family, both males could do nothing else but agree and wait patiently. They would not be able to reach her heart if they behaved aggressively, Pistris felt a little frustrated since he had done nothing wrong, he had not mated her yet and he felt like Alma was blaming him for Hafthors actions but he knew all to well that if he had been first he would have done the same thing, still it was very frustrating, he just wanted to get to know her but it would have to wait, he needed to give her all the time she needed or he would not be accepted by her nor her males.

Alma was feeling a little better so she was singing softly to Odin, beautiful, silly love song, she missed him so, it felt like she had been away from him forever and when they finally reunited he fell a sleep like Aurora, he was her sleeping beauty, she loved him so much. She loved playing with his hair, it was so silky and soft while still being so strong, he was just amazing, everything about him was perfection in her eyes. She loved how he loved her, she felt so happy that they had met, he had needed warmth and that is what she had been able to give him, because of her he was a better beast, he thought of others and helped other beasts without expecting anything in return, he had grown so much in such a short time, she was so proud of her sleeping beauty.

Haffi had finally returned back to Ulfar and Alma. He was tired but he did not want to rest he just wanted to get things done. He ate the broth Ulfar made him, sweet talked Alma a bit then took off with Odin, this horrible adventure would soon be done, within three to four days Alma would be back home, Haffi wanted his girl back home where it was safe.

Ulfar talked a lot to Alma about her feelings and tried to show her that she had a right to feel how she feels but tearing herself down would not help her, it would only keep her down and it might even drop her down so far that no one would be able to reach her. He talked about all her qualities, how wonderful she was and how amazing she truly was. He told her she had to tell him something positive about herself everyday, it did not matter what it was but she had to find one quality she thought made her a good person. Alma resisted at first, she did not think she was that great to be honest, she felt Ulfar was just being nice and embellishing her accomplishments but fortunately Ulfar was very patient and would not take no for an answer, they talked for hours and Alma had a hard time finding anything good about her and when he mentioned a few she just shook  her head telling him that it would have been done even if she had not helped, when he told her that to him she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen she just smiled but it did not reach her eyes, he knew she did not believe him but still she told him thank you and started to talk about how wonderful he was but Ulfar would not let her, he was relentless and kept her on this topic until she told him what he wanted to hear. Alma was getting tired and she wanted to stop, she did not want to talk about this anymore but she knew he would not stop, so after a while she told him that she liked the thickness of her hair but she wished it would have been blond, she had always wanted to be blond, just like her beautiful mother. Ulfar decided that she had had enough for today, it was not great but it was a start, he was in no hurry, he would in time help her to become a strong female, he was sure of it, even if it would take hundreds of years, they had all the time in the world and it all begins with the first step and she just took one, even if it was very tiny, a step it truly was in the right direction.

Haffi was lucky it felt like the wind was helping him to reach is goal as fast as he could. He reached the village in only a day and a half. Keith had made everything ready for Odin. His cave waited for him patiently, Alma had decorated it at tried to create a smell that would linger for a while so that he could smell it and think of her. His nest was nice, Alma had wanted to help him made his nest so that she would be a part of it, she had done the same in Keiths cave, it made it feel like a second home, Keith was trying to keep awake long enough to see Alma but he was running on fumes just like everyone else, the battle had took a toll so he was much more tired than he would have been but still it was time but he resisted with everything he had, he wanted to see and embrace his Alma, he needed to see for himself that she was safe before he could feel safe enough to hibernate.

Haffi returned back to Alma. He was excited, this would be his last trip and he would have his Alma on his back, he could not wait. He did not get a lot of quality time with her so even if he was in beastform and would not be able to communicate with her it still did not mind it, he would be able to feel her and hopefully she would sing for him like she did for Askell, he was excited. Ulfar gave him broth to drink and asked Haffi if he wanted to rest before going back home, Haffi told him he just wanted to get back in the air and go back home, Ulfar was relieved, he wanted her back home, it would be much better to work with her where she felt safe and that was what he wanted also. Alma was a little scared, last time she had been in the air she had been attacked, what if it happened again. Ulfar could tell by her face that she was scared, he reassured her, telling her she was not alone, he would be swimming and watching and Pistris, Hafthor and his army would be swimming also, following her and keeping her safe, he told her again and again she had nothing to worry about, Haffi was strong and fast and he would drop her in the ocean for them to catch if something were to happen. His calming aura and talk affected Alma so she was not as scared as she had been before. Haffi told her before he morphed that he would take good care of her and that if she needed anything just let him know. She was mostly scared that she would have to pee or do number two, they would be in the air for quite some time and there was no toilet, what was she going to do. Ulfar the old dragon could guess what she was thinking and told her not to worry she would just relief herself in the sea and he promised that no one would look, it made her feel a little better but she truly hoped she would be able to hold her pee until she came home. The wind was working against them on their way home, still Alma was not cold, she had furs, the only thing that bothered her was the strong wind, it was so strong that tears fell from her face, she was starting to enjoy flying again, so much that she forgot how scared she had been, she started to sing for Haffi, trying to think of anything else than how much she had to pee, still she was going to try her best not to relieve herself. The worst part of it that she could not ask Haffi how much time was left, she just had to endure, she did that by singing and telling stories to Haffi. After a long travel she could feel her bladder about to burst she was just going go ask him to stop so she could relieve herself but then she saw the shore, she saw the village, she was finally home. Everything would be alright now, she could finally pee.

Thank you again for reading, commenting and liking my story, you truly make writing this story more fun, I hope you like it, ill try to update another chapter in this week if not I'll update next week on Tuesday or Wednesday, have a great day, evening or night ❤️ and the pic is of my cat Scrooge,  I just wanted to share his cuteness ❤️

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