Part 51 ~ Preparing for the move 3

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Alma decided to tell them a story about the dog Cujo. They had no idea what a dog was so she described it as best as she could and drew a little image of a dog from the dirt, she was no artist but she could draw a similar figure to a dog. All her mates looked at her drawing and could not figure out what kind of a beast it was, it seemed non threatening and kinda cute, Eyvi especially liked the drawing and wished there were dogs here, he would love to pet and play with them. Alma told them about a mother and her sick son, she told them that the boy had to have medication every day or he would die. She told them that the mother did her best for her son but still it was hard. She told them that the boy had a big dog called Cujo. The boy loved Cujo and they were very close. She told them that one day Cujo was bitten by a rabid dog and got sick and started gradually getting deranged. She told them that the dog finally went mad and attacked the mother and child, they mother ran with the child but had nowhere to go but she managed to run into the car. All her mates looked at wanting to know what a car was, so Alma told them that it was a thing humans invented to travel, it could move with high speed but you had to have a key to switch it on, they still did not quite understand, Alma told them to forget about the car, she thought to herself this story was rather hard for them to understand but she wanted to finish. She told them that the mother forgot the medicine for the child and she was stuck in the car for a long time and her child kept getting sicker, he would die if she did not get the medicine soon, the medicine was in their home but the big dog was watching their every move waiting to get a chance to eat them. Finally the mother had to go or else her son would die so she watch the dog like a hawk waiting for a chance. Finally a man came and she thought they would finally be saved but the dog attacked him and killed him, the mother took this chance to make an attempt to flee so she did, the dog was on her trail and he got her, he bit her had many times but she fought hard, she found a knife and stabbed the dog again and again until it finally died. The mother ran into their home and finally got the medicine and they all lived happily ever after. Her mates liked this story, it seemed dogs were more dangerous than they thought they would be sure to kill it if they saw it, they would not take a chance for the dog to try to eat their cubs and especially Alma, Eyvi was a little sad in his heart that dogs were so dangerous but he would do anything to protect his Alma even if he had to kill something as cute as a dog. They all decided to be on the lookout for any dogs, they might be roaming around, alma just rolled her eyes, and thought they could be so silly sometimes.

Alma kissed all her mates goodnight and told them she had a lovely day, all her mates were envious of Keith to be able to sleep alone with Alma but they knew their time would come too so they felt giddy inside with excitement. Alma took Keith's hand and walked into her bedroom. They both laid down and snuggled, she told him she would miss him so much and that he had to hurry to come back to her. It warmed Keith's heart to know how much she loved and valued him. He wished he did not have to leave, it would be so hard not to be with her, his life was filled with her, he could barely remember how he lived before he met her, he could barely call it living. He was alone and his life was filled with survival, get food and shelter and train to be stronger to be able to fight predators. Even though he did not like to have to share her it was comforting to know she had beasts that would defend her with all their might. He held her in his arms, so thankful that he had been in the forest the day she arrived, thankful for being the first to find her, his life had changed so much in such a short time. Alma had told him that next when she would be able to get pregnant he would be the father. He felt so excited, he wanted so much to be a father, he wished he could watch his hatchlings grow up but he would not be able to parent his cubs, just like Odin could not, if he were to father his cubs they would not thrive and they would never be able to protect themselves as grown ups, still he wanted to do what Odin did, spend a few weeks with them teach them what he could and ask them to return to them when they were grown, he wanted to know his hatchlings and have them in their life. He was picturing how they would look like and he hoped they would look like Alma but have his personality. He loved Alma with all his heart but she was too soft for this world, if his children would be like her they would die without ever reaching adulthood. He looked at his mate lovingly, she was perfection, she was every beasts dream, kind and loving, something that females never showed, females were likes males they did not want to show vulnerability especially towards their mates, they had to let them know that they were in charge and they got what they got, Alma would never be like that, she was too softhearted. His heart was filled with longing, longing to be hers for eternity. He gently kissed her lips and she reciprocated, it did not take long for the passion to burn between them. He had not been with her for so long and he could not wait, he wished he could be closer to her, he wished he could bury his dick inside her forever so they would be linked until there was nothing left of them both. He kissed and used his hands to explore every inch of her body, he wanted to burn every mole every freckle in his memory so he could think of her while he was away. Alma loved his kisses, he sucked her breast and stomach, she felt very vulnerable, when he was kissing her stomach, she hated it and wanted him to skip it but he refused and told her he loved, everything about her, he moved towards her pussy, wanting nothing more than to ravage her with his tongue but Alma did not want to, she was scared and did not want to, she remembered the when she had asked her husband if he was willing to go down on her, she had been wanting to ask him for years if he would be she was scared he would not like it, still she felt that he should do it to her too since she gave him blow jobs very regularly. She still remembered his face, she clearly saw that he was unwilling to do it but still he said yes, so the tried and it was horrible, he complained how hard it was and, he said the smell and the taste was disgusting. She had been so heartbroken that she went to the bathroom and silently wept while cursing herself for forcing him to do something so disgusting, of course it smelled, because she smelled and she was disgusting, his words played on repeat in her mind still. Alma started to cry and asked him please to stop. Keith panicked, not understanding what had happened, they were having a wonderful time until they were not. Alma hid herself and told him again and again she was sorry, she told herself ég hata þig (I hate you) on repeat for a long time. Keith did not understand what happened but he took her into his arms and told her he loved her and that she was perfect. Alma cried herself to sleep. Keith hugged her scared to wake her and make her cry again. He felt like a failure, he had let his mate down and he was afraid she would hate him. He held her in a tight embrace telling her all night how much he loved her.

I'm sorry I did not update sooner but I had people over for a few days and they left last night. I will probably not update as much as I usually do during the summer since there's a lot to do. How are we liking this chapter, poor Keith cockblocked himself, it's hard being a beast 😂

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