Part 62 ~ Making a home 3

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Alma could not believe how much they had done in such a short time, she could not believe how much everyone had contributed to make their new village a reality, she was so proud of them all, she wanted to name their little village Vík, the land was so beautiful and it reminded her of a place she had visited in her land, she talked about it with her mates and they agreed, they liked naming their land, this was their paradise, a paradise they had made for their mate. Alma asked all the beasts if they liked the name of their new village and everyone agreed it suited well, she thanked them all for helping, she knew how much compliments could make your day so she was never stingy on using them, she wanted people to know they were valued because they both wanted validation and needed it.

The village was building up very fast, most beasts would be able to live in their own home before winter came, they had hired so many beasts to help and the houses were not that big, Alma's house was by far the biggest, Alma thought it was best to start building the new homes and expand the houses next spring, there was enough time and it was not that hard to make the houses bigger, Alma thought it was best to build the homes so that it was liveable, there would be three to four small bedrooms that two beasts would sleep in each room, they had made beds for every room and every room had heating, it would suffice. Every house had a kitchen, living room, bathroom but it was no as fancy as Alma's bathroom and storage for food for the winter, that room had to be cold, so Alma thought it was best to make a cellar, they dug a a decent hole that would fit the food they needed to store and the beasts could easily walk into the hole, Alma showed them how to build a stairway. She thought it was a wise idea to build one since a lot of the beasts were old and would have a harder time to jump down and go back up, they were used to live in a cave, where they did not need to build a cell, this was something new and would be very useful to them all. It was much better for the beasts to live in a house than a cave, it is so hard to keep a cave hot during winter and no matter what the wind will always be of nuances. The houses had much better insulation and could breath since they were build from wood. Alma wanted to have a good space between the houses so that everybody could have their own garden, they could farm some for themselves and also build their own hen houses and houses for farm animals. Alma thought it would be wise to try to farm animals too, she had work a lot on farms when she was young, it was not a bad idea to have farm animals, there were enough beasts that could not hunt for their own food but they could however tend to the animals and cut grass and farm herbs, vegetables and other grains to feed them for the winter. It was much easier to do it this way and it would be less strain on those who would hunt for everybody. They would have to start small but they could expand slowly, this was not a thing beasts did, she could not understand why though since it would be much safer and easier for them, their food would not spoil, since they could eat fresh meat, Alma did not like to kill animals and she would not watch it be done but here it was necessary to do to live. She was going to start farming animals then she would teach the others to do as well, this would be good for their little village.

Alma had been working non stop since they came, time went by so fast since all you did was work, there was so much to do before winter and it had to be done, they all worked like a well oiled machine, everyone did their own work, excited, tired and happy. Alma had shown them how to make beds so she had made a few then they did not need her guidance anymore so she went to help the next group. She showed them how to farm all the herbs, vegetables, grains and fruits she had discovered. Her dreams had helped her enormously, they had shown her how to tend to them so they would not only thrive but harvest better products. The land was big so it was scaled what was farmed and where. She had already farmed in her own garden but she needed to farm also for the entire village. She showed them skilfully how to farm each and every thing, it was time consuming but it had to be done right, Alma loved to garden for her it was soothing so she did not mind at all. It did only take about a week until the farm group could farm without her help so she asked beast that had razor sharp claws to cut as much grass as they could, she would need alot of it for her animals during winter, this was a small thing for them do do, she was lucky the land was vast and had all the resources they needed, Alma was so glad Keith had decided to find a land for them, he had chosen so well.

While everyone was working beasts from the city came wanting Alma to greet the king of Taurus city. This was not a big thing and Alma really wanted to visit the city, still most of her mates had so much work to do and had a hard time going at this time, so Alma asked Gummi and Haffi to travel with her, they were pursuing her and it would be nice to spend more time with them. Odin was a little displeased not being able to go with her, he was after all her first mate but, he really did not have the time, he had barely enough time to sleep, all he did was hunt, he had to feed so many people, he was not the only one hunting but he was by far the best hunter of them, they were doing good but they had many mouths to feed both now and for the winter. He really could not take a break at this moment. He was glad that Eyvi and Ulfar had the job to find suitable animals to farm, they had found a few but they needed much more, it was hard catch the chicken Eyvi had caught but since he was build for stealth he had caught a few and made them lame so they could not fly nor run away, they had already build a hen house for them and so far everything was going fine, still no eggs though, it was to be expected, Alma had told them that it was too much trauma for the poor birds to go through all of this and she had assured Odin and the other beasts that as soon the birds felt safe they would lay eggs, they just needed time, Odin was a very impatient beasts so it was hard for him to wait, he loved eggs and Alma had told him she would cook all kind of delicious eggs for him, stupid birds he thought to himself.

Alma had dreamt of all kinds of animals that would do well to farm, there was a beast that could produce almost the same milk as a cow, it did not look like one at all though, it looked fierce  and was very big, in her dreams they looked scary but were really just gentle giants, they could and would defend themselves it needed but they would mostly leave other beasts alone, they ate mostly grass and leafs, in her dreams she felt they would like to be cared for, their life was hard during winter and so many of them froze to death during that time. It was implied in her dreams that they would thrive well if they were fed and cared for, she only had to find them and that was the hard part, her beasts knew what animals she was referring to but they were elusive and hard to catch since they could well defend themselves if they felt threatened, still Eyvi had assured her he would catch them for her, she really hoped they would catch them before winter. She had also dreamt of goats, Eyvi had caught a few of them but he had only managed to get females, they needed males too so they could breed them, male goats were harder to catch since they were very alert and quick to move if they felt beast aura, still they had time, it would all be good.

Alma was excited she was going to see the city the next day, she felt hopeful she would finally see another female, it was strange always being the only female, still she felt a little scared her mates had not spoken well about them, she hoped their words did not fit all the females but just a few rotten apples, she was excited to see the king too, this was a big city and the king wanted to meet her, she could only wonder why.

So what kind of beast do you think the king will be, what kind of beast would you like him to be ;) the village is finally coming together so the story can continue, the beasts that lurks in the sea is still watching and waiting ;) hope you all have a wonderful weekend, i will probably update another chapter tomorrow.

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