Part 15 ~ Making a hard decision 1

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Alma saw Keith and Tram walk towards their home. She was so glad to see them, she had not seen them since this morning. As soon as Trams eyes saw Alma he lit up and ran towards her. Keith just smiled and kept his pace. Tram took Alma in his arms and told her that it had been a horrible day. He did not like being away for Alma, none of them did, she filled them with warmth and so much happiness. Tram gave her a kiss and reluctantly let her go since he had to let Keith have his turn too. Keith wrapped his arms around her and gave her a kiss. She felt so lucky, she felt so wanted and loved, her life just could not get any better, well unless she had pots, bathtub, bed, chairs, table and so on but still it was so very good.

They all sat down and they asked alma who she wanted to pick. Alma said she had a hard time choosing, they were all just too good. Keith decided to ask about each and every one of them. Keith asked her what she thought of Taunt, Alma just looked at him, she did not remember any Taunt, so she asked him who he was. Keith told her he was the ant beast. Alma remembered that she had forgot to ask for his name, she was so excited to learn about him. She told them she really liked him, he was so nice so sweet and well very beautiful. Both Keith and Tram got a little jealous but threw that emotion out fast since they had to make a decision. Keith was not a fan of of the ant neither was Tram. Keith told her he was an ok fighter but he is an ant, he is not born to be a strong beast. Alma strongly disagree. She told them that ants were one of the strongest beings in her home and told them not to forget that he had four stripes, just as many as Keith had. She told them that ants are very small back home and they can carry much heavier things than themselves. She told them he was a good beast and he would protect the family with his life, of this she was sure. Keith told her that, it may be true but what she needed now was a strong beast and he was not the strongest. Keith and Tram wanted to cut him off the list but Alma said no, I will put him in my final five list. It was her decision but they disagreed with her.

Tram asked her what she thought of Brown, Alma felt ashamed of herself. She had definitely been to distracted with their looks and had forgotten to ask for their names, she felt really bad and was scared her mates would be disappointed in her. Tram only had to look at her to know, she did not know who that was so he made it easier on her and told her that he was the buffalo. Alma's eyes lit up, since she of course remembered him. He was sweet and kind. She told him that he would get well with anyone and that he was strong. Alma told them she was sure he would get another stripe soon, he was hard working and full of positivity. Keith told her she had to cut someone and even though he was strong, his fighting skill were not good enough. Keith told her he was lucky to have won the last match and you could not depend on luck here. Keith told her she needed protection and even though he was strong he was not strong enough. Keith told her that even the ant (clearly does not like him) was stronger. Alma was not happy, she felt Keith was putting them both down, she felt very protective of them all but she also knew she could only pick one now, winter was coming and it was best to have only one new member since it would take time to get to know him, two would be harder. Alma reluctantly agreed to dismiss Brown from the list, she really felt bad though, he was so nice.

Keith asked about Askell. Keith liked Askell and he really wanted him to join the family. He knew that Askell was strong, clever and he was a five stripe flying beast. He knew Alma needed a flying beast, if ever there would be an emergency it would be fastest to fly away from danger. Keith told her he wanted her to pick him. He knew of him and he was responsible and he would be able to provide for the family both in wealth and protection. Alma remembered him, he did not like her tea, he reminded her a lot of Odin and she knew he was a very good beast that would only get stronger, any female would be lucky to have him she thought to herself but she was not sure, she liked so many and all of them had so much potential. She smiled to hearing his name, she really liked his name, she thought about her children sleeping with their father. She could not wait to tell them children stories about Einar Askell, she missed them so much. She told Keith that Askell was definitely going in the top five bundle but she was not ready to pick yet.

Tram asked about what she thought of Ivan, the frog, he was not sure if she had remembered to ask for their names so he slipped it in so she would not feel embarrassed. The first thing she thought of was Ivan standing with a huge erection, it was so shocking at the time but now she just laughed. Both her mates asked her what was so funny, she just smiled and said they would not get it, she knew they would not find her story funny at all. Tram liked the frog but Keith did not. Keith told her that the frog had relied more on using his poison than using his fighting skills. He told her that if he would meet a beast stronger than him and had resistance to his poison he would loose very quickly. Tram disagreed and told her that he could easily become a better fighter if he would get guidance from either Keith or Odin. Keith told him he would soon hibernate and had not time to train him. He would not be able to protect Alma well enough until Odin woke up. Tram knew that was true and he knew he had to give up on the frog, still he liked him. Alma liked the frog very well but what Keith said had to be the truth. Alma knew the most important thing to Keith was to her to be safe, so unfortunately the frog got cut out from the top five.

Keith asked about Ellos, the first thing she thought about was his beautiful black glittering skin. He was really nice, incredibly handsome, charismatic and she knew he was very intelligent. Ravens are known to be very clever birds and she had always like them. Both Tram and Keith liked him too but Keith told her he liked Askell the best. Alma told them that she was sure Ellos would fit well with the family and she was sure he would be a very good provider for them all. Both Tram and Keith agreed with her but they were not sure if Odin and Ellos would get along but Alma was sure they would. She could see Odin getting jealous though but she would make sure to give everyone attention so there would be no reason for petty disagreement. She wanted him in the top five. Keith reminded her that her top five was getting full. Alma just smiled at him and told him that how can she choose, too many top men, what is a girl to do.

Tram asked what she felt about Skell, the giraffe. Alma's eyes lit up again and she told him, she loved him, such a sweet guy, well mannered and kind. Keith reminded her that even though he was a strong beast he was rather young and he needed more experience. His fighting techniques were not that good, he relied too much on brutal force. He had not thought about how best to fight, he just dove in and hoped for the best, not good enough, Keith thought to himself. Alma was sad to hear that but she agreed with his age, he unfortunately was too young and sorely needed more experience. It would be best for him to train more before settling down. She reluctantly cut him off his list, she hoped that they would meet again in the future, when he was a little bit older, wiser and stronger. She hoped he would not take in a mate until he was older, she would really like to be his mate in the future if he worked on himself. She was not ready to tell him this for she did not want to lead him on, she just thought if fate allows it they will meet again, she felt very strong that they would.

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