Part 32 ~ The competition, part 3

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Ulfar was born to be a killer, he was vicious, fast, strong and precise.he had always loved the thrill of the chase and always won. He was over eight hundred year old comodo dragon. He had not thought much about getting a mate. He was an old beast that had fathered many cubs and he was proud of it. He had stolen females when he wanted to reproduce and when they had done their job he had let most of them go, what happened to them after that was not his concern but there were few females that had gotten him so angry that he just killed them and ate them since he thought it would just be a waste of good meat. He had hunted often with both Spider-Man and Odin so he knew about the female, Spider-Man loved to talk so he found out much about her, from what the spider said she was not like any female, she was beautiful and pleasant. When he heard that Odin had picked her to be his mate he was intrigued, Odin was not a lovesick beast and usually ate all the females he had used, the only reason why he came is he wanted to see what kind a female could change that stubborn snake.

Gulli was a big bear, he was rather stupid but he made it up by being a cuddly, kind bear. He loved to eat and he ate a lot. He was a very strong bear and he could easily fight to become the village leader but he liked his leader too much to hurt him. He did not like to fight much but if he got enraged beasts would run for their lives since he would smash everything that would come in his way, still he was rather peaceful, it took a lot for him to get that angry, fortunately it had not happened often. He longed for a family and wanted to cuddle with a female every night. He had only seen one female in his life and that was his mother. His mother was a good mother but she did not pamper her children, it was the fathers responsibility to take care of all the cubs and get them ready for adulthood. His father had taught him well but his father was just like Gulli, a good naive beast that was rather stupid but he made up with having a heart of gold. Gulli really wanted to meet the female and be one of her mates, he was sure he could join her family, since he was very strong and got along with most beasts. He just wished he did not have to fight to meet her, he just did not want to hurt anyone.

Odin was impressed with many beasts in the competition but he had to admit that Ellos took him by surprise. Ellos was one of the few four stripes beasts in this competition and he was fighting with everything he got. Keith told Odin that Ellos had fought last time too and had improved immensely since then. Odin was pleased, they needed beasts that were willing to go all out for his mate, she deserved the best. Odin knew that his chances were still very small, there were just too many strong beasts, Odin wanted the best fighter and unfortunately Ellos was not the strongest in this competition. Keith really liked the stallion, it was magnificent to watch him fight. Keith could tell that this beast was a born leader. He was still not sure if he could mesh well with the family, often when leaders mated a female and were not the first male it created problems since they were born to lead and had a hard time giving up that power, still he was hoping he would join the top ten. Keith hated the spiderman and wished he had never come but he had to admit that having a spider in the family would give them really good protection. Spiders could use their web for so many things, for alert, to hunt and to protect their nest. Their web was incredibly strong and got stronger when the spider got another stripe, still the spider was not a beast to be easily trusted.

Odin liked to watch the panther fight, he was like a work of art, his movements were fast and precise and it did not take him long to disarm the enemy, Odin knew he could work well with him if needed. The fox surprised Odin, foxes were really not known to be good fighters. They could hunt and survive but they avoided strong beasts like the plague. Odin had thought that the fox would be out in the first round but he was still going strong, he liked his style, he could see he had been training himself for a long time. Odin was disappointed that no water beasts had come but he understood why, most strong water beasts lived in the sea and they were too far away from the sea. Odin wanted Alma to have a beast that could fight in every situation, she had land and air beasts, now she needed waterbeasts. He was sure she would meet many annoying waterbeasts in the city.

Alma loved being with her little, lamb, she was such a sweet little lamb, not fussy at all. She loved seeing Tram fuss over her and Gudda. Alma called her Gudda but Tram told her that she could not have a name until after she had gone through puberty. Alma did not want to call her female until then so she told him a little white lie, she told him Gudda meant cub in her language, Tram accepted that so the lamb got named Gudda. Alma really wanted to go out but it was not wise to go out until the main competition was over. Alma thought much about her mates and having more mates, she was very worried, how could she give all of them enough attention where everyone would be happy and satisfied, somebody would always feel left out, she did not want to make anyone upset. She was only one person, she already felt they were a big family, she had not even mated Fannar yet, she wanted to take her time and get to know him well plus she had just given birth and was not fully healed yet.

Gudda had finally fallen asleep. Alma loved watching Tram watching Gudda. She loved him so much she walked towards him and gave him a big hug, she kissed him and told him she loved him. Tram felt like he was in heaven, if he were to die now he would die a happy beast, that all his wishes had come true. Alma laid him on the bed and gave him a big kiss, she wanted to give him some loving that he deserved. She was rather tired so she wanted to just pleasure him. She took his hand and put it on her breast, Tram started to moan and wanted to touch her more but Alma was in charge and would not let him. She moved her head closer and closer to his throbbing penis, she touched his balls and dick softly, Tram almost came just by that, she had not touched them in some time since the pregnancy and birth were hard. He longed for her touch, everything she did felt like magic and he just wanted more. Alma put the tip in her mouth and played with him, Tram felt like he was stuck between heaven and hell, it was good but he wanted more. Alma finally deep throated him fast and hard, Tram came in just a few seconds, he moaned so loud that he woke Gudda up. Tram felt sheepish and was quick to go and comfort his cub while Alma just laughed at her silly ram.

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