Part 34 ~ Meeting the beasts

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Tram had enjoyed the days alone with Alma, he felt very thankful to be blessed with so much alone time with his mate and cub. Alma had been showing him many ways to cook and he loved it, he just enjoyed listening to her voice, he wished she could give him so much attention every day, even though she could not he was very satisfied with his life. Their little lamb as growing fast and was such a sweet little lamb. Tram was a bit worried about her intelligence, she did not seem to be very bright, Tram thought it was a a blessing she was a female or else his little lamb could have had a grim future. He could not wait to see his cub morph, he hoped she would look just like his mother, he wished it with all his heart.

Alma had decided to meet the beasts first before getting comments from Keith and Odin. She wanted to have no impressions of them so she could be as unbiased as she could. She was afraid to expand the family but deep down she was excited. She was hoping to find a furry cute beast to pet and cuddle with but she had control herself and also pick the beast that best suited the family. Fannar had been doing such a good job getting everything ready for the move and Askell had hunted a lot, Askell wanted to show the beasts in the competition that his family was generous and provided them with his kill so they could just concentrate on the competition. Alma was so proud of all her mates, they were all so good to her, she wished she could be just as good as them but she knew she would never be. She had not strength and she was barely of average intelligence, she had decided very early on in her life that she was very stupid. Math was something she had a very hard time with. She could do the normal math but she had never understood algebra or harder math. She felt very inferior to other classmates since they understood assignments quickly but she did not. She would try and try and she just could not get it. She felt bad for being so stupid, she wished she could be just like everybody else.

Alma embraced all of her mates and told them she would be going to Tram's old cave and let the beast know to come one by one. Odin was stressed that she would like the newer mate more than him so he needed mor reassurance than the other. Alma loved her big strong snake and gave him the attention he needed and whispered how much she loved him, how much she enjoyed touching his scales, she told him that he was such a beautiful snake, the most handsome snake she had ever seen, that was enough to put a big smile on his face, he always knew she loved him best, he was after all the most handsome. All her other mates wanted to roll their eyes at him, that snake could be so childish.

Alma did not have to wait long until the first beast came to her. Grey was very nervous, he was full of hope, that she might be the right female for him, still his heart held doubt because of his past experiences with females. He tried to shake it off and show the female his best sides. When he entered he saw her sitting on the furs in deep thought, she did not even see him coming. He just stared at her for a while in disbelief, she was stunning, she had such long brown hair, he really wanted to feel how soft it was, she seemed so small and fragile, he was smitten with her without even talking to her. Alma was in deep thought stressing out about meeting all the beasts, she hoped they were nice and that they would not be disappointed with her. She looked at the entrance of the cave and saw a big man, standing just watching her, she felt very nervous and muttered an hello to him. She stood up so she could greet him properly. Grey loved her soft speaking voice, it felt like the beast goddess was talking to him, he wished he could just sit and listen to her talk for all eternity, she was a perfect female. She was so small, that all he wanted to do was to protect her from the harm of the world. He could barely speak but he asked if he could touch her hair. Alma felt it was rather strange but let him. Grey loved the feeling of her hair, he could not imagine how it would feel to touch her skin, he wanted to ask if he could but he thought it would be too forward since it was after all their first meeting. Alma found him silly and rather cute. Alma asked him to sit and offered him something to drink, he just shook his head never loosing sight of her face. Alma asked him what kind of beast he was and he told her he was an old wolf. Alma's eyes lightened up, she loved dogs, she always wanted one but she just knew she would not be able to take good care of him so her wish remained unfulfilled. She asked if she could see his wolf form and he morphed instantly. He was a huge grey wolf, beasts were much larger here than on earth so he was very big, he could easily swallow her whole like in the story about red riding hood. She asked him if she could pet him and he nodded his head yes. It felt nice to pet him, his fur was not soft but it was nice to touch and would be so nice to cuddle against. She told him that he was such a handsome wolf. It made his whole life hearing the female liked his wolf form, his fur colour was nothing special, it was the most common colour of wolves but she liked it made him feel so happy that hi fur was grey.

Grey morphed back and asked her what kind of beast she was. Alma could not lie, she had always been a terrible liar and she hated telling lies so she did not. She felt that this wolf was a good person, she did not know why but she felt it. Ever since she was a young girl she read what the person might be like, she always felt it was intuition and followed it. If she disliked a person without even knowing her, she did not get close to that person, often her intuition was right so that further made her trust in it. She thought also that she would not be able to hide that secret forever, it would eventually be found out and so she looked in his eyes and decided to trust him. She told him she could not morph like other beasts, Grey had never heard of a tribe that could not morph so he asked her where she was from. Alma was not ready to reveal that secret yet so she told him she would only answer that question it he was accepted into her family. She also asked him if she could trust him with not telling anyone about her not being able to morph. Grey told her he would never break her trust or else might the beast goddess strike him down. After that Alma started to chat endlessly about absolutely nothing. When Alma was anxious or shy she would talk non stop. Grey loved hearing her voice and felt blessed she confided in him. He felt like this was good news for him, if she trusted him she was more likely to pick him. He just stared at her like a shy teenager, not knowing what to say or do. He really wanted to spend his whole life with her. Wolves were very determined when they met the ones they liked, even if the female would not like them back, they would not be deterred and he was the same. He would follow her to the end of the world and further if he had too, she was all he had ever wanted. She was the one, he was sure of it.

Sorry I might not update as much as usual during Easter, i have to attend a few gatherings and wont come home until late, i will update if im in the mood ;) i was going to introduce three beasts but time flew away from me, ill try to do it next time, hope you like it and happy Easter :)

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