Part 98 ~ Meeting Ymir and fixing the castle

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The meeting went well, Alma also talked about having two potential mates move into their home for winter, she would make them her official mate during winter, of course her mates did not like that idea much since that meant less time for them but this had been discussed for a while and Alma had decided to mate two before winter but after what happened she wanted to take it slowly so all agreed, it was decided that Addi would be invited, there had been some discussion who should be the second one, Keith had wanted her to accept the spider and she knew he had done so much for them but she really was not ready for it yet, she needed to first make an honest effort to date him and get to know him better on  her own terms, she had decided that he would get dates regularly next spring and if all would go well she would accept him next summer. Haffi had done so much for her and Askell but she had always wanted Grey to be accepted before Haffi, before the attack she had decided on Addi and Grey to become her mates before winter but she was now afraid that the bat might get offended, this was tricky since Grey had done a lot for the the family too, he had fought hard during the attack and saved many villages from dying, he had not helped her directly but he had helped the family, his contribution was just as big as everyone else, they all did so well and they all deserved the spot but it she knew she would not be comfortable with accepting too many mates at a time, she already had so many and she also wanted to be able to get to know them better during winter. She thought long and hard before deciding to give the spot to Grey as she had decided before.

After the meeting she asked Fannar to take her to Taurus City and he was eager to take her. She had learned enough after the last attack so Haffi joined in and Addi and his army ran after them, she felt very safe even if she had some intrusive thoughts about the attack.
Ymir saw that the village was finally answering his calls, he could see Fannar flying in the sky with Alma on his back, he was excited to see her again, he just wished it was under better circumstances. Alma greeted the king with a bow and told him that she was there to discuss how to help the city before winter. She told Ymir what she and her family discussed, she told them a lot of beasts would come to repair the castle as well as it could be done, she told him to ask his beasts to help. She told them the elderly beasts could come to her village to help in making beds and pots and pans to help during winter. She examined the castle, it had taken a big hit but still it stood strong, it was very big so it would be able to house all the beasts during winter. She told him what to do and Ymir was quick to do as she asked. She decided to make heaters where they could be added, it was best to have them in larger rooms so many could warm themselves, she could make the heaters bigger so it would make to room warmer, it was best to house females and all her families in those rooms, if they could she would make heaters in other rooms for the elderly and the unfortunate cubs that had lost all their family. She told Ymir it was best to ask the elderly to take care of the younger cubs. it would help them feel like they are contributing as well, fortunately the cubs that lived where old enough to have not need their mothers milk anymore so it was easier to feed them during winter. She decided to lend Ymir a few goats so that the cubs could get milk during winter but she told him he could not eat her goats nor her lambs, Ymir was delighted and told her he would make sure that nothing would happen to her goats. She told him, that he could easily milk the goats and get milk for the cubs and the elderly, it should be best to focus those resources on them, the other beasts could drink water. She told him that she would help him build a hut in the castle for the birds and the goats, she told him to let the elderly and the cubs take care of them, if you would let beasts with two stripes or higher take care of the goats and birds it would stress the animals so that the goats might stop milking and the birds might stop giving eggs. Ymir listened very carefully and told him that he would make sure to have non striped beasts take care of the animals. She also told them that her mate Hafthor would after winter had begun give them enough fish for all of them to eat during winter, she knew that they would not be very happy about it since most beasts liked meat but this would have to do, there really was not time to hunt since they needed all hands to repair and get everything ready. Ymir was glad for her assistance. After they had discussed the plan he held a meeting with his beasts and told them of the plan to survive winter, the beasts roared in happiness, they would survive, the beautiful female had saved them, the all bowed to her deeply and thanked her for saving them, Alma felt very awkward and told them it was no problem at all,

They started to fix the castle on that very day, she was happy they had a lot of trees they could cut, it grew like weed here. She would use mud, wood and stone to fix what she could, they would not be able to fix all the castle so they fixed what they could. She was lucky that so many beasts knew how to make heaters so it was not much trouble to make one, she showed them how, in the larger rooms they made two or three heaters so that the room would be hot enough, she made sure to have a lot of beasts cut wood for winter too, she showed them how to make all kind of nourishing soups, and how to use herbs and salt to make the food better, she showed them how to cook all kinds of fish and to her amusement a lot of beasts really liked her fish after she had used her herbs, salt and pepper. She gave them a lot of vegetables so that they all all kinds of food, they had been hunting a lot since after the attack so they had some meat stored but it would not last more than two months at most, they would have to rely on the fish and vegetables, it would be a hard winter but they would survive. Unfortunately their healer had died during the attack, they could not be without one and to get a healer before winter was almost impossible. Alma had a hard time with this, she had two excellent healers and she really did not want to lend them one but still she thought of the poor cubs and the elderly and decided to ask the minion if he would be so kind to assist them during the winter, she hoped he would be willing to do so and hopefully train an intelligent beasts to become a healer for the city, she told Ymir she would have to ask him but it would have to be his decision, Ymir looked at her like she was their saviour and she truly was, most would not help as much as she did, beasts think of themselves and their loved ones and usually do not give a dam about anyone else. Alma thought how Ymir had helped them a lot when they arrived and even sold them one of their best land, she could not be selfish, it just was not in her nature, if she could she would help.

Days turned into weeks, it was getting colder it was just question of days now until winter would come, they had done incredible job in such a short time. Alma was proud of them all, they had been able to make beds for everyone, some beasts would have to share but that was okay, it was only for one winter, everyone loved the heaters, they had not begun to make homes with them before and after this heater would be created in every home, it would make winter so much easier. She showed the elderly and the cubs all kind of games they could play during winter, she knew being locked up was hardest for the younger ones so she tried her best to help. Everyone was still working hard but it was time for Alma to stay near the house, it would start to snow any day and it was not safe to be too far away from home. She bid everyone good bye and told them to work hard, stay warm and take care of everyone. She gave them a bright smile then Haffi took off with her on his back, she waved back to them and told them to take good care of her goats and she would see them again next spring. Ymir was sad to see her leave, he loved being in her company but she and her village had done so much for them, they had saved them, because of them Ymir would survive the winter amongst all his subjects, he was so thankful. She had made a pillow for him, she showed him how to make it and told him it was nice to sleep on, he would cherish that pillow for all his life, he stroked the pillow gently while smiling like a fool, he was so thankful, he thanked the beast goddess to let Alma into his life, he would cherish Alma for all eternity.

Glad to have finished helping the town, now winter is coming and two more beasts will join her harem soon, I have been waiting for Grey to shine, he will finally have his time and Addi the horse that gets speech impediment when he is near Alma, I can't wait 😂 im going to try to make another chapter on Friday or Saturday if not then ill update again next week. Thank you all for sticking with the story and reading it, Im so thankful for you all who give your time to read my book, like and to comment, it always just makes my day, thank you all ❤️

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