Part 2 ~ saying goodbye to the past

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Keith carried her to the home of the village doctor. The home was a cave, even though he had no furniture it still was nice, she smelled a lot of spices and it calmed her down and brought her back from her sadness. The doctor was very nice and very handsome, Alma felt bad that he had to touch her so she apologised again and again for it, she made hurtful jokes about herself to try to ease the tension. The doctor ached in his heart for her, he told her again and again that she was the most beautiful female he had ever seen, the only thing Alma thought that how nice everyone one is but still they are all liers. The doctor treated her wounds and told her to drink the hot water with something in it, she for unknown reason trusted these two man fully, they seemed so kind and helpful plus the new guy was a doctor so he would not hurt her, she truly believe that. She felt sleepy very soon and had a hard time opening her eyes so she just let it go and fell asleep.

She was back home yet everything was different, she called to her husband but he did not reply. She walk aimlessly through the house not understanding how much had changed, it was their house but everything was different, new furniture, the walls had another colour, the kitchen had been replaced,not her style but still was nice. She tried to call out to her pets but she did not see or hear them, she could not understand what was going on. All of a sudden her husband came back home and he was laughing, it made Alma's heart melt, she had always loved his laugh, just as much as she loved him. She called out to him and walked closer to him, he did not reply, Alma knew then that he could not hear or see her, she was too close to him for him to not notice her. She saw he was not alone and he looked older than before at least fifteen years older. She saw her husband take off his shoes then help the woman to take off her winter jacket. After helping her he took the woman in his arms and told her he loved her and he did not know you could love someone as much as he did her, after that he gave that woman a kiss on the mouth. Alma felt her heart break into millions pieces but still she could not blame him. She could see that time had passed in their world and she was long gone, she was sad but still she was happy to see him happy, all she ever wanted was for him to be happy and it seemed he was. She told him that she would always love him and she thought she could never go back home, she told him to live his life to the fullest and that she would always keep him in her heart. Before she left she took one look at the woman, she was a beautiful woman in her early fifties, she sized her up and felt in her heart that this was a good woman that would treat her husband right. She said goodbye my love, be happy, I'll try my best to do the same.

When Alma woke up she knew what she had dreamt had really happened, her husband was no longer hers, she was all alone and she had no one, how was she going to survive here she knew nothing and was in horrible shape. Keith was by her side and gave her a big smile. He told her that he had been worried about her for she had slept for three days straight. . Alma said up and thanked him and asked him if she could answer some of her questions but before that she told him that she was from a place that was very very far away and she knew nothing about everything here and she just wanted to know how to survive here and what to do. She told him she is human and she could not change into a beast, he told her that there were many beastkin here and they had different level of power, he told her he had four stripes and was the strongest beast in this village. You could have many stripes but you had to earn them by fighting and hunting difficult preys. The more stripes you had the harder it was to level up. Alma thought made sense and told him to keep going. He told her that females were very rare and most beasts could only dream of getting a mate. Alma felt sorry for all the beastmen it must be so hard for them all. Keith told her that females here have many mates to protect her and to service her and her cups. She, the female, might take on one or two weaker beast only so they would babysit her cups but most of them would never have their own cups. Alma thought this world was just too cruel but then she remembered watching animal kingdom and remembered it truly is survival of the fittest. She asked if there were bigger cities out there and he said yes. There was also a hierarchy. There were kings and queens here, tribe leaders doctors and consultants. Alma thought it was probably best to live in the city it must be better and more opportunities. They talked for a bit and had a pleasant talk. Alma really liked this young man, he was handsome and had a good heart.

Keith suddenly asked Alma if he could be her mate. Alma just stared at him and laughed nervously. She told him that he had his whole life ahead of him and that she was way too old for such a young man. He asked her how old she was and she told him she was 42, Keith just laughed and told her he was much older than her, he was 94, Alma did not believe him one bit but still asked him how long can beast live here. Keith told her that depended on the beast itself and his willingness to get stripes and collect life stones from assassin preys. You could live almost endlessly if you did that but if you did not a beast would die from old age at 300 to 350 years old. Alma thought this was just crazy but still everything about this place was crazy so it had to be true. Keith told her that if she would mate him he would bring her regularly lifestones to keep her youth and make her live as long as she wanted. Alma thought he was sweet but how could this lifestone benefit her, she was not even from here. Alma looked closely at Keith and sized him up. He had long black hair, aps for days, long strong legs, very muscular, his teeth reminded her of vampire, he had very kissable lips and dark brown eyes. His skin was beautiful brown and it almost glittered, he had big strong hand and sharp nails and he was very tall, he made her feel safe in all this craziness.

Alma was scared and did not want to be alone so she said yes after a while but she told him she would not mate with him yet, she had to get to know him better. She had only been with her husband and just thinking about being with someone else made her skin crawl. Keith hugged her and told her she could have all the time in the world he would wait for her to be ready. He put one lifestone in Alma's mouth and before she could protest the stone had melted and gone into her stomach. She felt hot all over but it was not a bad feeling, she could she her skin changing, it became more youthful and her scars and stretch marks disappeared. This was amazing she thought to herself and she wondered how her face looked liked. She went into her bag and collected her makeup bag in there was a mirror in here eyeshadow pallet. She was so stunned she almost dropped the mirror, wow just wow she looked like she was barely eighteen and she look a little different than before, she was a better version of herself she thought without having to have plastic surgery, she felt excited and thought to herself if her looks would change even more. Her blue eyes did not change, the one thing she had always loved about herself were her bright blue clear eyes, she felt thankful and thought maybe everything will be alright, maybe this was all meant to be. She walked out of the doctors cave with Keith, walking toward her new home.

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