Part 73 ~ What a wonderful day

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Alma slept in late, she did not wake up till noon, Ulfar had woken up early as he always did but he could not bare to leave the bed, it felt so good how Alma snuggled in his arm, he had never felt as content as he felt today. He could finally call himself her mate and he would always be by her side, loving her, protecting her and enjoying her company. He was very happy how submissive she was to him in bed, he had done the deed so many times and he had done his best to be able to satisfy the female since she was after all not giving him cubs of her free will, it was only fair that he would at least let her enjoy her self. He felt a little bad having been with so many females, he wondered if she would find him filthy if she knew how many but it did not matter since he would never tell her, he was rather sure she had enjoyed her self immensely last night, he thought to himself with a little smirk on his face. He found it hard not caressing her and touching her, she was so soft to the touch but he was afraid to disrupt her sleep so he just enjoyed looking at her sweet, innocent face, how he wished time would stand still for a while so he could just enjoy her by himself for some time, he had waited patiently for this moment but now he just wanted it to last a little longer, he could see she would soon wake up and thus they would have to go back to the real world, greet her other mates and he would have to make himself become a strong member of her family, someone she could rely on with anything. Ulfar was not stupid, he could clearly see Alma favoured Odin, Keith and Tram and he wanted to be in her favoured list, he was after all not only strong but he was very charismatic and he was rather sure she would in time make a forever place for him on her favoured list.

Alma finally woke up, she was still rather tired so she snuggled up in the warmth of Ulfar embrace and dozed off for a little while. She was thinking that her mates might be upset with her, she had a feeling she had been way too loud last night and she was very embarrassed and scared that her mates would be hurt, she did not know what to do nor what to say when she would finally go out. Ulfar could see her uneasiness on her face but he knew she had to face it, this is what all males had to face, of course it was hard but it had to be done, it was better for her to get it over with as quickly as possible. Ulfar knew she would welcome at least one other beast into the family very soon, maybe even the next night, time was ticking, it would soon be time for Odin and Keith to hibernate and it was safer to finish the mating as soon as possible, he did not mind, he was not as jealous as the others, he was confident in himself and very confident he would be what she wanted and needed, his place was now secured, she had enough to deal with the childish Odins tantrums, he was not going to be a needy male that she would constantly have to sooth, he wanted to be her pillar and that was what he was going to do. He kissed her softly good morning and told her that he had enjoyed himself very well yesterday and he could not wait to mate with her again but he whispered in her ear that he would give her a few days until next time so she would have a chance to recover from her orgasm, Alma wanted to crawl in a hole and die, she was mortified and was quick to get out of his arm and tell his she needed to use the bathrooom.

While Alma and Ulfar had been enjoying their lazy morning, her mates had been waiting for her to come out, they all had their own feelings about the night. Alma had screamed so much and so loud, calling for some god over and over again, she had been vocal with the others in bed but nowhere near as loud as she was with Ulfar, they all felt that maybe they were not able to satisfy her as well as him but they would not let a Komodo dragon defeat them, they could learn and they could satisfy her just as well as he did, some where plotting to get on Ulfars good side to get pointers, others like Odin thought it was time to show the little lady why he had two dicks, she could scream much louder his name than she had screamed ulfars, this was now his mission, he would not fall short of that dragon, he was better than him in everything and he would not be bested in the sack, he would show her and he would definitely show that arrogant dragon who was first mate. He had barely slept all night, it was hard hearing her get pleasure from anyone else but him, he had come along way but still how much could a poor snake take, it was hard having to share her, but it was even harder sharing her with a mate that was so good, he and Ulfar had fought for a long time, you could call them frenemies, they helped each other out when needed but still were always in competition who was the best and Odin had always been the best and he was of course very proud of it but now it seemed like Ulfar was better than him in the place he wanted to rule the first place forever and he did not like it one bit, he had been treating Alma with gloves when it came to mating, afraid she would have an anxiety attack, he was a feral and he liked to dominate but he had not been as fierce in bed as he liked because he was scared she would not like it and that he might hurt her but by the sound of her mating with Ulfar it sounded like it had been a little rough, he would experiment he thought to himself, he would take the first place of that Komodo dragon, after all he was the only one of her mates that had two dicks and she had never tried using them at the same time, he had been patient but he was going to talk more about her about it until she would relent, he knew she was scared but she did not know the what pleasure two dicks could give her, he smirked, feeling a little better,he would try his best to not show how bothered he was, because he knew how kind she was and that she was probably afraid that he was hurt, he would show her that he could be mature and he would treat her like the queen she was.

Alma had a quick shower and went to the kitchen, there she saw Gudda and Tram waiting for her with breakfast, Gudda had stopped breastfeeding the week before and Alma really missed the connection they had while feeding her but her little lamb was getting bigger and Tram had told her she was old enough to eat food and drink water by herself, she felt her little girl was growing up too fast, she was getting so big that she was having a hard time holding her, Gudda had gained a lot of weight in the last four weeks, Tram had told her that this was normal for lambs and it showed how well she was thriving, her little girl snuggled her mother and licked her neck, Alma could just smother her little cutie pie with kisses forever she was so precious.

Alma sat down to eat, waiting for her males to judge her, Tram had done nothing but telling her good morning and kissing her on the cheek, Alma was most scared of Odin so she was trying to get herself ready to show him she would always cherish and love him. She finished eating and after she stood up she saw Odin, Odin gave her a big smile and embraced her, he told her good morning and how much he loved her. Alma felt the big lump that had been stuck on her chest evaporate, she had been so afraid that he would have been hurt but she did not know how to make him feel better. She had other mates and she had to love them too and sleep with them too, it would be unfair if she could not enjoy herself with them as she did with Odin, it would be unfair to them because they also needed to see how much she liked being with them but she still could understand Odin, no one would ever want to share his beloved with anyone else, she would not, of that she was sure of but she also knew that she was not in their position, what if there were too many females in the world and too few males, she would have to do what they did, share her mate or decide to be alone, she felt so thankful that she was not in their position because it would be too hard on her, she would break, she was certain of it, she would not be able to do it. She embraced her Odin and told him she loved him so much, she loved them all so much and she was so thankful for them all, they did so much for her and she hoped she would be able to do as much for them as they did for her in the future. All her mates heard her words, it filled their hearts with gladness and it eased away all their anxiety over her and Ulfars mating, she loved them, she cared for them and respected them, some had tears in their eyes, so thankful to have such a good female.

God i was going to write about the next mate but i can not stop to ramble, in the next chapter she will pick the next mate :) hope you like it, i forgot to ask last time but how are we liking Ulfar finally joining the family

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