Part 67 ~ flying in the air

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Sorry how late I am giving you a new chapter, i have arthritis and it was rather bad, i finally got my medicine remicade in the hospital so I'm better finally, ill try to keep updating at least two chapters a week, and do more if I'm in the mood :)

Alma looked around, everybody was working hard, she was proud of their little village, they had come such a long way in such a short while, everyone had participated, even the weak and old beasts, Alma knew how important it was for people to feel needed and wanted so she did her best to create jobs for them so they could feel like a part of the team, it had done wonders and made beasts that had lived a long time in solitude come out of their shells.

Alma had decided to have a cheat day, she wanted to do nothing but lounge around and relax, she had earned it. She walked around, remembering to complement everyone on their hard work, she walked aimlessly around trying to find anyone of her mates but it seemed they had been doing tasks away from the village. She had wanted to have a romantic date with anyone of them, she wanted to go to the beach, laze around, soak in some c vitamin from the sun and then hopefully splash around the sea for awhile. She had been dying to play on the beach since they had arrived here but there had been no time, she had been looking so forward to it but all in good time she thought to herself.

She still had no clue she was being watched nor did any other beasts for that matter, the one doing the watching was very careful not to be seen nor give away his beast aura, he had been lying and waiting for a long time, still he was not deterred, he knew good things came to those who waited, he was after all a very old being, he would be considered a feral since his kind lived on their own, their kind usually did not make a mate bond since they had no use for it, when they wanted to reproduce they just kidnapped a female that was in the sea, they could easily create a bubble big enough for a female to be in and breath, they could take the female to the deepest darks of the ocean and keep her there for as long as they wanted, with no light nor warmth, just darkness, most females went mad and tried to burst the bubble but it was too thick to burst. His kind usually had a lair deep under the sea that they used as their home, the lair was a cave, and they created a thick bubble wall to keep the sea from entering the lair, in this lair they could morph into their human form and keep the females they wanted to use. He was not worried about leaving the female alone in his lair, his bubble wall was very thick and no beast could break it unless it was as strong as him or stronger and they were not many beasts as strong as him in the sea. He really liked the female, he was getting impatient since he had been waiting a long time, he just needed her to get into the water, just a little bit and she would be his, she would be long gone before her mates could react, they would never be able to catch up to him, it was just not possible. She would sing and dance for only him and bear only his hatchlings for as long as he wanted.

While the stalker was busy stalking Alma, Alma was busy trying to find one of her mates to spend time with, it felt like they had just vapoured into thin air. She felt kind of glum, she had decided to have a cheat day but she could not find anyone to spend it with, she was just about to head back home and just stay there and wait for Tram to come back but she finally saw Askell flying in the air, she felt gleeful, finally she found somebody, she waved and called out to him, Askell descended down and morphed back to his human form. Alma was so happy that she jumped into his embrace and gave him a big hug and a cheeky kiss. Askell was all flustered and so happy to have some kinship with his mate. Alma asked him if he had time to spend with her and of course he said yes, he felt so happy that she had decided to go back home to check on her, if not he would have missed this opportunity to spend alone time with her. Alma suggested for them to go to the beach but Askell was not that keen on that idea, for that were two reasons, he wanted to take her somewhere secluded so no one would crash their date and the second reason was that he was not a strong swimmer and the ocean was not completely safe, it was not wise to go there alone with her, it was better if Odin was with her since he was a very strong swimmer, Askell was best in the air not in water, he could swim but if they were attacked he would be of little help especially if a sea beasts would attack them. Askell told her that even though the sea was relatively safe it was not wise to go unless she had a strong beast that could swim well with her, he told her never to go alone there and never enter the sea unless Odin was by her side. Alma felt a little frightened, she had been told that the sea was safe and that there were plenty of sea beasts guarding the area, that was all true but still you could never be to careful.

Askell told her that he had found an hot spot in a cave and he really wanted to show her. Alma was very curious, could it be a natural hot spot, they could use as a hot tub, god she really hopes so, it was so nice to relax in one. Alma wanted to go home and retrieve her bathing suit but askell stopped her telling her she did not need it, no one would see, the cave was well hidden. Alma was hesitant but decided to be wild for a change, Askell would know if someone would be near so she would have time to put her clothes on. Askell wanted Alma to sit on his back while he flew her to their destination, Alma always wanted to fly but now that it was gonna happen she was not that sure if it was a good idea, she could fall of, she was such a clutch that she probably would, Askell told her not to worry, he was a hawk if she fell he would easily catch her. She reluctantly agreed, still very scared for her life, Askell just thought she was the cutes. He morphed to his hawk form, she climbed ever not so gracefully on his back, she apologised profusely, scared she was too heavy and that she would hurt him, Askell told her she was light as a feather and not to worry, all she needed was to enjoy the ride. Alma was not sure what she should hold on too, his feathers were strong but she was afraid she would ripped them off him but she could not hold his neck, his neck was too big for her to hold on to so she only could use his feathers. She was so going to make something that she could fasten on her flight beasts so she could feel more secure but for now she could only hold on to his feathers and hope for the best. He was such a beautiful hawk, big, graceful and deadly, a mix moulded perfectly by the gods. It did not take to long until they were in the air. She was flying, she really was, the ground kept getting smaller and smaller, she felt like she could touch the clouds. It was such a freeing experience flying in the air and she did what she had promised herself she would do. She sang never ending story, while souring through the air. She was no longer afraid of falling, she felt mighty, she felt nothing could ever beat this feeling, she was free as a bird. Askell was the happiest hawk in the world. His dream had finally come true. He had always dreamt of his mate riding him in the air. He felt strong, powerful, he was her protector and she was his light, before her is world was so dark, she had let the light in, a light he did not even think he needed, he had a home, he had a mate and he had a family, he had everything he would ever need, how good was his life, nothing could ever get better than this he thought but when she started to sing only for him high up in the sky, he felt like crying, he was just too happy, he was so thankful to the beast goddess to bring her into his life, he was so thankful for the light she gave him.

So the stalker is still lurking around and he is not leaving, I'm still thinking what kind of beast he will be, I have a few in mind but I'm not completely sure yet, any recommendations 🤔 I was going to do 2 chapters today but i had guests come over and we had a blast playing board games, i love games like Pictionary, this game is similar but you have to do much of something :) I'll update again tomorrow and then ill update 2 new chapters, there will be some action in next chapters 😘 it was gonna happen in this one but I just let the flow take me where it takes me, i write what comes in my mind, i have a skeleton of the main story but little things i think of on the spot :) again sorry for updating so late I will try to do better :)

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