Part 97 ~ Making a plan

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Alma woke up next day feeling refreshed, she looked at her mate sleeping, he was back in his tortoise form and he was huge, it had not been warm cuddling him in his beast form, he was hard and cold, still she slept well being beside him, she thought about their night together and she felt happy, she had been afraid she would not be able to sleep with her mates again soon after what had happened with Hafthor, she had wanted to make love to him but she was afraid that she would not be able to, she was glad that when the time came nothing but him and her came into her mind and all she wanted to do was to be close to him and love him. She had been so scared after the night she spent with Hafthor, she felt like she had fallen into a dark pit and she was petrified she would never be able to get up but that had not happened, she had only stayed there for a moment, Ulfar had rescued her, she did not know how or why but he made her feel better, it was crazy but still he did, just being close to him made her feel better and he had a way to talk about her problems that made her confront her problems in a new way, she thought to herself that it was rather sad that he had not been born in her world, he would have been able to help so many people, she felt meeting him had been fate, he had helped her grow so much in such a short time, still there were things she had not told him nor no one else, she was not ready to share with anyone else, she knew she should open up and talk to them but she was just not ready, she told her self, baby steps, one step at a time, she had all the time in the world to grow and become a better person, she would grow in time, she was sure of it, since she had all her mates there to help her grow.

With positive thoughts about the future she kissed Keith goodnight and went on to solve the next problem. Ymir had asked to see Alma frequently after the horde had left, he had gotten no reply from no one. His once proud city was in ruins. He felt both sad and angry, many of his soldiers had left their post and decided to protect their homes and mates, because of their fear and cowardice many beasts that could have been saved died and the city went into chaos. He lost control of most of his soldiers so the city went down, it was all beasts for themselves, only Ymir and his closest soldiers did not leave their posts but it had come with a heavy cost, many had fallen and almost all homes had been destroyed, his castle still stood but it had taken a hit, it needed to be repaired for winter but they had bigger problems like almost all their food was gone, it would not be long until everyone that had survived would start to rebel, fight, kill and steal, it was inevitable if they did not get any help. Ymir looked at the village, it seemed as nothing had happened to them, he felt a little jealous, he had thought he was a great leader, his city was his pride and joy but this attack had humbled him, he might have had a big city but it was nothing compared to a hoard like that, he needed, stronger beasts to protect the city and the best way to do that was to get Alma to be his mate but she was not a female he could get easily, yes he was a very strong beasts but she had stronger and she had Addis army to protect her after the attack his army was small, he needed more beasts and they would need to be trained, it would take him years to get the city back to its original shape unless he got a lot of help and he knew just where to get it.

Alma had a meeting with her mates and potential mates about what to do for the city, she knew if they did not help another problem would arise, they would start to panic and steal, they had to do something or else their problem would become their problem too, unfortunately Keith and Odin were now asleep and would not be able to help so they had to do what they could. Alma said it would be best if they could fix the castle for winter and the beasts would stay there for that winter, there was not enough time to build new houses for them all so this was the best plan. She felt thankful she had been diligent in planting and harvesting herbs, fruits and vegetables for winter, they had a lot of it and she could give the king some of it, she had many pregnant goats that would most likely give birth during winter (it is not the same as in our world) but she was not willing to give them to the beasts, she also did not have enough to be able to share for the winter. She had gotten goats and cows but it had been hard to get them, especially the cows, the cows she could not give since they would not trust the other beasts, you needed a lot of time and patience to get them to stay and be with you, since they could easily create havoc and escape, if they felt threatened or scared, it was best for them to hunt their own goats and living bunnies, they could breed the bunnies fast and she could spare enough food for them to breed them for that winter, she could also give them birds that they could take care of and use the eggs, she also could spare food for that, if everyone would help they could survive, she had a thought all of a sudden, Hafthor could help with fish but it would go bad unless they had a very good cooling system, she had to ask Ymir if he had a good basement. Alma asked if the sea near the shore froze during the winter and it did but only where the shallow sea was so it was possible to hunt fish during winter but how to get the fish to the castle, that was the tricky question. Alma wanted to have a solid plan before meeting Ymir so this meeting with her mates and potential mates was held without the king. Hafthor was there but he kept quiet, he knew his place, he would be like a fly on the wall until she asked for him, he would not bother her at all, all he could do was to admire her from afar, that would have to be enough until hopefully she would accept him. Pistris told Alma that he and the mermen could easily get the enough fish for the city to live the winter, this was such good new but still how to get the fish to the city, that was the hardest question, the winters here were very hard, the weather could be nice and still and then one minute later it could be a blizzard, you could not rely on it at all. She did not want to put anyone in danger either so this needed to be fixed without anyone dying. Hafthor, wanted to say something but he was frightened, he was scared Alma would not like it, so he whispered his solution to Pistris.
Pistris smiled happily and told Alma he had a plan. He told her that Hafthor could control the weather only for a little while so if they timed everything right they could hunt enough fish for the winter in one try and all the fastest beasts would be ready to bring it to the castle. If this was done after winter had started the basement would be cold enough to keep the fish from rotting. This plan could work. The king would not be able to control the weather for long so it had to be done on a day that they decided and all had to be ready for them to move it. Fortunately Alma had a lot of baskets, in all kind of sizes since it came in handy, she was happy with this plan, she could ask the elderly beasts to make as many deep basked as they could to keep the fish in and the strong ones could repair the castle, they would have to make due with what they got. This plan could actually work and save them for the winter. They could start to rebuild the city next spring, hopefully they would get new beasts to move so more could help, this plan might just work, Alma thought to herself happily.

Sorry im a day late, I hope you like it, have a wonderful day,evening, night. Thank you again for commenting, liking and reading my story, it makes my day.❤️

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