Part 84 ~ The day after

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Alma had the strangest dream, she felt like she had mated the merman but it all felt like a dream, she had a little headache so she was feeling a little groggy. She had forgotten all about the night before, she turned around and then saw  that the merman was fast asleep beside her. The memories of last night still did not come to her, it felt like a dream, she did not feel like they had really mated, she sat up very slowly, trying her best not to wake up the merman and then she could see the marking, they had mated but she really did not feel like they did, she could not remember much from the dream except it felt like she had enjoyed it very much. She felt shame running through her veins, she was what her mother had told her not to become, she had slept with someone she barely knew, she had not even known him for one day. She felt disgusted with herself and she wanted to punish herself, she wanted to slap herself, pinch and slam her body hard against the wall, all the words she hated came to her and would not leave her alone, they told her she was a slut, whore, dum, fat, horrible, disgusting and the one that was the loudest was that she was the worst mate ever, leaving her injured mate all alone while she mated a stranger. She did not want to wake the merman up so she tried to not cry, tears ran down her face, snot ran down her face too, she tried her hardest not to give out a sound, she did not want to wake up Hafthor, she was scared he would judge her for her behaviour and get disgusted with her. She tried to think about her mates, her cubs, the things that made her happy but the self loathing was winning, she hated herself so much that it felt suffocating.

Hafthor had slept like a cub after caressing Alma. He had made her sleep after the last night mating for he felt like it would be the best, he had tried to make it seem like a pleasant dream so he hope she would wake up happy and content. He put her in his embrace and fell a sleep. While sleeping he heard a voice telling him to care for his mate with his life and that she was very vulnerable and needed her space, the voice had told him that, their mating was not supposed to be like this so he had to be very careful if he wanted her to love him, the voice told him it was paramount for her to trust him, he had to work hard and be the perfect mate she needed, the voice felt smaller and smaller with each word that was said, at last he could not hear it anymore, he only heard the sound of the wind, the wind blew harder and faster with each second and finally it blew so hard that he took flight and was lost i the wind.

When he woke up he opened his eyes slowly, he could see that Alma was not by his side anymore, so he sat up and saw her in the corner of the hut, she had tears running through her face, she was pinching herself while softly whispering horrible words to herself, he had no idea what to do. He remembered the voice he had heard and then he felt agony deep within his bones, how he wished he could turn back time. She was hurting so much and he was certain that he was to blame but how to fix it, the voice had been firm in the beginning on giving her space and be patient. He had hurt his mate, the one he had been dreaming about since the day he saw her, he only wanted to worship her and treat her like a queen but instead he had broken her, he did the only thing he could think of, he sang to her until she fell asleep again.

He walked out of the hut, not knowing what he should do but he was sure on one thing, he would not let her mate the shark anytime soon, he was sure she would not be able to come from it whole but how to explain that to the shark that was eagerly waiting for his turn. He turned to his trusted aid, the doctor and told him about Alma. The doctor had a hard time controlling his temper, he wanted to fight his king, the female had been deeply affected by their mating and he was scared for her but he had medicine that he could give her to relax her until they could return back to her village. Hafthor felt like that was the best idea to do at the moment, she needed her mates and family to feel secure again and he had to give that to her but he could not go to her village at the moment he knew the horde was attacking and it was not safe for her to go until they had gone. He was also afraid it might hurt her wellbeing even worse being given something to relax. The doctor told him she would not fall asleep, she would just feel very relaxed, he could not predict how she would behave, it varied with every beast that took it but it would make them all calm and that was what she needed the most right now. The doctor told him he would have to talk to the shark, she could not mate him at this moment, it might make her suicidal, he had not seen her but from what Hafthor had told him she was not in a good state of mind. They both decided to talk to the shark together and Hafthor was willing to fight him to death if that was what was needed to protect Alma but he hoped they could resolve it peacefully, he did not want to disturb her any further than he had done.

The shark saw them both walking towards him, he felt excited in his heart knowing he would be next, he would be her mate the next night, he could hardly wait, he had a hard time sitting still, he felt like a cub, everything felt exciting and new. He was too immersed in his own world to notice the grim look on Hafthor and the doctor. They both sat down and for a while no one talked. Hafthor was trying to find a way to start to chat without making the shark angry. He knew very well that if he was in the sharks position he would be livid, being so close to get what you wanted so badly but it would be taken from you just as quick. This might go very wrong but he hope the shark could put the females well-being in first place, how he wished with every fibre in his body that he had done that the night before but he could not know about her fragility, he could not know how hard she was on herself, if it was any other female the mating would not have a negative impact on them if they chose it themselves. He tried to tell himself that he had a long time to know her, he just hoped she could still give him a chance,

The shark finally saw the grim faces of the males and he felt worried, he asked if something was wrong with Alma and Hafthor could not lie, he told him what he had saw when he woke up, he told him he had to put her to sleep to calm her down. He told him that he had siren her to him last night to make the night easier on her, he had tried to install a beautiful memory of their night together but it had not worked, he told him she was hurting herself when he woke up. The shark was frightened and angry, he wanted to kill the king for hurting her but from what the king had said everything was fine until she woke up in the morning. The king told him that it would be best to give her something to calm herself until she could return back home to her lair, she would hopefully return back to normal when she felt she was safe and with her loved ones. This was very hard for the shark, he had her in his grasp and if he did not mate her before she went back to the village there was no guarantee that he would be allowed in her harem, especially after what had happened but he did not want to hurt her, he had stalked her for such a long time, he had saved her, he had a right to be her mate, he felt angry, sad and scared all at the same time. The king watched the anguish of the shark and he did feel a little sorry for him. He told him that he would do all he could so that he would be accepted in the family, he would tell her mates that she had agreed to mate him but he had wanted to wait until she went back to the village, he promised he would do his best for him but he had to do his best for her now, he could not pressure her, he could only take care of her and her mate. The shark agreed to the kings term, after all he was sure that her mates would be happy that he had waited, he could wait a little longer, hopefully not for eternity though.

I hope you liked it, I will try to update at least one chapter a week, I will be updating on Sunday or Monday night, I am aiming at doing two chapter a week but it might also just be one. She will not go home just yet, Askell has to stabilise first and the horde has to go before she can return but it won't be too long though, I need her to get to know them better before returning, have a wonderful night :)

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