Part 68 ~ The hot springs

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Alma loved flying and was a little bummed she had not flown before, it was so thrilling, sometimes he would take a little dive so she felt like she was on a rollercoaster, she had butterflies in her stomach and she was having a wonderful time. It was a little chilly since the wind was rather strong, she had tears running down her face from the wind but she did not mind in the slightest, she was having the time of her life, she never wanted the ride to end, this was just as freeing as horseback riding on Addi, she also loved to see the land, she could see as far as the eye could see, it was such a beautiful land, so pure, not touched by greedy humans hand, she hoped with all her heart that the land would stay as it was, pure, wild and free.

They had finally reached their destination, the entrance to the cave was well hidden and the opening was not big, Askell had to almost crawl to enter, while it was enough for Alma just to bend a little. What she saw was what she hoped to find, it really was a hot spring, it was more like a swimming pool instead of a hot tub, the water was not clear but it had a beautiful light blue colour with a hint of white in it. Askell was quick to rip off his clothing and jump in the spring, Alma was first alarmed since they had not checked how hot the spring was but judging by his actions it was not his first time coming here, still she put her finger in first to check and see if the water was too hot for her, it was nice and warm, probably somewhere close to 40 degrees, a little hotter than she would have liked but still she could endure it. Askell looked at her waiting impatiently for her to take her clothes off. Alma hesitated for a moment, she was very sure he wanted to play but she knew she was very close to her fertile stage, she thought to herself, she could just focus on his pleasure, he needed to feel wanted and loved, he had waited too long, she would have to be more active in the sex department, she could not let them always have blue balls, it was not fair to them, she would have to be more assertive, more bold, she could pleasure them without penetration, she knew it would be best to have orgies like she had read in so many beasts stories but still she was just not ready to go there, her upbringing had frowned upon that way of living, it was hard to change but a change had to come, she thought the best way to do it was taking hen steps, until she felt comfortable, she just wanted them all to be happy and now she was going to make Askell the happiest mated hawk in the world, she thought to herself while grinning like a fool.

Askell was getting impatient and a little afraid she was backing out, he told her the water was nice and hot and to please come and join him. He felt a sigh of relief when he saw Alma taking off her clothes, he was so excited that he almost forgot to breath, it had been so long since they had mated, he longed for her touch and he craved to touch her. Alma took her time, knowing full well how impatient he was getting, she wanted to tease him a little, this was the first time she was having fun without thinking too much on how her body looked liked, she felt safe, it was very dark here, hard to see, it gave her confidence to be more bold, she thought since Askell could not see her very well she could be more daring, she still did not know he could almost see just as well in the dark as he could in daylight, she would have hasten her time if she had known, she was still shy and still so scared to be judged. Askell was enjoying the show, is mate was the image of perfection in his eyes, she was like a masterpiece, she was too good for a beast like him but still he would never let her go, he was filled with so much emotion that he had a hard time keeping them bottled inside, he felt like crying out of pure happiness but he did not want to soil the mood. Alma got into the spring slow and carefully, she let her body get used to the heat before walking slowly towards Askell. He was ready for her with a big smile on his face, finally she reached him, she embraced him and gave him a soft kiss on the mouth, she moved one hand to his hair and started to play with it while the other caressed his chest, his body was build like a demigod, beautiful and so strong, she loved feeling his hot muscular body while kissing him softly, she took her time, at first she gave him little feathery kisses but slowly she deepened their kiss and put her tongue in his mouth, their tongues danced the dance of love, they both enjoyed their kiss so much that they felt like one, it felt like their bodies melted as one, she felt so close to him just as he felt close to her. He let his hands wander all over her body but his favourite parts were her ass and breasts so he had one hand foundling her breasts and playing with her nipple while the other was groping her ass, Alma forgot herself in his arms, she was not thinking anymore, the only thing that consumed her was lust, just as it consumed him, she could not stand the teasing anymore, she wanted and needed more, she needed him inside her, fucking her, taking her hard, showing her that she was his and she belonged to him, she softly caressed his penis and she was rewarded with his moaning, it just made her more horny, god how she wanted this man, she wanted him more than anything, she lowered herself on his penis and slowly pushed him inside her, it felt so good being so full, she wished she could die like this, she never wanted to get down from this high, he grabbed her hips and controlled her movements, up and down she went, each thrust was rewarded with more force, she loved it, she was moaning his name, telling him how much she wanted him, telling him to go faster and deeper, she gripped one of her breasts and put it in his mouth and told him to suck, so that is what it did, with pleasure, she could not control herself, she was so close to heaven, just a little bit faster and she would reach the end of the line, she told him he was so good, she told him she loved having him inside her, she told him how big he was and she wished to die on his dick, Askell could not control himself anymore, her words and her tight warm pussy were his undoing, he sucked her nipple a little stronger and came so hard that he thought he would pass out, just as he came Alma came as well, she finally reached heaven and was rewarded with one of the most strongest orgasms she had ever had, she screamed as she came, she screamed his name again and again, until she was all spent. She put her head on his shoulder, so tired and so happy. He felt the same. Since they were knotted together they had to stay like this until the knot left, Alma did not mind, she was so tired that she fell asleep, feeling warm and secure. Askell held his mate in his arms, feeling sated and happy, he would never forget this day, it was just the best day in his life, he hoped they had many more days like this to live in the future.

Alma slept for almost two hours, Askell could not bare to wake her up, it felt so nice having her in his arms, he was sure a shit storm was waiting for him when they would return home, he was not supposed to be this long and he did not have permission to take the day off but he did not mind, even if the snake would beat him off, it was worth it, he thought smiling like an idiot. Askell made sure that the beasts back home had seen them leave so the rest of her mates would not be worried, he hoped that was enough to quill their annoyance. He woke Alma up softly and told her it was time to go back home, it was getting darker and time for dinner. Alma gave him a kiss and told him she had really enjoyed their outing and she hoped they had many more dates like these ahead of them in the future, these words were like music to his ears and he was quick to tell her that he would go with her on a date anytime she wanted. They got dressed in a hurry and flew back home, it was getting darker and there was a chill in the air so the ride home was not as entertaining as the ride to the spring.

When they finally came back home Odin gave both of them the stink eye, Keith did not look happy either but the rest was just glad she was finally home. Alma had experience with Odins foul mood so she was diligent to suck up to him and telling him he was such a strong snake and such a great leader, he was the most handsome snake she had ever seen, she made sure to touch him all over while telling him little jokes to melt his frozen face, he tried hard to show Alma how angry he was but it was just too hard to stay angry at her, she was just so cute when she was fawning all over him, he cursed himself how soft he was getting but how could he not melt for her, she was like a ray of sunshine, it just could not be helped.

Alma saw the frown on Keith's face she gave him a hug and whispered softly in his ears, that he was the bestest tortoise in the world, she also told him that she would sleep with only him tonight, she would show him just how much she loved him tonight. That was enough to put a big smile on Keith's face, finally he would get to snuggle to her alone, it had been so long, so so long but finally it was his time. Odin looked at her, feeling very unpleasant, Alma was quick to tell him she had already spent one night with him in the cave she had to be fair, they had made the rules and all had agreed on it, him as well, Odin could only swallow his resentment, they did not even have sex when they had slept in his cave, how he wished he could turn back time, and just waited, now Keith would be sated first, he looked at Askell, knowing full well what they had done, he was going to make him do awful chores, something that the hawk would dislike with a passion, now all he had to do was to know what that was. He was thinking, looking at Askell with a huge grin on his face, Askell felt a little uncomfortable, he just knew that stinking snake was brewing up something to mess with him but he could do nothing but endure, still it was all worth it, he gave a big smile to the snake, a smile that told him how pleasant his day with Alma had really been, Odin was back again in a foul mood, wanting nothing more than to eat that dam hawk in just one bite.

Hope you liked it,it was a little longer than i had planned, so there will not be another chapter tonight instead i will update again tomorrow :) thank you all for commenting, reading my story and giving me stars, it really brightens up my day 😊 I added Marvin it seemed fitting 😂🙈

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