Part 70 ~ And the next mate is.....

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There will be drama coming very soon but there will be no kidnapping, at least I don't think of it as kidnapping more like grapping a good opportunity but before that there is some romance in the air ;)

Alma had been enjoying her time, making the every day count as winter would soon come knocking on their door, she could not have imagined how much they had done is such a short time, they had not completed all the houses but they would not have to rent any houses in the city for winter, it was decided to let more beasts sleep in the houses than they had bargained for. Some houses were small while others were bigger, most had two bedrooms with two beds, so in each room two beasts would sleep, the living area was rather large since they would have to spend most of their time there during winter, some beasts had decided to make another room in the living area and make two to three beds in that room. The bedrooms were also different in size so there could be more than two beds in some. Odin had a meeting with all the beasts since Alma had told him it would be best to ask their opinions about having more than four beasts living in some houses and how they would fit the extra beasts in. Odin felt it was not a big issue, he felt that since he was the chief his rules should apply but Alma disagreed, she told him it is always wise to ask everyone their opinions in such matters since it affected them all as a whole, no beasts would be able to live in Alma's house since no male but a females mate could live in the same house as a female, it just would be an awful idea and create way to much tension between all the males especially the males mates.
Since the beasts had been building up their village they all became much closer, they learned to help each other out without asking for nothing in return, Alma had taught them a lot about helping a beast out in need, since they could be a beast in need themselves in the future. Everyone agreed to Odins arrangement, fortunately not many houses would have to take on extra beasts since they had got so much done, they decided on making another room in the houses that would hold more beasts and no more than 7 beasts would be living together, the bigger houses took on extra three while the smaller houses took on to two extra beasts. They would be able to make the houses ready for winter and they still had enough materials to make many more beds so everything was working out, to everyone's delight.

Alma had been thinking that she should take in one or two potential mates before winter, she had a few and they had been waiting long, she knew they were very patient and even though they would be disappointed not to be picked before winter they would know they would only have to live without her that winter, she would accept them all next spring, now all she had to do was to pick who would be first in line, the first beasts that came to her mind were Addi, Grey, Eyvi and Ulfar. It would be nice just to accept them all before winter but she was sure it would be too much for her mates, she did not want to make the transition harder than it was, she was rather sure it was better to accept one at a time, she decided it was best to hold a meeting with her mates and ask them their opinions.

Later that night they all sat down in the living room, her mates were relaxed and happy, she had just finished telling them a story about lion king, all of them really enjoyed it and were very impressed by the cub, still Odin liked Scar the most, he was sly, cunning and smart, just like him, he found the cub annoying and lame, he created the trouble that got his father killed and then he just ran like a scared kitty, he did not care that the cub would not be able to defend himself, it was about honour and the cub returned too late, he would eat his hatchlings if they would do that, what a shameful cub indeed.

Alma felt this was the right time to ask about accepting the next mate. Alma was a little hesitant but decided to just blurt it out, that she thought it would be wise to take in one or two new mates before winter, Odin was the only one that said no right away, he got a little upset but tried to calm himself down, he knew this would happen but still he was not prepared for it, with every new mate that Alma would take in there would be less time for him to spend with Alma, he hated it but still he knew things had to be like this, no matter what a female could only be sure to trust her mates, others could say that they would do everything for the female but change their mind at any given time and leave her to fend for herself, you just never knew. Odin looked at Alma and he could see how bad she felt, he saw the guilt and he saw how much she truly loved him, she always made sure to keep him happy, she tried her best to understand him and love him, she did so much for just a snake, something that females just did not do but he was a feral after all, it is in his nature to be possessive and not want to share, he was trying his best to change, still it was so hard. He kept looking at his Alma and then smiled and told her he would agree with what she thought was right, those were some hard words to say for a snake that did not want to share his mate with anyone.

The rest of her mates felt a bang in their heart but still they all said yes since this needed to be done, she needed the protection more than ever and the males had been very patient, helpful and good mannered. Keith suggested that Ulfar would be one of the first to be welcomed since Keith had seen with his own eyes how calming that Komodo snake would be when Alma had one of her anxiety attacks. Keith did not like ferals but out of all the ferals he had known Ulfar was the best, he had more patience than most of them and knew when to speak and when to shut up, plus he was a very strong beast, he was similar in strength with Odin just a tad inferior to the snake but the difference was not big but he wanted him first mostly to help Alma, everyone were in agreement with Ulfar being the first to be welcomed. Alma had hoped there would be more of a discussion about this matter and that they would have given the others a some face but it was decided too quickly. Keith suggested that it would be best to take in at least on more beast before winter and so it was agreed that she would pick one more, Alma decided she would first welcome Ulfar the next day to their family and the other beast in the same week, she did want to think about who she would pick, she thought of Eyvi and how they could spend winter playing with the bunnies he had caught for her, she loved them and she had already made a home for them in the barn but she also made a little nest for them in the house too, she could take them out to play when she got bored and put them back in the barn for the night, she could not wait to share her love for the bunnies with her beautiful panther and she could pet Eyvi and cuddle with him also, she could not wait but she also wanted to welcome Grey and Addi, she surprised herself with how attached she had gotten to them all in such a short time, they were just so wonderful, giving, kind, funny, silly and they adored her, she was so lucky, she had the best luck in the world, she thought to herself.

So who should be the next mate to be accepted? You can recommend any beasts and give me a reason if i like the reason well enough ill pick him :) thank you again for reading and commenting, i love reading your comments :)

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