Part 26 ~ Spring is in the air

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Odin had stuck to Alma like glue since he came back. Tram and Askell were getting very annoyed with this possessive snake, he hissed at them and was rude. Odin had not forgiven them for making Alma pregnant. He had not yet been able to mate with her since she was too uncomfortable to do so, the poor snake was so pent up but did not think to just pleasure himself. Alma knew what they all wanted but she was tired, bloated and not in the mood. She still felt rather bad about it.

She loved her little snakes, she wanted to give them all names but Odin told her that they would pick their own names after their first stripe, you did not get to have a name until then. Alma thought that was just ridiculous but she had to respect their ways. She hugged and kissed her little snakes all day. The little snakes really liked her, she was soft, warm and so nice to cuddle to. It made Odin very jealous, he even thought about just eating them, they were taking his mate from him. The little snakes were rightfully scared of their father, he had no fatherly bond towards them, he only saw his mate, the little snakes were angry at their father for not wanting to share his mate with them. The little snakes loved to hear her sing for them and they loved hearing stories about a little boy named Einar Askell. When Alma told them children stories about Einar Askell, Askell listened carefully, he loved to hear her using his name in a story, he was so proud and felt his mate really did hold him in her heart. When Odin heard her tell his hatchlings those children stories he got annoyed and wanted to beat that bastard hawk, he even contemplated on just eating him, he was not that special, Alma could easily find a better beast than him he thought to himself.

Alma often laid in her bed thinking about her little cubs in her stomach, she was so afraid she was going to have lamb, it would hurt so much. She loved lambs, they were so cute but then she thought about her favourite food back home, lamb chops, she felt guilty and started to cry, she felt like a murderer and she was scared she would see her little children as food. Odin was always nearby so he was always the first to come to her to comfort her. Her other mates were getting very annoyed but still did not dare to talk to Alma. She was having a very hard pregnancy and was very emotional. They did not want to burden her with anything so they just let their anger simmer and swallowed it down, deep into their stomach. Odin took Alma in his arms and told her everything was going to be alright. She did not dare to tell her mates about her thoughts, she thought they would be horrified and shun her. As Odin held her in his arms she started to sing a lullaby her mother had sang to her when she was a child. It did not take long but she fell asleep. Odin was worried about his beloved, he knew something was bothering her but she just was not ready to talk about yet.

When Alma woke up she was alone in the bed. She had almost not left the bed for days. It hurt to walk and move, she felt most a ease when laying on the bed. She was thinking again about her little cubs. She thought she would love them with all her heart but she was scared of her head, her head would fill her with horrible images of her eating lambs, she was rather scared, she did not want to think this horrid thoughts but she could not stop them, no matter how hard she tried. Her mind was filled with her having a lamb and it was a cute white lamb but then she thought about how to feed the lamb and she panicked a little. An image of her on all four came into her mind and she thought about two lambs drinking from her breasts, just like they would feed from a sheep. She tried her best to shake this image away, by shaking her head again and again while saying no, no, no out loud. She was not going to feed her little cubs like that, it would be traumatising, weird and very, very wrong. She hoped with all her heart she was carrying eggs, she was not ready for lambs yet, it was just too out there. Then she laughed out loud, she laughed so much she cried and she unfortunately wet herself, she just could not stop laughing. She might be a mother of lambs and she had snake children too, she could not stop laughing while waddling towards her so called bathroom. She felt ashamed of herself. She peed herself but still it was funny, she thought and started to laugh again.

All her mates and cubs just stared at her. They could not understand how her emotions worked, she was just crying then she was laughing so much that she had to hurry to relieve herself. They smelled she had pissed herself but they would rather eat themselves than talk to her about it, still they were glad she laughing, they just wanted her to be happy and would do anything to make her so. Tram hurriedly washed the bed after her accident so she would not see it and start to cry again. He hoped this pregnancy would end soon, it was just too much of a rollercoaster ride.

Alma fortunately had one extra underwear so she cleaned herself up and hurriedly changed. She walk towards her mates and told them she was sorry for how emotional she was. She told them that this pregnancy was much harder than her first one and she hoped they would bear with her. Odin was going to be the first to embrace her but Tram managed to sneak forward and get to her first. Tram took her into his embrace and told her she could tell them everything and they would still love her, he told her that she could cry and shout all she wanted, they just wanted to make her happy. Alma looked at them all and told them she was the luckiest female in all the world. She told then she could not imagine her life without them. While they were all embracing a cocky vulture walked in the cave. He froze for a moment when he saw the big snake but he calmed himself down and asked Alma if she had missed him. Odin hissed at him, the little snakes hissed at him and Tram and Askell were rather glad to see him, they were sure Odin would either beat him up or just eat him, they hoped he would eat him, he was just so annoying.

Alma smiled at Fannar and told him it was so nice to see him. She forgot about hiding her pregnancy since she felt close to him and she already felt like he was a part of the family. Fannar was so surprised when he saw her pregnant stomach. How could she be pregnant when she had had eggs a few months ago. He was certain her tribe was not ordinary and he wanted to know all about it. Fannar thought that it might be very good for him to know and reassure the family that they could trust him with this information. Fannar would never do anything that would harm Alma, he would rather walk through fire than hurt her. He congratulated all of them and told them all he would not say a word, they could trust him. Alma already knew she could trust him, he was such a nice beast but her mates knew why they could trust him, they could trust him since he wanted to join the family and it looked like Alma wanted that too. Odin just wanted to eat him, just looking at that bastard made him want to strangle him. Odin thought to himself it is very hard being a good mate.

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