Part 99 ~ First treatment

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Winter had finally come, it had been getting so cold that it was just a matter of time until snow would fall down. Alma was so glad they managed to help the city before the snow came, with their plan everyone would survive. Her new healer decided to stay at the castle for the winter since that is what Alma wanted, he agreed to find a suitable apprentice to help after he would leave. She would miss him, he had been so helpful and she truly looked at him a close friend. Addi and Grey had moved to the house, she could see how happy it made them but she could also see the glum faces of those that had to wait, she promised them that next spring she would give everyone much more time and they would go out on dates, just the two of them, that was all it took to but a smile on their faces. She had not been able to spend as much time with them as she wanted since they had been so busy building the village and helping the city, they would not be as busy next summer, she would be able to leisure around and hopefully travel a little, she wanted to see more of this beautiful land, there was so much to see and so much to experience.

Ulfar had been teaching Alma to be more assertive, she had to learn to say no and she had to be able to express anger and frustration she had. Ulfar asked her if she ever got angry and Alma just said in a soft voice no she did not get angry, he asked her if she had ever screamed at anyone and again she answered no. Ulfar told her that she needed to be able to express herself, she needed to be able to say no and not let people walk all over her. Alma found this all very hard and she felt like he was criticising her, she did not want to talk about this all but he would not stop, she needed to talk and she needed to express herself. He asked her about her childhood, she almost cried but managed to keep herself together, she told them her parents had done their best and that they had loved her in their own way, she told him that she was to blame for much of how she is. She told him she just was not smart enough, not thin enough nor cute enough, she had disappointed her parents greatly so she tried her best to do what they wanted, she had starved herself but only binge ate afterwards and hating herself more that she could not control herself. She tried her best at school but no matter what she did she was just an average student at most, math was something that she just could not understand as she grew older the math got harder to understand and after a while she gave up. She could see the disappointment in her parents eyes but she could not do any better, she was just too stupid. Ulfar told her that she was perfect the way she was, he told her that no one was the same and she just was not supposed to excel in those areas. He told her to think about what she was good at, Alma thought for a while, she wanted to say something positive but she was afraid it might sound conceited, Ulfar encouraged her to go on so she told him how much she liked to sing and that she think she was an okay singer, Ulfar had never heard anyone else sing but her and mermaids but he was sure she was an excellent singer in her world too. He told her that she was also very creative and had made things to help a lot of beasts, Alma told him that those were not her ideas but the ideas from other humans, she just borrowed them. He told her that it did not matter, she made them to improve her and her mates living and was kind enough to share this knowledge with others. He told her she was a very caring female but she needed to have a backbone, it is good to be nice but you have to be able to say no too and set boundaries. This was something Alma knew but still this was hard for her to do, she was so frightened that everyone would not like her if she did and they would leave her all alone. They talked about her parents and her childhood, Ulfar felt bad for her, she had been ignored and was mostly by herself, looking for someone to care for her but no one did. Alma was getting tired of talking about the past so Ulfar embraced her and told her she had done so well, they would talk everyday about her so that she could improve and hopefully start liking herself more. He released a little calming aura for her to calm her down, Alma felt drained after their talk but she did feel a little better, Ulfar told her she had to assert herself and say no to things she did not want, she would try for she really wanted to be better for herself and for her family.

The next day Alma took Grey to the barn, she asked him to help her feed the animals and she told him to talk to them too. Since Grey had stripes the animals would be more vary of him so he needed to show them that he was their protector. She gave him some snacks she had made for the goats, she told him to give it to the goats and while giving them snack try to pet them and tell them how good they are. Grey felt this was a little silly but still he did as she was told. He put his hand out and tried to entice the goats to eat from his hands but no goat came near him, he was getting a little frustrated but still tried to be calm, Alma found it hilarious so she started to laugh, she laughed so much she started to cry, the poor wolf just stood there having no idea what was so funny, he felt very awkward but still he kept on trying to feed the goats, Alma had not laughed so hard in a long time, it felt so good, after she had calmed herself down she took a little treats and hand fed the goats herself, showing Grey how to do it. Grey tried his best but they would not come near him, Alma told him to throw the treats near the goats so that they would understand he was not a threat but a food giver. The goats ate the treats from the ground but they did not want to go near Grey but that was alright, they had plenty of time to get to know him and trust him, this was a good start. They fed the birds and bunnies. Alma petted her bunnies and kissed them, they were so cute. Alma told Grey to sit down while she fed the cows, they would need more time before it was wise to let Grey close to them. She fed them, and sang softly to them while petting them. They were so gentle creatures when they wished to be but they could turn into demons if threatened so it was best to be vary of them while feeding them. Alma sat down on they hey with Grey, she wanted to get to know him better, he was such a nice wolf and she enjoyed spending time with him. They laughed and shared silly stories about each other, getting closer to each other. Grey felt so content, he had been waiting so long to get close to her, finally he was in her home and hopefully they would mate soon so he would finally become her mate, he was so excited, life was so wonderful, even in the darkest times there is always a little light shining and guiding you to your destiny, he felt thankful that it had guided him towards her. He truly liked her and he truly liked her family. He had gotten close to Tram and Eyvi he considered them his brothers and he liked spending time with them. He was fortunate that there was no one he truly disliked, yes Odin could be a pain sometimes but still he had grown a lot in the time he had known him, they would however never be close since Odin was just a beasts that did not trust other easily but that was okay, there was room for everyone in Alma's heart, he was lucky her heart was big enough to love the ones she cherished.

The road to healing is starting, she will be trying to set boundaries and learn how to say no, Ulfar is just magic for her and he will be the one that helps her become what she dreams to be. I hope you liked it, :) have a wonderful weekend and happy Easter

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