Part 12 ~ First three dates

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Alma woke up very excited not just for the dates but she remembered how the guy made pots from YouTube. It was rather easy but still took time and hard work. It is easy to find the clay, you can easily find in near lakes and it is slippery. Soon it will be winter she had to make haste if she wanted to make pots and other things for winter, she really wanted to start right away but first she had to go on ten dates. She had to admit she was excited hopefully she will meet a nice beast.

The beasts that advanced from the competition were staying at doctors old house, there was not much for them to use but they did not ask for nothing, they were proud beasts and also did not want to be cast in a bad light to the female. Keith walked in the doctors cave and told them Alma was ready to meet the first beast. A long slim man stood up and told Keith he was ready. They walked to Alma's house and then Keith and Tram left them two alone.

Alma gave the beast a big smile, she stood up and put her hand up to shake, Alma was rather forgetful, since this was a human gesture not a beast gesture. The beast just looked at her not knowing what to do, Alma just smiled, rather embarrassed and took his hand and told him this is how we greet people from where I am from. The only thing that was on his mind that he had touched a female, he looked at his hand like it was made of gold, he was so happy that he wanted to shout but instead he gave her a big smile and told her he very much liked her greeting. They sat down on furs on the ground, Alma had prepared tea for them to drink, she had expanded the usage of tea by showing the doctor you could use many spices and fruits to make good tea both good for the body and tasted good. The tea was rather sweet, with blueberry taste she loved it, the beast did not like it as much he did not dare to show it though.

Alma asked what kind of beast he was and he told her he was an ant. Alma found it so interesting and she had so many questions. Back home ants lived in anthill and were a colony. She knew some about them not much, ants did not live in her country, it was too cold for them. She asked him if they lived in a colony and he said yes. He told her that the mother is the queen and she had several mates but she would only take in ants as mates, survival of the colony was first priority and it was forbidden for the queen to have other beast than ants as mates. He told her that the queen had many many cups in her lifetime and they all worked for the best of the colony and to protect the queen but after an ant gets to be eighty he has to leave the colony and make it on his own. He told her that all ants are taught early to fight so they are at least prepared. Since ants are socials creatures they try to find a village or a city and settle down, hoping to find a mate. Alma found it fascinating and their chat was rather pleasing. She told him some about her but not much, she did not think it would be wise.

She was different from other females in many ways but her fertility was very high. Females here were mostly fertile once a year, some even could go to almost two years without being fertile. She did not want to let it be known she would be fertile once a month but the beasts could smell it. She was very thankful that Tram joined her family since he found a way to smear some kind of juice on her when she was fertile, the smell overpowered the smell of her fertility thankfully. The juice would do for now at least but she hoped they could find another solution, the juice was sticky and it was just yuck.

She told him she would have to meet all the beasts before she could make a decision. She told him she liked talking to him and he was very nice. He was a strong fours mark beast and she rather liked him. He was rather feminine looking and it suited him well but she had to have an open mind there were nine other beast waiting their turn, she sighed and thought that it was going to be a long day.

The next beast she met, was very cheerful and very excited, maybe a little too excited, she gave him a big smile and decided not to shake his and it had been rather embarrassing the first time so she just sat him down and gave him tea. She asked him at first just easy question just to make a little chit chat. Then came time to ask what kind of beast he was. He was a very proud buffalo. He had lived till he was an adult with his herd but as he grew older he wanted to make it on his own and get his own female. His mother was the only female buffalo in his herd but she had other mates than just buffalos. He had so many siblings that he could not count them, he did not even know most of them but he could smell a beast to know if they were related, most beast could do that. The had a pleasant chat, he was such a sweet guy, he was goofy and very friendly. He was a four mark beast and he was only sixty. Alma was sure he would be a very strong beast in the future since he already had four stripes and was only sixty even Keith did not have that many at that age. She was very impressed with him and she was very sure he could fit very well with her family, the only one who could possibly get annoyed by him was Odin, he was just a very serious beast, he was a very good beast but he had no sense of humour what so ever, Alma thought chuckling to herself. She told Will the buffalo she had enjoyed their talk and that he was a very sweet beast, she waved goodbye and prepared to meet the next beast.

The next one she met reminded her of her Odin, he was very serious and did not talk much, he just sat hello and waited for her to talk. She asked him to sit down and gave him tea. He took one sip and frowned, he did not like the taste one bit so he slipped up and showed his displeasure on his face, he was very worried that the female would not like him after that, he was sure she would not give him a chance after that, him always composed, failed miserably just by being near the female. He was very nervous, not only because she was a female but because he really liked her. She was so little and she was so beautiful. He could loose himself just by staring at her lovely blue eyes. Alma felt bad about serving this tea, she wished she had prepared tea beasts were custom too, she just thought they would like it, she will be more careful in the future she thought to herself, she was sure the beast did not like her anymore since she served him something he clearly disliked. She asked for his name and he told her his name is Askell, she was pleasantly surprised and thought back to her childhood, she loved reading books about a naughty boy called Askell, he would get into trouble and his father would always be there for him, such nice children books they were she thought. She asked him what kind of beast he was and he told her he was an hawk. She got excited and thought he can fly, he can fly, i can sing never ending story while souring through the clouds if he will be my mate. She asked him how old he was since he stayed quiet, just waiting for her to talk. He told her he was four hundred years old and that he was a five stripe beast. He had fought very hard to get to where he was and he was very proud of himself as he should be. He trained hard so that he could have a chance with a female, the more stripes you had the morel likely you were to get a mate all beast knew that. He was lucky though since it seemed like the goodness had blessed him, he was very thankful for that. He just stared at her and hoping she would pick him, she was such a lovely female, he had met quite a few and all of them were arrogant and very overbearing. For him she felt like sunshine, he thought how wonderful life would be waking up near her every day, what a incredible life that would be he thought. He hesitated for just a moment before telling her he really liked her and she was very beautiful. He felt as if he did not tell her how he felt she would not pick him. He was not a forward beast but he did not want to loose his chance. Alma blushed like a shy virgin, she would probably never get used to all the compliments she received. In her old life she did not get many compliments, very few even from her husband. Her husband was not a bad person he just was not very social and not very skilled in regards to romance and social norms. She was very relieved he liked her since she liked him too. He was tall, dark and handsome, she liked his big strong hands, he gave off an aura that he would be a good protector but she had so many more beasts to meet so she told him she liked him too but she had to give everyone a fair chance and she would let him and all the other know who she would pick after she had met everyone. He left her but he did not want to, he wanted to scoop her in his arms and fly away and make a nest for them. He told himself he had to be patient, he had a good chance, a very good chance, he was most certain she would pick him or the other five stripe beast since they were the strongest, he just hoped she would not like the other five mark beast, her made a prayer to the beast goddess to please let her pick me.

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