Part 44 ~ The decision

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Alma decided to ask her mates who they wanted to join the family. Odin wanted the stallion, he brings so much protection with him but i also like Eyvi, he told her that his skills were unique and very good to have, he told her that they might come across very dangerous predators and he could hunt them down very quietly, Odin also knew that they might have strong enemies in the future, it was almost certain since Alma would most definitely break many hearts that would not take no for an answer and would be capable to do anything to get her. He wanted her safe and well protected, even though she had to take in males that he did not like, he did not want to frighten her so he said nothing of his worries.

Keith told her that he wanted Spider-Man or Haffi to join, preferably both of them, he liked more than them but these two males had very unique set of skills that would be very useful to them. Alma was very surprised he voted for Spider-Man, she thought for a while but then thought she had never even asked for his name, she had been too frightened and stunned, she asked Odin what is name was but Odin did not know. Odin told her that spiders viewed their name to be very precious, they believed it held powers in it so they did not share their name with anyone other than their mate and spiders did not usually pick a mate, it was very rare so their name would not be known, they were all called spiders, Alma was the first one to add to it and it seemed like the spider liked the nickname. Alma was very curious, she really wanted to find out his name, she was just noisy like that. She liked Haffi but she did not like the spider that much, since she was still afraid of it. Keith knew what she was thinking and told her that having a spider courting you shows you how much you are really wanted, he told her too that yes he knew he was not a good beast but most beasts were not that good, they only showed their good sides to females. It was in spiders nature to be brutal and cunning, he asked her not to fault him for his instincts, he wanted her to give him a chance. He told her that the spider was too intelligent to sow discord between her mates, he was far too clever for that. He told her that as soon as the spider could see how much she valued her mates he would not touch them since it would not be in his favour at all. Alma did agree with that but she was just not that sure, he seemed like a psychopath not capable of loving anyone but himself, she did not understand why he wanted to join her family at all but she could not discard his might, she felt very torn since there were males she really liked and wanted much more than him but they did not have as good skill set as he.

Fannar and Tram knew very little about the beasts but they had seen them just a little, Fannar liked the wolf and wanted him to join the family, he mostly picked him since he felt the wolf would be a very good fit into the family and would not cause any problems. Even though Tram was an herbivore and rather frightful of predators he liked Ulfar and told Alma that, Alma was delighted, that one of her mate chose the dragon, she really liked him, he was both very experienced and very deadly but what she most liked about him was how he made her feel. She also really wanted save him. She knew that almost all ferals never got a chance to have a mate, that was so wrong and sad, she wanted to save them all but she really wanted to save him, he felt so alone and she knew how that felt, she was sure he would grow to like her mates, well at least most of them and would help protect all of them, she wanted him to join the family, she just hoped they all would agree.

Askell had been very quiet, listening before giving his own opinion, he did in fact agree that Addi, the spider and the bat would be a very good strategic choice to choose but he liked Gray the most, it was mostly because he knew the wolf from before, the wolf had helped him once when he was in a tight position when he was young and not that wise. The wolf had shown him pity and giving him enough pray to last the winter. Askell had been too trusting when he was a young beast and did not protect his food enough before winter and thus he had been robbed of almost most of his food, if the wolf had not helped him he would have died. The wolf did not even know him, he had just happened to pass when Askell was panicking over his situation. Because of his experience with the wolf he knew that the wolf was a very kind beast that would treat Alma very well and would respect her other mates. He told Alma his thoughts and it really had an impact on her, she felt she owed the wolf for his compassion to her mate, if he had not helped Askell, he would have died. Some of her other mates viewed it differently, some thought you should not help foolish beasts when they have have no one but their selves to blame for their problems, Odin one of her beast to believe in that, he thought that you should not deserve to live if you could not protect your pray, if its stolen, you should hunt more prey not wallow in you misery, he found it to be very weak and his respect for the bird declined.

Alma asked them if she could invite more than one beast to join the family, both Odin and Fannar frowned at the same time, they were not stupid and knew the beasts that had participated were very excellent thus it made sense to let more than one join but it also would create more problems, Alma would have less time to spend with them and they did not like that, Fannar had just been invited to join and had not even mated with her yet, he was worried that she would mate the other males before him and like them more than him. Alma could see their frustration on their face she walked towards Odin first since he was her first male, she had to show him affection first otherwise she would be degrading his position, she put her hand on softly on his cheek and looked deep into his eyes at first she only looked at him, she was filled with some much love towards that silly snake, he was such a good beasts and he deserved to be treated with love. She told him that he should never worry about his place in her heart for he will always be in her heart, she took one of his hand and put it on his mark to show him how much he is valued and loved. This was enough to make the snake smile like a silly beast, he could not stop smiling, he was so blessed to have her in his life, he did not know he had lived before her, she was the only thing he had eyes for, she was the light the he followed and he was very thankful for it.

Alma walked towards Fannar next and looked into his eyes also, she took his hand and told him not to worry about the other mates, she really liked him and she would in time come to love him just as much as she did her other males. She told him to be patient, they had all their lives to live and that they would live for a very long time, she promised him that he was just as important as anyone else and his feelings mattered just as much as others. Fannar could not help to smile, she was the only female that would console her mates and listen to their input, he was so thankful to have her in his life, he felt silly how jealous he became, he was more clever than this, he wanted her to know that he would always support her so he told her how happy she made him and that she could pick as many mates as she desired. Odin put a stop to that and told her not more than two. Odin told her if they males had her in their heart they would not leave her, they would follow her and continue to court her until she would accept them. Odin told her she should accept two and tell the other that they could court her since she liked them all. Alma had never thought about this, she liked that, it sounded so romantic and it would mean less pressure for her other mates. She would accept two for now and hope that the ones she liked would court her.

Odin looked at her filled with curiosity and asked her who would join the family for now. Alma thought for a little while and decided to welcome Ulfar and Eyvi to the family, she wanted more but this was for the best. She hoped that the rest would court her for she was very unwilling to let them go, she could not imagine them with any other female, she wanted them to be hers, she just hoped they felt the same way.

So how are we liking her picks, this was a hard decision since i like them all so much, but worry not i have a feeling the rest of them will be stalking and claiming her soon ;)

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