Part 79 ~ Strangers becoming friends

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The two strangers were becoming familiar with each other. Even though the sea was vast, they had known of each other but they had no reason to meet or become any closer, they had a cohabitant relationship, where they did not steal each other food or make trouble. The merman had known for a long time that the shark had been following the female, he had been watching her longer than he had but still he did not mind. He knew from watching her that she already had some males but she had no sea beasts at this time so they both had a good chance on snagging a spot in her harem, it would never be enough to have only one sea beasts, it is always wiser to have a few, two were not enough either but he had an army at his hand so that would come in handy. He had assisted the female so she needed to pay by giving him a spot in her harem if he wished for it and he not only wished it he craved it.

The shark did not know what to do, she was taking her sweet time waking up, he was getting scared that she would not wake up any time soon so he did what he thought was a splendid idea, he decided to burst the bubble, hoping that it would wake her up. Unfortunately she sank like a cement, the merman almost went crazy with anger but he had no time to scold the silly shark he had to save the female again before she would drown, he still had no idea if she was a mermaid or not so he was not going to take any chances with her life. It did not take him long to reach her and bring her back to the surface, Alma woke up while she was drowning, she got scared and tried to push the merman away but he held her tight and hurried as fast as he could to the surface. While the merman was saving a damsel in distress the shark just froze, he had no idea what he was doing, he had sired cubs with females before but he had never taken care of one nor even really talk to one, he knew he had messed up and he had no idea what to do, he was just about to go and dive after them but before he could Alma and the merman finally came back to the surface. Alma gasped for air, coughing and trying very hard to get oxygen back to her lungs. She was so scared, she had no idea what was happening, she did not know where she was, who they were, were they friendly or hostile, was she safe and what were they doing there. It took a while for Alma to calm down but then she thought about the big meglodon and she panicked, she was so scared she pleaded with them to get her to shore, she did not want to be eaten by the shark, she was so scared. The merman calmed her down by using his siren voice, he told her to calm down and that she was very safe, they would protect her and nothing could harm her while they were there. The poor shark almost went white from shame, he had made her so frighten of him that she might never recover, he thought to himself, he was scared to tell her that he was that shark but he had to if he wanted to have a chance to be her mate.

Alma felt calm, she felt so secure with this goddess of a man, he was like a living statue, that the gods had created for the eyes of every women. He was a sight to behold. She had seen many beautiful males since she got here but he was by far the most stunning. He was masculine while being very feminine, you could mistake him easily for a beautiful woman, she thought to herself that if he would try for miss world in her world he would win, he was so graceful and elegant and she was very attracted to him. It was like magic, the connection was so strong, she wondered if he felt the same. He had long silver hair, his tail was a sight to behold, it had the colours of the rainbow but for her it felt like a diamond, she could not control herself and touched his tail without asking for permission, she had not even noticed the other man, she was just focused on that stunning creature with the incredible tail. The tail was rougher than she thought, she had imagined it to be soft to the touch but it was very thick, still it felt nice to touch it. The shark was getting very annoyed he could see clearly that the merman was cheating, he was using his sire to lure her to him, he was not going to be forgotten so he broke the spell she was under by asking her if she was alright. Alma lost focus on the merman and came back to herself, she saw the other man and thought how strange this all was, what were they doing in the middle of the ocean and how could she find Askell, she had no idea where he was. The shark told her that he had seen her falling after her hawk had dropped her. He told her he had used all his strength to reach her as fast as he could so that she would not drown, he was quick to tell her that he had made her that bubble so that she could survive, he wanted to let her know that he was the one that saved her not the merman but the merman was quick to add that he had seen her fall too so he had rushed to save her too and thankfully he had since if he had not helped the other beast they would have likely both not survived. The shark did not like that comment, he would have survived, bruised but he would have survived but Alma might have drowned, the jellyfishes could have easily destroyed the bubble and made it impossible for him to make another for her so he could not refute the merman's words even if it made him very annoyed. Alma thanked them for saving her life but she had to find her mate, he was in trouble and he needed her. The merman felt so happy that he had sent his minion to save that bird, it was very clear she liked that bird and by saving both her and him he was guaranteed to be liked and hopefully valued in her harem. He told her he had sent one of his beasts to assist and help him if he was wounded. He could easily take her to him and he cleverly added that he hoped this would be enough to secure a place in her harem. Alma felt so relieved that she said of course to the both of them. She understood that without the both of them neither she or even Askell might be alive. Her males had told her many times that she really needed sea beasts in her harem as soon as possible, she had to be able to have security on land, sea and air, it was vital to them to get a strong sea beast into her harem, she had no idea if they were strong but she felt that they were, they both made her feel very safe and she was very thankful for their help. The merman asked if he could hold her in his arms since he could swim faster that way, it was a blatant lie and the shark knew it but still he did not feel like it would go well for him if he would out the merman but he asked to talk to Alma before they would go and find her mate. Alma looked at him very impatient, she wanted to find her mate and they could talk afterwards but still the grey male told her it was important so she tried to give him a very patient look and make him feel comfortable. He just blurted out that he was the big shark, she had been afraid of. He did not stop and told her that she did not need to be frightened of him, he would never do anything to hurt her. He told her that if he could he would change his beast form to the one she would like and he ended his speech by asking her to accept him. Alma was not stupid and after calming down she had thought that maybe one of them was that shark, she had hoped they were not, she was so scared of them but still he could not help the form he was born in and he seemed like such a teddy bear, she liked his human form much more than his beast form but she had time to get used to it, hopefully it would cure her phobia in time. The other male did not have to tell her what he was, it was a dead give away when she saw his tail. She was elated, she loved reading stories about mermen and mermaids, now she would have a shark and a merman in her family. How her life had turned, still she had no time to dwell on these thoughts. She told the poor shark that she did not mind but she would need time to adjust to his beast form but now she had to find Askell, she knew he needed her by his side and she desperately wanted to be by his side.

Tomorrow Alma will finally find Askell, I hope you liked it sorry how long it took ill try my best to update tomorrow, its December so i have a lot to do but ill try to update late next night :)

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