Part 82 ~ Hafthor

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The kings army did not disappoint, they had build two huts in a short time, they needed furs for Alma and her mate to lie on and both the shark and the king had plenty of that in their lair, king sent his beasts to get what the female needed. They did not disappoint their king, they brought more than what was needed but it pleased their king how well they were performing, they were showing the female that their king could take care of all her needs and that pleased him. In their hurry they had not created a bubble for the fur so they were all soaking wet. Fortunately it was not a big deal for their king to solve, he used his sea magic to command the water in the fur to return back to the sea, Alma looked at him casting a spell with wonder, this was straight up just like in the movies, she could see the magic being cast and move to the furs, in a short while all the sea water from the furs left and it seemed like they were dancing in the air, it was truly magical and ever so beautiful to watch, slowly but surely they moved closer to the sea while dancing in the air as soon as the sea was beneath them the drops fell down and return to where they belonged.

Alma looked at the merman with wonder in her eyes, there really was magic in this world and she had seen it with her own eyes, she smiled at him and told him that was awesome, the merman was so elated that she liked his magic and wished he could show off but he could not, his magic was dwindling down and he had to be very careful when using it. He had no idea why it was happening but he knew that the magic was disappearing from the world, his magic was not the only one affected he wished he knew why, he had prayed to the beast goddess religiously for help but she had not answered back, he could only keep on praying and hoping for a reply.

The hut was made ready for Alma and her mate. Alma made the bed as comfortable as she could, she made sure that Askell was not cold, she knew she was not going to be able to sleep with him that night, she felt a bang of guilt in her heart and she was afraid he would wake up and she would not be there for him. The minion told her not to worry, he told her he would keep him safe, he had a hunch she was worried that he would wake up and she would not be there, he knew very well that, that would not happen, his body needed time to heal and it would take him at least a week to wake up, he decided to tell her that again to try to squash her worries away, he really liked that fragile, little female and he wanted to be hers, he had decided to accept her offer but still he did not want to burden her, she had enough worries at the moment so he would accept her offer when she was back home at her village, even if she would take back her offer he would not fault her, she was too lovely and too kind to hold grudge at. He could see how overwhelmed she was, two beasts wanting to mate her while trying to care for her injured mate, he wanted her to accept him with a calm heart not with a panicked one so he did not talk about her offer, his utmost priority was to help her as a potential mate should do.

Alma felt relieved that Askell would not wake up while she was gone, she wanted to be there when he did since she knew how hard it would be for him to know he was missing a limb and to know life would never be the same, she wanted to make sure he knew nothing would change and he would always be wanted and loved, she was frightened that he might kill himself if he did not see her and saw that his leg was missing, she knew how important it was to beasts to be able to protect and provide for their females, he would need a lot of reassurance and she would be the one to give it to him but now she needed to keep her promise and do what she had been dreading, mating the merman.

She kissed Askell goodnight and walked out of the hut. She sat down with the merman and the shark and for a moment they all enjoyed the peace and silence. Alma put her big pants on and decided to ask their names, it was rather strange she had not even asked that but she had been too preoccupied with Askell. Alma looked at the beautiful merman and asked for his name. He told her his name was Hafthor, she felt the name was very fitting with a merman after all haf means the ocean, it was a beautiful name for a stunning beast. She asked if he could morph so she could see his tail and in an instant he morphed, if he was beautiful in human form he was otherworldly in his beast form, his tail was like diamonds, the sparkle was so bright, she really wanted to touch it, it was impossible to tell if he was a male or a female in his beast form, you was oozing with sex appeal and you were drawn to him, he started to sing for her and she gasped, the sound was like a dolphin talking but still the voice was enthralling, she felt like she could not say no to anything he would ask her, without realising what she was doing she had moved towards him and kneeled down and started to caress his tail, it looked so fragile and soft but it was anything but, it was hard like a stone, she could not imagine anything being able to break through that tail, it was alway very sharp and cold, Hafthor told her to be careful because his tail was very sharp and could easily hurt her. She woke up from her slumber after he stopped singing, she did not know why she even came and stroked his tail, she was not that bold, she politely apologised for touching him, it made him happy how considerate she was being but he had sirened her to him, he wanted her very badly and he wanted to see if she wanted him also. Merman's can sire all living things but they have the ability to also see it the female was attracted to them or not, they could sing to check how attracted the female was to them, the more attracted they were the closer they would get, if they had no interest their song would not move them at all, so the king was very happy to know that he had an impact on her, now all he had to do was to build on that attraction.

Alma put her hand towards him and told him it was time to complete the mating bond, she was scared but still she kept on a brave face, she had to do this, for Askell and herself, if they would leave her they would most likely die, she was all alone and very scared, she could not contact her mates but it still gave her peace knowing that they were safe, she was so thankful that Gudda did not need her breast milk anymore, she missed them all so much, she just wanted to go home, how much she wanted to go home, she hoped this was all just a nightmare and that she would wake up soon.

Ill update another chapter either later on tonight or tomorrow, i hope you like it :) have a great evening.

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