Part 24 ~ Pregnant again?

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A few months of winter had passed and Alma was over it. There was nothing to do. She had tried to play games with them but it just was not something they did understand, she loved picturany but it just does not work here. They had no imagination nor did understand what she was trying to do. She tried actunary and it went worse than the first one. She thought maybe she could teach them chess. She created one with the clay she had left. She spent many days on it. She could not say that the chess pieces looked good but it was better than nothing. They did not grasp the the game at all, she tried so many times to show them but they always forgot how each piece moved and did just what they wanted. They could not understand the rules, they thought to themselves that if they wanted to kill a piece they just would. They were both very smart beasts, such a shame she thought, maybe it is a beast thing.

Alma started to swell in the stomach, she had not started her period in a while. Alma's periods had always been very irregular since she started. She could not get it for a few months and then finally it came, sometimes it even came too early. She had been to the doctors about it when she was younger, the doctor said she was fine and when she was older and her and her husband found out he was infertile she found no reason to check it out any further since it did not matter anyway. She was happy that she was fertile but she was not ready to have more children at this time, she had nine that would hatch very soon and that would be enough for the next twenty years. Alma wanted to give all her mates their own cubs. She knew that was something every beast wanted and she would not take that dream away from her mates. She had enough time, Keith had told her she could live basically endlessly and could give birth no matter how old she was if she had lifestones. She felt very lucky she had such good mates, they were all such lovely beings. She could not imagine her life without any of them.

Tram knew ways to prevent her from getting pregnant, mostly it was by smelling her, he could smell when she was fertile, all the beast could and when that time came he lathered her with that sticky juice so no one could smell her, she hated it, she had to have it on for all the duration of her period and sometimes longer. She could not take a bath, she wished he would find a better solution but for now she had to endure. She had been worried that she was getting fatter, she was so scared she would be as fat as she was before, it had hindered her immensely in her life. She had a hard time doing the simplest things and she was paranoid that everyone was looking and talking about her. She got back pains too just like she was going to start her period but nothing happened. All of a sudden she thought about if she could be pregnant, she was not ready, she had already so many children, she got scared and started to panic so she started to sing while trying to calm down. Her mates thought she was singing for them and were very happy. They had just gotten back into the cave. They had spend the entire morning clearing the snow around the opening of the cave. This was just something that had to be done very regularly. They tried to go out when the weather was the best but it changed so rapidly. They were strong beasts and in their beastform the cold would not impact them much for a few hours, unless a strong blizzard would come. They never went far from the cave since they did not want to leave Alma and they just did not need to.

After Alma calmed down she told Tram about her worries. Tram got very excited and hoped she was, he could see from her face she hope she was not. He took her pulse and sure enough she was pregnant, by flow of the pulse she was about two months along. That meant the either Tram or Askell were the father. The gestation was similar with both sheep cubs and hawk cubs so they would not know which one was the father until she would give birth. Alma looked at Tram with accusing eyes, she felt like she was tricked. Tram looked at her with innocent eyes and told her a straight up lie with a calm face. Both he and Askell had slept with her when it was not safe, she did not know that but he did and Askell did too. They were just too horny to care and they thought she would get over it very quickly, she was after all such a nice female. It was true she did not want children right away since she already had nine on the way but mostly because everyone would know about her fertility. Her mates were not thinking with their right head at that time unfortunately. After she let out her concerns they panicked a little but thought they would move in the spring, they could easily hide the new cubs from the rest of the village, it would be bothersome but not impossible. Alma calmed down after knowing they could hide the cubs but still she was not ready. She suddenly thought of Keith and got scared he would be angry, he was her second mate, he should be the next father. She hoped he would not get angry but the knot in her heart did not lessen.

Tram did not know if she had lambs or eggs in her womb. Even though her stomach had gotten bigger she could just be full of eggs too. Hawk eggs were much bigger than snakes eggs so she would of course show more than before. Alma thought about giving birth to live lambs and she freaked out. She had helped so many sheep into this world. Never in her wildest nightmares had she given birth to sheep. This was just too much. The eggs were easier for her to imagine giving birth, she hoped with all her heart Askell was the father, she was not ready for lambs, not yet. After Tram and Askell found out she was pregnant they treated her like a china doll that could break at any moment. Alma was kinda surprised with Trams reaction. He had not behaved like this when she first got pregnant, Alma thought it must be because he thinks he might be the father and she was mostly right. Both Tram and Askell prayed to the beast goddess that they were the father. Alma felt bad for them both since she could clearly see what both of them wished for. She sat them down and told them that all her mates would get their turn to be fathers, so she told them to calm down, their time would come. She also told them she wanted to go by order of her mates, so the next time she wanted to be pregnant it would be Keith's turn and so on. They both agreed and were happy, she would let everyone experience being fathers and happy there was an order, still both of them wanted to be the father, they just hid it better than before because they were afraid to make her worry.

Far away from Alma's cave Odin was awakening, his body was curled protecting his hatchlings. The first thought he thought about was Alma, he had to get back to Alma, he had missed her terribly, being away from her felt like torture. He never knew it was possible to love someone as much as he loved Alma. She was his everything, she made him feel things he never even thought he could feel. Odin looked at his hatchling with an annoying face. He could not leave until spring because of them. He had forgotten about having to stay in his lair until spring until he arrived in it. His mind was too filled with Alma that he had forgotten. His hatchling would not survive outside in the winter and if he tried to leave with them they would freeze to death. He could not leave his eggs alone, they needed his warmth and protection, even though his lair smelled of him a predator could always try his luck. Often during wintertimes beasts would come desperate. They either miscalculated how much prey the needed for winter or they could be the victims of thievery. If that happened to a beast he would try everything he could to get his next meal, even try to steal prey from a stronger beast. Odin felt depressed, he would have to stay here alone for a few months with nolovely female to sing to him nor would he be able to hear any stories, he thought to himself that life was just too cruel on him.

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