Part 108 ~ Odin and his two.......

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Odin woke up slowly, at first it was very hard to open his eyes since he had been asleep for over four months, still he was more tired than usual since i fell asleep in his human form and for that there would be some consequences, still he did not mind much, he would eventually get his strength back, he would just have to eat more than usual and train. He was still so tired but the smell of his mate made it easier to get up, he missed her terribly and could not wait to see her again. He had finally woken up but he laid still for some time, it took the body some time to wake up, the mind woke up first then the body, while he was waiting he thought of his Alma, he was scared that she would be still crying and still in a bad place, he did not know what to do to help her, he was never an emotional being, the first time he felt any emotions was when he fell in love with Alma, this was new to him too but he had tried his best to evolve and be better since that is what was needed. He hoped time had healed her wounds, he thought about Askell, he wondered if the hawk was still living, he had been badly wounded, he did not mind much but he knew Alma would so for her hoped he was still alive. He could finally feel his legs and could move them a bit, he had no idea if it was night or day, he was alone in the dark, in the cave he had created and Alma had decorated, he liked that she had put her scent everywhere, it made him more calm and happy, he was still very tired, thinking how hard the fall had been, he hoped they would never encounter a horde of that size again but still they had to be prepared for it. They needed stronger beasts to move into their village, they got lucky this time, if it had not been for the spider the village would have been destroyed, he had never liked the spider much but after that event he was thankful it was still trying to woo Alma, in fact he would have liked to find another spider too woo her also just for the protection, still spiders were not very trustworthy, they were conniving and deceitful, they would smile to your face and promise you everything until you turned your back, then they would devour you happily. The spider was not a good beasts at all but it did like Alma and it knew that if it would kill anyone of her mates it would not stand a chance so while Alma was alive it would not do kill anyone, of that Odin was sure.

Odin could finally sit up, he gently massaged his thighs, preparing them for his weight, he was still very sleepy but most of all he was very hungry and thirsty. He finally stood up, he felt like he was a ton, it was hard to move but with each step he took it got easier. He was glad they had build a tunnel so him and Keith could walk back home, they had even build a tunnel for the potential beasts to be able to come to the house, it was a wise choice since you never knew if there was an emergency Alma could go to them or they could go to her.

The entrance to the house from the cave was in the barn. He entered quietly, still he was not moving fast, his body still felt heavy. He was glad to see that everything looked good, all the animals were well fed and did not complain about his presence. He only had to open the door to get in the house, he was filled with excitement, he could not wait to have her in his arms again. He opened the door slowly, he could hear voices talking and Alma laughing, hearing her laugh brought a smile to his face, he was glad, at least she could still laugh he thought to himself. He knew that every beast had smelled him but they had not outed him, he was glad he really wanted to surprise her. He could hear she was talking about things she had experienced in the past that had made her laugh, he almost wanted to wait until she had finished but he just could not wait any longer to see her so he walked towards the room Alma had said was their living room and waited for her reaction. Alma had been telling them funny stories about herself since she had been young, she was having a good time remembering a few of her precious moments from her youth, she was just about the tell them the most funny part when she saw her snake appear, for a little while she just stared at him and did not say a word but after that she started to bawl and ran towards him. She hugged him so tight and told him how much she had missed him, she told him these months had gone by so slow, she hugged and kissed him, he felt so content in her embrace while she was declaring her love for him, nothing would ever top this feeling, he thought to himself. Every beasts scurried away, letting them have their moment. Askell had been doing so well that he had insisted on moving into his room so that Alma could finally have romantic nights, he knew she had done so much for him and she had not been able to give her other mates the time they deserved, he did not want to monopolise her, he looked at all the beasts like they were brothers, he had learned to share without feeling the jealousy, if anything loosing his leg had made him stronger in some ways, at least he was a lot more mature than before and he saw things in a different way than before, often when you loose something you gain something else in return, he truly felt that was true.

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