Part 113 ~ A bat for a mate

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Alma loved flying, she was glad she did not have fear of heights, it was experiencing the world differently and be one with the world, she truly enjoyed it. While Haffi was soaring the air, he had company, Fannar was flying near by and Addi and his army was riding on land, she loved watching all the horses running, they were such a beautiful sight, she did not feel nervous at all, she was well protected and she knew it, what happened before would not happen again, she was glad it was over with and everyone had lived, it had taught them a valuable lesson, never get too comfortable and she never would again.

Alma knew well where they were going, she had been there many times with Askell, this would be the first time she would go there with someone else, for a while she did not want to go, this had been their place but Askell was adamant that she would use it for everyone. It was not safe for him to go there anymore, since they had to go into a cave and though his new foot worked wonders he was not built for walking steep and hard steps, besides he liked swimming in the lake, even if it was cold. They still had romantic times, everywhere in fact, one of his favourite spots to play was in the bathtub, he loved caressing her skin in the warm water, it was his most favourite thing to do.

Alma was a little excited, she knew what was about to happen and she was sure Haffi knew as well, it was a little embarrassing, having so many follow them, knowing what was about to happen but she hoped in time it would not affect her, she was shy when it came to sex still and did not really want everyone to know what she was doing but she had improved immensely, she was more daring than ever before, flirting and starting, much to all of her mates delight.

They had finally arrived at the destination, Fannar stayed in the air, inspecting the area while the horses guarded the area on land because of that Alma had nothing to worry about. They entered the cave, Haffi was so excited but at the same to very nervous, he had been dreaming of this day since they day he met her. The winter had been so long since he yearned to be near her, he was in fact not very far from her but she was near but yet so far, that was the hard part about it, still this winter had been one of the best winter he had experienced. He was warm, he had enough of different kind of delicious foods and the company was not that bad, they had bonded well during the winter, he even made somewhat a friendship with the spider. They had played games that Alma had taught them and by that they had bonded, he considered them all close as family, still it was not all bed of roses, they all got cranky and annoyed being locked in for such a long time but the good times outweighed the bad times, at least in his mind it did.
The cave was very dark but Askell had made a fire place to lit it up so Alma could see, both for her safety and for her comfort. Haffi really liked this place, it was serene and peaceful. He took of his loincloth and entered the lagoon, it was nice and hot, he felt his muscles relax, it was really enjoyable. Alma had yet to take off her clothes, she was still a little shy since they had never done anything yet, she was thinking of asking him to close his eyes but she thought it sounded silly in her head so instead she just took of her clothes and hurried to the water, since she was in such a hurry her body went into a little shock from the heat of the water but she adapted fast to the heat and started to enjoy it.
First they just stayed quiet, neither one knew what to say or do, both still shy and not daring to take the first step. Alma was brainstorming about what she could talk about but her mind went blank all of a sudden, it was all the pressure, it made her freeze up, she was trying to calm herself down while trying to relax, Haffi was just the same, he did not want to blow his chance so he wanted her to take the first step, he did not want to loose this chance and it felt safer to wait for her, he did not know that she was thinking the same thing so for a while it was a little awkward. After a while Alma knew he was not going to start so she knew she had to, it was a good practise for her too, she needed to be more confident in herself. She decided to talk about how the winter was and how big her belly was getting. She talked about she could not wait til she would give birth. Haffi was enjoying their little chat and answered happily all the questions she asked. She took his hand and put it on her belly, she could not feel any movement from her belly but her belly would from time to time light up with blue light, it usually happened when Alma was feeling happy. She was a little shy but she did not let go of his hand, she took both his hand and put them on her belly, he caressed her belly, enjoying feeling her and her cubs. She hummed a lullaby while he focused on her belly, after a little while her belly started to glow, it was such a beautiful sight, Haffi was amazed and happy to have been able to experience it. Alma laughed and smiled like a fool, she could not wait to see them all. For a while they were focused on her belly, then Haffi told her she looks so beautiful while pregnant and that was when Alma finally was able to take the next step. She felt immense passion between them and suddenly she did not feel so shy anymore, she kissed him and while caressing his back. Haffi had never experienced kissing before but he liked it, he was not very good at it at the beginning but he would learn. Alma was enjoying herself and in the moment. She took one of his hand and put it on her breasts, she told him to massaged them for her, at first he was so very gentle but after some time he got bolder and touched her more firmly, he played with her nipples, he heard her moan so he knew he was doing something right. Alma was always in heat since she got pregnant so it did not take anything to get her ready. She was very wet and it was not only because of the water. Haffi used one hand to caress her breast and the other to squeeze her bottom, he loved her bottom, it was so good to touch and squeeze. He was so hard that he ached in his rod, he wanted nothing more than to be inside her, Alma was just as bad, Haffi was lucky that she was pregnant since it made it much more easy to get her ready for sex. Alma told him she could not wait anymore and she grabbed his member and played with it a little before she put her back against him and told him to enter her slowly. Haffi was gentle and made sure to enter the right whole, he started off very slow, the water was hot but Alma was hotter, it did not take long for him to enter her fully, he took hold of her waist to secure her and started to old dance of mating. He started of slow but soon enough he was ramming himself in her, he forgot about everything except to chase the orgasm he so desperately wanted. He felt like he was in heaven walking up a pleasure stairs, each step gave him more pleasure, he was moaning her name, telling her sweet words, loving every minute of it. Alma was just the same. She touched herself while he was inside her, she was just in the moment enjoying herself and him, they were as one. She could feel the orgasm coming so she yelled it out, that was enough for Haffi to come, he roared her name while she screamed his. After calming themselves down they looked at each other smiling like fools, both happy and satisfied. Alma wondered when her mark would come and where it would be, she could not wait to see her new bat tattoo.

As always thank you so much for reading, liking and commenting, it always makes my day, i hope you like this chapter, not many are left but she will mate at least the spider before this volume ends, have a great weekend

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