Part 56 ~ Preparing for the move 2

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Keith had finished buying all the land and he had explored it well, he now knew all the best spots and the weakest spots. He decided it was best for him to stay and start building. He had thought long and hard about staying or going back. He could go back and help with all but he thought it was much wiser to stay and prepare as much as he could before they would come. He had hired a lot of beast to make the caves liveable for them all and workers to start building their home. He had watched Alma like a hawk when she was building her oven. He could build one just as good as her, he was rather sure he could. He delegated the workers and decided what was most needed. He wanted them to get a lot of wood, Alma wanted a house and she had talked about building one with wood, he had seen a few houses built in that way but he decided to hire workers that had experiences in building those kind of houses. He was glad Alma had shown him how she wanted the layout of her house to look like. She had drawn it in the sand and told him how many rooms she wanted and what she wanted to have in each room. Shen wanted to have a oven in each of the bedrooms so that there would be enough heat for everyone when winter came. She also wanted a fireplace in the common area so he had to make sure everything would be just as she liked. He was in no hurry though, he had to make the cave liveable first. It would take some time to build the house so in the meantime he wanted to make the cave as cosy as he could for her. He started to build an oven, it would take some time but he was a patient beast and a very hard working beast. After the oven he wanted to build a fireplace in the sleeping are, he had seen her do it, she had told him that the smoke needed an air locked to be safe to use, so he made sure to create one in each room that had a fireplace, this was something that was new to the beasts, they had never seen an oven and Alma would be the one to help teach other beasts to make the same for their home, she liked the phrase "pay it forward" so she told all the beasts to just do that, spread the knowledge so it can benefit everyone.

While Keith was working hard for their new home Alma was busy packing all their things, she had told Tram to go to talk to the village king and all the other beasts in the village. She was thankful that Addi had a big herd, all the beasts could travel with them for their safety and all could help carrying what they needed for their new home, she was a little bit afraid that some would not want to join them, for she did not know what to do if they would not but she decided she would stress out about that later, she was much to busy to worry about that now. Alma felt bad she had not played much with her little Gudda, she had no time, she barely had time to feed her but with the help of all her mates she managed. All her potential mates had also come to give a hand. To her surprise the spider came, she was not that thrilled, she had not invited him to pursuit her but she really needed as much empty hands as she could get and he had eight legs, he could come in handy, she still gave him a stink eye, telling him with her eyes that he had not been invited but he just smiled so wide that she saw his pearly white teeth's, he was flirting with her, she rolled her eyes and thought he was such an ass but at least he could be a useful ass.

She first saw Askell coming into the cave,she was so glad to see him, she had missed them all so much. She got up and gave all of them a big hug and a warm welcome home. Askell had missed her terribly. He felt so empty being so far away from her. He had flown has fast as he could the way back. His heart felt warm having her in his arms, he was finally home, he thought to himself. After Alma welcomed everyone Askell told her that Keith had decided to stay behind to start building their home and getting everything ready. Alma was glad that Keith could think ahead. They had not discussed anyone staying behind but it was best to start building homes as soon as possible. Askell told her that Keith had hired many beasts to build homes for them all. Alma was so glad, this lessened her load immensely. Alma told Askell that she had discussed with Tram to invite the whole village with them, she told them they would not survive without them so it was best to let them join them. Askell did not mind either way, he just did what Alma wanted, he did not know the village beasts much since he had not lived here for a long time. Alma hoped Tram would hurry back home so she would know what the village had decided.

Tram had begun to talk to the village chief about asking everyone to joint them to Taurus city, the village chief was so thankful, he had been very worried what would happen as soon as they would leave, leaving with them was for the best, they would not survive without them. Tram suggested that Odin would take the spot as the new chief since he was the first male and he was both strong and wise. No feral had ever been made a chief of any village so Odin would be the first of hopefully many ferals to become chief of the village. Tram told the chief to get ready as fast as he could and take as little with him as he could. He told him that he and all that would join them would get help with their things but it was best to travel as light as possible. Tram went from cave to cave, talking to each and every beast of the village, everyone was so happy and thankful to be able to move with them, no one decided to be left behind, everyone decided to follow the beautiful and kind female. She had become their light. She sang beautiful songs every night and all of them could not wait until it got dark just to be able to hear her sing. All of them got ready to leave, they were excited for most of them had never left the village and they were excited to have their own adventure.

Tram finally came back, it was getting dark, it had taken a long time to talk to all the beasts but it had been worth it, he was happy that they would come with them, he would not have to worry about them, he knew Alma would make sure that everyone was taken care of in their new place. He could not wait to move, he was sure things would even get better than they were here. Alma's eyes were glued to the door just waiting for Tram to come home, when she finally saw him her face brighten and her eyes were asking what had happened. Tram told her that all would move with them and Odin was now their new village chief, Odin had not expected to become a chief, he was very surprised but he could not hide how proud he was, he, a feral was a chief, how his life had changed. The story of Odin the village chief was told to every feral, ferals were proud that one of them had a title and that he was revered. They all wanted to be just like him,  Odin was the first feral to change how things were done.

Two chapters as promised :) I'll probably upload another chapter after five days, i hoped you liked it

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