Part 116 ~ Welcoming Magni

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They stayed in the lagoon for a few hours enjoying each other's company. Alma never would have guessed his name, still she liked it and it suited him well, she knew she could never utter his word to anyone except to him, it was the ways of the spiders, they believed in the power of their name and if anyone would know it you would loose some of your power, the more that knew your name the less power you would have, she did not mind at all, she had known him for so long and had gotten used to calling him Spider-Man, she really liked it, it always made her giggle and remind her of home.

Before it got dark they left to go back home, she wanted to ride on her beautiful stallion, she got help from King, he held her in his arms and put her on Addas back, she whispered to Adda to run fast, she loved it, Addi loved to please his mate so he did what she asked. She loved moments like these, being one with nature and feeling alive. She laughed and asked him to go even faster, and he did as she asked.

When they came home there were still so many beasts waiting, hoping to be able to settle in their village, the females wanted to stay there but Odin had told them that they would have to at stay at the city at first since they did not have any homes for them, the females were not used to being told no and made a scene, Odin was quick to shut it down by showing he meant business, the mates of the females could not fight with Odin, no beasts that came had as much strength as he did so they cowered and showed they necks, it was rather pitiful but what could the do, they were no match to almost all of Alma's mates. Alma joined Odin and gave him a kiss, she could finally see a female up and close and it was just bizarre. The females did not really look like a fully grown human, they looked strange and alien like, she did not like their looks, something was wrong, how could the males look like they did and the females look like that, something was not right, why was this so, she really wanted to know, she was scared that her Gudda might look like them when she grew up, and she thought about future female cubs she would have, would they also look like that, she hoped not but her mind was not at ease. One female cursed at Odin and tried to shame Alma, she could barley make herself understandable, still Alma made sure not to show how she was feeling, she did not want to make no enemies, especially not females that could get a powerful mate and try to get revenge on her or her mates. Odin had tried his best to be calm and collected but dealing with females like this was hard, they felt everything was owed to them and what they wanted they should have, he was so thankful that his mate was not like them. Alma assisted Odin in calming everyone down, she told the females that there just was not space as Odin had said but she told them that the city would be just as nice as their village when they had done rebuilding it. She told them that soon the city will look just like her village only better, that was the right word for the females to hear, they wanted the best and if the city would be the best they wanted to stay there. The females took their mates and went to the city.

There were still many beasts left that wanted to stay, Alma saw Magna and welcomed him back, Magni was so glad to see her again he had been so happy to see her again, he hoped he could be her housemate, he could protect the home, when he was awake. Alma was nice to him but she set clear boundaries, she had learned express herself so she told Magni she was not going to make him her mate but she would find a place for him in the village, that was enough for Magni, at least for now, he was tired and hungry so Alma asked Fannar to show him around, feed him and find a place for him to stay. Alma tried to help as many as she could but she would not be able to build so many houses for all of them before winter so she told them that one hundred of them would be able to stay in the village and help build their new homes the other would have to go to the city and if they still liked to live in her village, they could try next summer. She told Odin to pick, she decided not to have any females, at least not now, it was too much bother and work. She asked Odin to pick strong males and weak ones so there would be a balance, Odin had the same idea as she so he picked the males he liked.

Alma went back home enjoying being back home, she played with Gudda and rocked her to sleep, her little lamb was just the cutest, she imagined her growing up, she hoped she would look like her father, but mostly she hoped she would not like like the females from this world. The evening was pleasant, it was incredible how the bickering and fighting had diminished, there was mostly laughter in their home, just like she had dreamed it would be.

Soon she would give birth to the eggs, she was happy she had Tram and her trusted friend that was a healer. She knew he had feelings for her and she had talked to him about it. She did not want to lead anyone on, no matter what she said he did not want to leave her, she was his queen and he would never leave her, she liked him but she was not ready to have another mate at this time, she still had to make Pistris part of the family and she had vowed to herself to accept him before winter. She had talked to all her mates and asked if she could spend a little more time with him than she had planned for future mates, she did not know him well enough yet to want to sleep with him, she wanted there to be feelings before she would have sex with him. Everyone was in agreement, she had told them that she would not be welcoming any more mates into the family unless something happened, she felt like things were perfect and it would just complicate things if she would welcome too many beasts.

Pistris had been waiting eagerly for his time. Alma had told him how things would be and he was agreed to everything, she had been dating him like the others but the dates had not gone as well as he had hoped, he was still too nervous and shy around her, he had a hard time opening up, sharks like him lived alone, most did not take a mate, they mated to make offspring's but that was it, they usually did not leave the sea, the sea was their territory, they were feared by most and that is what they liked, they only went on land to find a female to impregnate, after having succeeded in that they would not let her go until she would give birth to shark eggs, after that they either ate her or let her go, it differed between sharks. Pistris had yet not had any offspring's, he had never even been with a female, he never had the urge to to be with one so he just did what he liked, it was not until he saw Alma that his instinct to mate kicked in but he wanted more than just offspring's, he wanted to be her mate. He had been watching her for such a long time and he fell in love with her, without ever meeting her. Pistris was a patient beasts, all sharks were, you had to be if you wanted to be a good hunter. He did not know a lot about how to behave and react so during the winter he had gotten help opening himself up and learning how to behave with females and other beasts. He was far from understanding everything but he was making the effort to learn and that was all that mattered. He wanted to please her but did not know how, he had nothing to talk about except his conquests, he had done nothing but hunting and fighting all his life, that was how things were for all beasts but for a beast that liked solitude it was even harder.
Alma knew how hard this was for him so she made sure to show him how much she appreciated his efforts and she tried to teach him also what she could. He knew nothing about romancing females, he was clueless so when their time would come Alma would have to take the lead and show him, the prey would have to show they predator how to make their bodies dance together as one.

The story is almost over, Pistris will join the family before it will end, i hope you liked it :) thank you so much for reading, liking and commenting, i really appreciate it. I decided to enter the story to the wattys, I know I won't win but I'm just doing it for the fun of it :) thank you all for sticking with the story, im so thankful to you all, have a wonderful day/evening.

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