Part 47 ~ Letting them know 3

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Magni had just woken up after a nice nap, he really loved it here, Alma's mates tended to all the potential mates with great care, he never had to look for his own food, he had his own room and could almost sleep as much as he liked. He was still rather tired and really wanted to sleep just a few minutes longer but Fannar told him it was his turn, besides he liked the female and enjoyed her company, he did not hurry though his steps were slow and lazy, he felt it was too hot today, such a good day to nap he thought to himself.

Alma welcomed him and asked him to sit down, he was still so sleepy and had a hard time keeping his eyes open. Alma wanted to laugh at him, he was so cute when he was tired, she had no know idea how he could keep himself alive, he was so lazy, he needed a good wife to pamper him, he should be a trophy wife, she thought to herself. Alma told him that she felt so fortunate to have met him but she unfortunately could not pick him, she told him that she still liked him immensely but she needed a very active mate and she knew he would not be happy in her family. He would only be stressed and longing for his lazy days. Magni was delighted how well she knew him after only knowing him for a few hours. He felt sad but he also knew she was right, he would not be happy, her mates would eventually become very frustrated towards him since he slept a lot and liked to relax and contemplate life. He had learned something about himself pursuing a female, he learned that he was very content with his life, sure it would be so nice to have a female but he did not want the responsibility that came with it at this time. Alma told him that she hoped they would meet in the future and become good friends, Magni was satisfied with that, maybe he will be more active in the future and want more, he felt depressed all of a sudden, he thought now he had to walk home and find his own food, ah the good life was over for now.

Addi was nervous, he just could not understand why he could not talk like a normal beast when he was talking to Alma. He felt rather scared that his voice would betray him again but he tried pepping himself up, he was a leader, a king, he commended hundreds of stallions, talking to a female was easy, yes, very easy, he could do this. Addi felt like puking, he was so afraid that she would not pick him, he wanted so much to be hers but he also knew that all the other beast wanted her just as much as he did, this was one of the hardest things he had ever done in his whole life and he had fought in many battles. As soon as Addi saw Alma again, he became flushed and had trouble breathing, he was so scared that he wanted to run away, he would rather run away than hearing her say no but Alma just smiled at him and told him she was so happy to see him again. He calmed down hearing her words, he felt like there were butterflies flying in his stomach, he was filled with love and adoration towards that little female. Alma took his hand and welcomed him to the cave, Addi tried to say that he was so happy to see her again and that he had missed her but the words somehow flew out in the wrong order and he told her that he was happy she was missed, Alma looked at him for a while, she took his hand and tried her best to sooth him, she told him he was such a wonderful beast and she was glad he was happy, she could not figure out why he would be happy if she went missing but something told her that the words had gone lost in translation. Alma took her time to reassure him, Addi felt helpless and frustrated, he could not understand what was wrong with him, he just got so flushed around her that he could not think straight, he really hoped that this would not happen all the time and forever, if that were to happen her mates would ridicule him endlessly and they might grow to loath him. He felt stressed and a little bit frighted. Alma was still holding his hand, she could see he was frustrated so she tried her best to calm him down and told him that everything would be alright. Alma sighed and told him unfortunately she could not pick him at this time, Addi felt like his world was crumbling down, he wanted to cry and beg her to love him. Alma saw the desperation in his eyes so she was quick to ask him if he was willing to court her. Addi was in tears, he felt ashamed, he had never been like this before an he did not like it one bit, he was just thankful that his herd had not witnessed his behaviour, they might not respect him if they would see him so vulnerable. The stone in his heart was lifted as soon as he knew he would be able to court her. He was sure she would welcome him into her family since she made him this offer. If he could he would have kissed the goddess for guiding him towards such a remarkable female. Addi told her that he would pursue her as long as she liked and would do anything for her. Alma told him that she knew he had a whole herd to think of and she wanted all of them to adjust to her family. She also told him that if he would join the family he could go on adventures with his herd even if they would be gone for a long time. She told him she knew he had a responsibility towards them and she wanted them all to be happy, him, her, her mates and his herd. Addi was even more thankful for her since no female would offer this. He was so lucky, the luckiest stallion in all the land. Alma told him that Fannar, Keith and Askell would be going to find suitable living space for her and her family. She told him to go with them so he could find land near her that could accommodate him and his herd. Alma was happy, she was going to do her best to help him, if she could not than she would help him feel better about himself, such a kind, strong stallion he is she thought. Alma embraced him and told him she was so thankful for him to be willing to court her, she would have been so sad if he had not. Addi could almost fly he felt so happy, she fit so perfectly in his arms. He could not wait to be able to embrace and love her for all eternity.

I love Magni and I love Addi, this is just hard, so hard to decide, ill try to update tomorrow so we can continue on with the move.

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