Part ~ Poor Addi

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Hafthor had stayed a few days, in those few days they had gotten much closer, Hafthor had connected to his cubs as often as he could, he tried his best to find out how many cubs she was carrying but it was fruitless, no matter how he tried he could not figure out, he was very excited and could hardly wait to tell all his minions that finally they had managed to create new blood for their kingdom. Things were looking good for both the mermen race and the king, he hoped these cubs were just the beginning, life was finally looking up again for him and Alma.

Alma was always humming and singing to her little bump, she was not showing much yet and she would most likely not be showing much until after winter since the gestation took so long, she could hardly wait. Everyone of her mates were happy about the new cubs, everything that made their little female happy, made them happy. Alma tried to teach them all kind of games but still it was hard since most did not understand the logic, she had made a chess board and that was the only game that most enjoyed immensely. Alma was not good at it but she knew how to play so she taught them, it did not take a long time until they crushed her and won every time, since she did not like it much she did not play often but she liked to watch them play and encourage the both of them, still it was a balancing act since she had to be careful of not cheering on one more than the other or someone would get butt hurt, still it was fun and they enjoyed it. She had been thinking long and hard if she should teach them how to read and write but she had yet to make up her mind about it, she was not sure if she should, maybe that would create problems, she liked this world and she did not want it to evolve as her world did, the land was pure there was a balance between nature and beasts, she did not want to do anything to mess with that balance, she might make beasts evolve too fast if she taught them and thus destroy the balance, she thought about her dreams and decided to do nothing, if she was meant to teach them she would dream about it and with that she tossed that thought in the back of her mind.

Alma had been trying her best to get to know both Grey and Addi during this time and it had been quite fun. She had grown so close to both of them. She liked to feed and take care of the animals and she wanted the animals to get used to her stronger mates, she wanted them to know they were their protector and that they were safe. The goats were easier to build trust with than the cows and they were still very vary of the stronger beasts. Alma knew that the cows were very intelligent and she knew she could build up trust with the cows and all beasts, they just needed time to see that all her mates were not a danger. She took only one strong mate with her when she went in the farm and she made sure to talk and sing to the cows for a long time, she made her mate stand in one spot where the cows could see them and she tried to make the gap between her mate and the cows smaller so that in time they could be near them and touch them. She loved being near the cows, they were such gentle creatures, they had accepted her fully and showed her love and comfort. She was so happy that the cows were accepting the farm, she would take great care of them because she loved all her animals and she wanted them to be happy, safe and healthy.

She created picnics in the farmhouse, it was nice so that she could get alone time with all her mates, they enjoyed it just as much as she did and she created date nights every day in the farm, where they just talk to each other, cuddled, laughed and just loved being near each other. Everything was going so well finally after that dreadful attack. Alma was opening up more towards all her mates talking about herself and what she had went through, still she had not talked about everything, she was fine with that, she liked taking small steps at a time since she knew they had all the time in the world, she was opening up and changing and she really liked the change, she could not believe how far she had come in such a short time, she felt content and happy, she was where she was supposed to be and with the beasts she was supposed to be with, it made her even more glad.

Addi was still a stuttering mess when he was near Alma, he just could not control himself, he could not think clearly and all the words in his head would not make sense, it made him panic a little but still it made him a little happy seeing how understanding Alma was, she was always telling him to take his time and she promised she would not be impatient, she often tried to help him, she told him it was so sad that beasts could not sing since it could help so much with his stuttering, when Alma said things like that it made him gloom since he did not have a problem at all, he only had this problem when speaking to her, he could not understand why he could not speak clearly when she was around, he just got so flustered and excited whenever she was around that no matter what he did he could not control himself, he hoped it would get better in the future but he was a little frightened that she would think he was doing this on purpose, he tried to explain himself again and again but the words just would not come out right and often he could not understand his own speech, not matter what, Alma just petted his back softly and told him it was alright, he was doing awesome and she was proud of him, he could see the stares he would get from her other mates and it made him a little flustered. Alma's other mates had told her that he could speak quite well when she was not around, still Alma told them to be kind to him, a lot of people that stutter can often speak well but sometimes they cannot, she scolded them and told them it was forbidden to be mean to Addi,
Addi felt like a cub but he had no idea what to do to get out of this situation. He could feel the resentment from the other beasts, they thought he was behaving like that to get more attention but he was really innocent, he really could not control himself, he tried to explain but for naught, they just rolled their eyes and huffed. Poor Addi, he was just so misunderstood. It seems like his speech impeded was not getting better, he would have to try harder he thought to himself,a little defeated.

Alma tried her best to not let the boredom get to her, all days were so similar, she spent it playing with her little Gudda, taking care of the animals and making sure that no one felt left out, still she missed her PlayStation, she missed her games and she so missed her horror movies and series, since most days felt mundane it was hard finding new things to do. She ate well but she had such craving, she wanted lobsters and KFC, how she wanted KFC, she had such a craving that she almost cried, she had been feeling glum since she did not know how to make chicken like that here, she hoped her dreams might show her a way, since it she really wanted it and her favourite drink Pepsi, she still had one can in her bag but she did not want to open it, she knew she could never have it again if she opened it, she wished she could create it but she knew that she had no hope in that regards, she was a little stuck thinking about the things she could never have again and it had affected her mood a little but fortunately her mates were quick to guide her to think of things she got instead, it always helped lift her spirits just thinking of what she had, still it was only natural to think of her life she had left, she had lost some things but gained others instead, it was alright, she could make more delicious meals, she was sure of it. She had been having a little trouble with her mood during this pregnancy, it fluctuates from being very happy to felling very down, still this was somethings Hafthor had told her would happen, since she was carrying cubs with magic it would affect her hormones more than normal pregnancies and she would get more, well horny as time went on, it would be best to have sex with the father since his semen would provide more for the cubs than other semen did but still the cubs could use it to strengthen their magic core, there was some kind of cells in the semen than helped with building magic in foetus cubs, this was true for all magic being, still Alma had not slept with anyone after she had slept with Keith, she was ready but she had wanted to wait until she would mate with Grey and Addi, she did not want them to feel bad, it did affect her other mates but she could get them off in other ways so they could vent out their energy in other ways, still all of them could hardly wait until she would mate Addi and Grey so that they could mate with her again. It was sometimes really hard being a beast.

Hope everyone is good, next chapter either Addi or Grey will become official mates, i cannot wait 😉 i hope you like it, have a great evening ❤️

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