Part 117 ~ Pistris

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The summer had begun, it was getting hot, Alma was tired of the endless heat, it was harder since she was pregnant she would give birth to her eggs in the fall, she could hardly wait, she wondered how many cubs she was having, she could not wait to see them but she knew that she would not be able to see them for a long time, as soon as she would give birth Hafthor would take the eggs to a secret place until they would be ready to hatch, she would miss them, she thought about all her cubs every day and prayed that they were all alive and well, it gave her comfort, still she wished they were all with her, she did not imagine she would ever get used to leaving her cubs all alone so that they could become strong, she wished it would be possible to do without having to leave them but at least not yet, she knew all her snake cubs were strong and she felt very confident that they were all alive, Odin had told her that his line was strong and the odds were in their favour, still she had anxiety about them every day.

She had gotten used to having Kóngur in her family, in fact she truly liked having him around her, he was funny and so considerate, he never complained even if he was still collecting poop from every household, she giggled when just thinking about it, it made her like him even more, she did not know if he would ever be able to be like everyone else, she had for a long time thought of him as a serial killer that loved to kill and she was sure he still did but he had stopped killing any beasts that could morph. She told him before she accepted him that he would have to change, she would not accept him killing a morphing beasts, he could not hunt for fun, only for food, and he was not permitted to play with his prey and taunt it. He had accepted never to kill an morphing beasts, not unless it was in self defence or to save another beast from it, she could get behind that. Kóngur was satisfied, he had calmed down a lot since pursuing Alma and after they had mated his lust for killing had dwindled down by a lot. Every spider loved to hunt, eat and kill, it is just the way they were made but a few of them that decided to have a mate would change, their thirst for killing would diminish as long as their mate was fulfilling their needs it mellowed them out, most did not know that since spiders were a dying breed that usually did not take in a mate nor find the need to mate, they only craved to kill and eat, it was just they way they were made.

Alma had been seeing Pistris for a while now, she had gotten to know him quite well, he did not speak much, he was timid when around her and awkward, she found him so cute, she could not imagine him being a shark, a huge one as a matter of fact. Hafthor had forbidden Alma to go into the ocean so she could not see Pistris shark form and she was fine with that. She could not help it, she was still terrified of sharks and she was sure that fear would not be leaving her anytime soon, she knew he would not hurt her and that was enough. They went strolling down the shore, Alma told Pistris stories about how she had met Keith and all her other mates. Pistris loved to hear her talk, he liked her stories and he liked getting to know her. He was not a jealous beast at least not know. At first he had wanted to snatch her for himself but he was thankful that he had decided against it, he was sure he would have been killed by her mates or if she had let him live she would not have accepted him. She was everything a beasts could want in a mate and he was thankful she was giving him a chance. He made sure that she felt no pressure to mate from him. At first he had wanted to mate with her as soon as possible but now he was grateful he had not been first. He never wanted her to feel like she felt after she had mated Hafthor, he had been scared that she would kill herself. After that he had thought of her in a different light, she was more than just a female, she was a deeply wounded female that had huge scars on the inside and he did not want to hurt her on the inside, he wanted to cure her but he did not know how to so he tried to just let her feel safe with him, let her know he did not need anything from her but the pleasure of her company and he had been right. Alma liked how there was no pressure to mate and that he just let her take the lead. He did not talk much and that was alright, he liked to listen and she like to talk, a match made in heaven.

Alma felt she had grown close enough to Pistris to want to ask him to join the family, she had talked to all her mates and all had agreed with him joining when she wanted to accept him. She did not want to take him to the lagoon, it was too hot now and she wanted them to have their first time with a little privacy. She talked to Pistris about if he was ready to join and he was quick to say yes, she smiled how fast he got up, when he was around her was often so clumsy, it could be annoying but it was mostly just too cute, such a big strong beasts being shy and clumsy, she felt it was just like an anime, she loved to watch anime's and when she saw him she reminded her of her favourite anime, how she wished she would have been able to take it with her but she could always use her imagination to watch it again.

Pistris and Alma went to the lake, in the middle of the lake was a little island, it was very small but she often swam there to cool off and pick a few berries. She liked that place and she decided it was a great place for them to have a rendezvous. She had asked Fannar to get everything ready for her, he always did what she asked with a smile since he knew he would get it paid with interest when it was his time. Pistris and Alma swam to the island, Pistris was very protective, she was getting very big and he was scared she would hurt herself, she just smiled and was happy how thoughtful he was. Pistris did not know that everything was set up and ready for them, there were pastries, cold drinks and berries ready and a huge fur to lie on. Pistris felt shy, he knew what was about to happen and he was a little scared, he had never been with a female before and he was frightened he would do poorly. Alma just smiled, she knew he was scared, she had been so scared and shy at first but she was more open now than before and thanks to Ulfar, she felt more confident so she was more daring than ever when it came to having sex, she still did not want to have sex with anyone she did not have feelings for and she was sure that would not change, at least not anytime soon.

They ate and drank, Alma told him stories, she wanted to try to calm him down he was so nervous the poor thing, he liked her stories so he forgot for a while what was about to happen and concentrated on her stories, she told him funny stories to try to make him laugh and it worked, it was such a sight watching him laugh, he was a sight to behold, after he had calmed down, Alma could not control herself any longer. She moved towards him and gave him a gentle kiss, Pistris did not know what to do so for a while he did nothing, when Alma put her tongue in his mouth and sucked his tongue that is when he reacted. He kissed her back, his kisses were clumsy but endearing, she took his hand and put it on her breast, for a while he did nothing, he was frozen in fear, he just let her guide him, he was scared to hurt her so he could not enjoy himself as he should, he was also afraid to hurt the cubs. Alma did not mind leading, he was a big guy and she guessed what he was thinking, she made him lie down and she took of his loincloth, she took off hers too so they were both bare. Pistris was already hard, she was such a beautiful sight, a fertile female in bloom, still he did nothing but stare, she sat on him and started to ride him, she was not wet enough for him to penetrate her yet so she used his member to pleasure herself, she moaned, telling him how good it felt, Pistris felt the same, he had never experienced anything like it he moaned her name, he was scared to spill his seed before they would actually consummate. Alma used her hands to touch her nipples, she was getting very excited, she was moaning his name telling him how she craved to have him inside her, as soon as she felt she was wet enough she took his member and slowly started to let him enter her. He was big so it was a little uncomfortable at first but she did not mind, she took it slowly and when she was ready she started to move faster. Pistris finally touched her, he gently held her hips to guide her and help her, he would not last long, the pleasure was indescribable, he could only murmur her name, the need for speed engulfed them both, she told him to help her move faster so he did as he was told. Out of all her mates Pistris was the one that had not spilled his seed in the first minute when they mated, Alma was very impressed but she could only think of reaching her own peak, she was so close to heaven, she was so full when he was inside her, she screamed out his name as she came and that was the catalyst of Pistris own release. As they both came down from their high, they  snuggled in each other embrace, it was such a lovely day that both of them fell asleep satisfied and happy. While Alma slept a new mark was visible on her lower back, it was moving shark, it was like the shark was alive, it could actually move, it was a sight to behold, a new shark mark was made.

Thank you all so much for still be reading my story, the ending is near 😔 its hard to end the story but im glad her story is not over completely. I love getting comments from you all, it truly makes my day, thank you you from the bottom of my heart for giving my story a chance and liking and commenting, i still can't believe how many have read it, im truly very thankful to you all, have a great day, i will try to update again during the weekend

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