Part 18 ~ preparing for winter

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Askell just followed after them in a daze, he still could not believe she had picked him. He was excited and ready to prove himself. He entered their cave and waited for Alma. Alma asked Keith and Tram to go and try to collect as many potato's and vegetables as they could before winter, she needed alone time with Askell. Alma asked Askell to sit down. She told him that she was very happy to have him join the family. He could not help but to smile, his happiness was all over his face. Alma found it so cute and it made her happy that he was happy. She told him that she wanted to get to know him well before she was ready to mate with him. She looked worried but told him, to mate was something that was very intimate to her and she did not want to do that until they had developed feelings for each other. Askell was already head over heels for the girl but he did not mind waiting until she was ready. He knew she was an honest female and would not betray him, he was sure of it so he was not worried.

Alma told him that she was not like other females, she could not morph into a beast. She told him her tribe was called humans and no one could morph from her world not even males. Askell was stunned, how could males protect the females if they could not morph, he felt very lucky she had escaped from that place and came to this village. Alma told him that she did not want anyone other than the family to know about this. Askell promised by his honour that he would not tell. She also told him that she would be fertile every month. Askell did not know what to think, this was something he had never heard of, no female no matter where she was from could be fertile that often. He asked her where are you really from, she told him she was not from their world, she did not know how or why she was sent here but where she is from all the female are fertile every month. Askell was sure the beast goddess must have sent her, there was no other reason he could think off. He got very worried, if other beast would find out about her fertility, it would be disastrous. Alma could see the worry on his face and she told him not to worry, she told him Tram had found a way to disguise her scent during the days she is fertile. Askell was thankful for the doctor. He knew she needed more beast to protect her. She was too precious. He had to train hard to protect her.

Alma asked him to come with her to the lake, she told him she wanted to make things out of clay. Askell had no idea what clay was or what it did, he just followed her around like a love sick puppy and did what she asked. He saw she was concentrating on looking at the mud, its just wet mud he thought. He was curious what she was looking for and soon he found out. It did not take alma long to find the right clay, she was happy and showed it to Askell. She told him she was looking for mud that looked like this. She asked him to try to find as many as he could by himself so he did, it was not hard, but it was a dirty job. Askell did not like to be dirty, he in fact hated it but he would do this forever if she asked, he loved doing things for her and it did not take along time until they had gathered a lot of clay. They took it to the cave and   Alma went straight away to work on the clay, it was tedious and hard but Askell helped as soon as he saw what he should  do. You had do work they clay like your where baking bread, use water and mix a little dry mud, then work it, beat it and repeat, this took many hours and her arms ached badly. Askell was used to hard work, this was light work for him, he did not mind he just wanted to help his mate. After they had worked to clay Alma told Askell they had to leave it in a damp place for a good while. Alma was beat and she really needed a bath. Tram an Keith just walked in with a-lot of vegetables, Alma was very happy and complemented them immensely. She thanked them for working so hard for them. They loved when she praised them. Tram could see she was dirty and that she probably wanted to clean herself. He told her that he was going to start dinner. He asked Askell to take her to the lake. Tram knew they needed time to get to know each other, he wanted to be a considerable mate. Askell was glad and walked with Alma to the lake. Alma asked him not to peek while she was bathing. She told him she was very shy and she needed time to get to know him. He reassured her he would not. When Askell gave someone his word he would keep it no matter what, he prided himself on his honour, it mattered alot to him. This time was very hard to keep his word. He could hear her moving in the water and he could just imagine how she looked like and her touching herself. He had never been with a female before so it did not take much to get a reaction from his little brother. He got flustered and tried to block her sounds and think about disgusting things, he thought to himself it can be really hard being a mate.

After Alma had cleaned up, Askell took a quick dip in the lake too, he finally felt clean, he did not take a long time, he had to be vigilant for any danger. She really had too few beast to protect her, she needed many more, dangers here are just too many. Most females had at bare minimum forty beast. This is a dangerous world where many dangerous beasts work together. A female had to have a very large harem to protect herself, she would never survive in the long run with just a few beasts. Of course no beast wanted to share his mate but in this world you had too. No beast would ever be able to protect his female by himself, no matter if he was the strongest beast in the whole land. Many beast would just work together and attack, and if that would not work she would be stolen and maybe even killed. Askell did not know Alma could sing yet, he did not know that she was a one of a kind female that would be coveted by many, many beasts, both good and bad.

They had a nice chat and Alma told him more about herself. She told him she liked stories and she liked to sing. Askell asked if her kind were related to merefolks. Alma told him no. He asked if she could sing for him after dinner. She told him of course she would. They had a nice dinner where everybody got along. Tram and Keith knew that he would fit well, he was a respectable beast. After dinner Alma sang for them all. She loved singing power ballads. She loved Tina Turner and decided to sing a private dancer while dancing a little sexy too, she had so much fun. Askell had never heard a voice like hers. He had heard merfolk siren a song and it was nothing like this. He was sure that even merfolks would be envious of her voice. Just watching her like she was singing just for him and moving slowly to the beat of her song, he craved her. Her voice felt like the voice of the beast goddess. He was sure she was the gift from the goddess. He could not believe she was his. He would never let her go, even in death he would not leave her. Her soul called to his and they had not even mated, he did not understand what was happening but he loved every minute of it. Keith and Tram could also not take their eyes off her, she filled them with so much happiness. Every minute with her was to be happy, everything she did was amazing, she could do no wrong in their eyes. They would follow her everywhere and do anything for her no matter how horrible it would be, they did not care, she was their world and always would be.

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