Part 42 ~ the decision

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She was finally done and could go back home, she walked hurriedly back, almost skipping with excitement, she had a follower watching her, her new stalker mate Fannar had the job to bring her safely home but without letting her see him, he was rather disappointed, he wanted to talk to her and show his affection but he was new to the family and had to get on Odins good side, at least until he was more secure in his position. He felt rather disappointed that Alma would be inviting a new mate into the family right away, it was not good for him since he would have to share her time with the new mate. Usually when a new mate was welcomed into the family, all the females other mates would be very considerate and give the female time to get to know the new beast but since Alma would be welcoming two beasts almost at the same time they would have to share her time, Fannar felt jealous and a little scared, he had seen the beasts, they were all such strong males, he felt inferior to them but very thankful that he had secured his spot before the competition, he felt it would have been very unlikely for him to even have reached the top ten, the males just were very strong, he felt so lucky to have met her early on but he still had to keep on getting stronger, he had to prove to be an asset for his mate and of course to be able to protect and provide for her.

Alma finally came home and entered her cave with a big smile on her face before she could take Gudda from Trams arms Odin had entrapped her in his tail and gave her a big hug and soft little kisses all over her face, Alma smiled and hugged him too and told him she had missed them all so much, Odin of course asked if she had not missed him the most, she almost laughed, he was so childish but she loved that about him, she decided not to answer him since she did not want to hurt anyone of her mates, instead she just gave him a big kiss on his mouth before asking Tram to give Gudda to her.

For a little while Alma had Gudda in her arms and fed her while singing softly to her little lamb, Gudda drank greedily but fell asleep very quickly. Alma put her on the bed softly and prepared for the conversation she was about to have with her mates.

They all sat down and waited for Alma to start. Alma told them she had loved most of the beasts, they were not only strong but also such nice males that would match well with their family.

She decided to first talk about Spider-Man, she watched Keith carefully and waited for his objections but instead of objecting to the Spider-Man Keith told her that he would be a very good asset to the family. Spiders usually did not mate, they usually liked the solitude and were usually more feral than the rest of the ferals. Their web was incredible and a huge asset for any female to have. To have a spider in the family was very good since the web provided an enormous security to the family, to cut the web was incredibly hard to do but the web was just as good as the spider, the more stripes the spider had the stronger their web was, Keith wanted the web very much, since it would give them much more security without having to have a huge harem. Alma had been thinking about the web a lot but she still was not sure that it was a good idea to bring the spider, he was very unpredictable, she would have to mate him right away so that he would not betray them, still she was not even sure if that would work but she felt the spider had liked her very much but she could not say she felt the same, sure she was very attracted to him, he was like a sex god but he was very dangerous, he was most definitely a bad boy, she thought to herself.

She told them about Grey the wolf, she told him that not only was he very nice but he was a very strong wolf. Odin agreed with Alma about his strength, he would most definitely be a good asset to the family, he was strong, fierce and not afraid to fight. He had everything a female could want, Alma wanted him mostly because of his heart, he was a very nice male and she knew that wolves travel in packs but he had been a lone wolf for a long time, she thought to herself how lonely he must be, she felt so sorry for him, he deserved to be with a good female that loved him and her mates would treat him like their brother, she wanted to save them all but she really wanted to save him. Alma thought to herself that maybe she should take in more than one beasts, they were all not only very strong but also very lonely. She decided to talk to her males about it after talking about the new males.

She told them about Eyvi and that he was amazing. Odin and Keith both agreed but Odin was a little salty that she thought the male was amazing, he was much better than him, he thought to himself. Alma told them he was a man of few words but he had a strong aura and was very deadly. Alma told them that they might have all kinds of enemies in the future and his skill was very useful, he was a silent killer, that most would not even see him until it was too late. His skills were not easily taught and he was one of the best. Alma was exaggerating a little since they had mostly talked about bunnies but she really wanted them to see him in a very good light. He had told her he was a stealth killer and that he was very good at it. Odin agreed not many beasts were talented with stealth fighting since they much preferred head on, strong attacks, someone like him would be a good asset for their family, not only was he strong but he was fast and very clever. Fannar, Tram and Askell did not give much input since they had not witnessed the males fight, they were too busy with the move and they trusted Odin and Keith to pick only the best ones for their mate. They had seen them though and they had found most of them very fitting for their family.

She told them about Magni, the cute panda. Alma could not help but to laugh just thinking about him, he was such a lovely fellow and she did like him very much, he was very chill and very lazy, he reminded her of her cat, just too cute. Odin and Keith had not given the panda much attention since they were sure he would not be picked. Pandas were very lazy, so lazy that they often did not hunt or gather enough supplies for the winter and consequently died of hunger, that was the biggest reason why there was so few pandas around, they were very strong beast but they just had no motivation to do anything else but eat or sleep. Odin and Keith told Alma that he was not good enough for their family at this time, he was very lazy and if he wanted to join their family he had to put in the effort. Alma had to agree with them, he was very lovely but she knew he was very lazy but he was just so cute. She loved pandas, everyone did I her world.

She told them about Gulli the bear. He was very strong and such a nice male. Odin and Keith both agreed with her. The bear had surprised both of them during the competition, he was ferocious and deadly, his opponents had been lucky that Odin had been watching since the bear seemed to have a little difficulty controlling his own strength. Both Keith and Odin agreed he was destined to be a very strong beast in the future, if he trained well enough but they knew he was not very smart so he would most definitely make many costly mistakes and because he was such a nice beast he would also be easily fooled but the biggest part was that he would also hibernate during winter and Alma already had two mates that hibernated, she did not need the third one, that would be out for many months, so poor Gulli was cut out ruthlessly by both Odin and Keith. Alma felt sorry for him but she knew this was for the best.

Sorry that i did not update sooner 🙈 the nails were a big factor and also i started playing sims again, i get lost in it when i start, Alma will make a decision soon ;) so what do you think, who will be the chosen one

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