Part 59 ~ Arriving to their destination

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Everyone was very tired and fell asleep shortly after Alma had finished singing her song. Alma was just as tired as them and wanted nothing else than to sleep but there were no luxuries when travelling, they had not found a suited cave to stay for the night so they had to set camp outdoors, Alma was glad she had Eyvi and Tram to cuddle next to so she would not be cold. She was glad she had enough fur to keep her warm too, she was sandwiched between Tram and Eyvi and she felt so cozy, she hugged Gudda tight to keep her warm too, Gudda had been so good during the journey, she had mostly just slept and when she was awake she just bleated softly inside Odins mouth, she had no idea where she was or what was happening, she felt comfortable being inside Odins mouth and she liked the way she was moving, such a good little lamb. Odin was in his snake form and made a circle surrounding Alma, Gudda, Eyvi and Tram. He curled his tail on Alma's fees so he could feel her during the night. They all relaxed and feel into a deep slumber. Addis herd was guarding everyone, horses like to travel and had an amazing stamina, they could also stay awake longer than most beasts, staying awake for a month was not that hard for them but still they liked to sleep so they did not stay awake for a longer time unless it was needed and it was very needed now. Even though the spider had a web surrounding the area, they could still be attacked, they had to be extra vigilant since they were protecting their future queen.

Alma was one of the last one to wake, she was so tired she could barely get up, it was so tiring to travel, she told herself it would only be one or two night left, three at the most, she had to endure. She fed Gudda, she talked to her, telling her she was such a sweet little lamb, she had such a hard time not cuddling poor Gudda to death, she just was too cute to handle. After breakfast and freshening up it was time to start moving again. Alma picked to sit on Eyvi first, since he was her mate it was best to choose him first, then Ulfar and last Grey. Eyvi was so excited that he could not wait to for them to start. He had been making some kind of saddle so she could stabilise herself better and she had something to hold on too. He had also made a better seat for her to sit on, he had noticed she was sore after riding Addi, she had not complained at all but he could tell she was hurting by the way she walked. He had worked hard and as fast as he could. It was far from perfect but it was better than nothing. He wanted to make a better one for her when they had finished building their new home, he was going to make her a saddle that would fit every one of her beasts that could carry her, he just wanted her to be safe. Alma was pleasantly surprised when she got a gift from Addi, he was so thoughtful and caring, she gave him a big hug and kissed him on the cheek, she whispered softly in his ear that he would get his reward soon, he had no idea what his reward might be but he was very excited.

They started to move again and Alma was so thankful for the saddle Eyvi had made, it would have been much harder to stay on him if she did not have the saddle he made. Riding Eyvi was not like riding Addi it was very different, still she enjoyed riding them both. She had seen so much of the land and she was still amazed with all the colours she had seen, so many beautiful flowers, waterfalls and lakes. She would never get tired watching the nature here, it was so bright, it made her feel so glad she was there, she had always loved nature but she could never live far from the city since it was too expensive and her husband would have had to commute longer to work, it was just not possible, now she would always be surrounded by nature, she really was living her best life. They travelled non stop till evening then they made another stop for the night, everyone was tired but happy and excited to reach their new home, Alma was too tired to tell them a story so she sang them a few songs after that she fed her little lamb and fell asleep happy in Tram and Eyvis arm.

The travel had gone well, they had been moving faster than they had thought they could, the older beasts had surprised them all, the elder beasts were just as excited as the younger ones, they did not feel as tired as they should feel, they felt happy and secure, they had been promised a safe haven for all their life, their life had been a hard one, scraping by, barley making it through winter, always thinking of their next meal but now they did not have to worry about food and shelter anymore. The female was willing to give them free food and shelter but those that could were required to work for the tribe, it was something they had all done never the less so it made not difference to them. Alma had talked to them about teaching them how to make things and build, they would do what ever the female wanted, they would gladly be of help, they felt in their hearts that Alma was the beast goddess herself and she was taking them to forest of content, it was just the sweetest feeling in the world being cared for by a female like Alma.

Grey could not wait until it was his turn to carry Alma but she had told him that she would first ride Ulfar then she would ride him, he secretly hoped that it would be too hard for Alma to ride Ulfar so she could ride him longer. Alma had been a little fearful sitting on Ulfar but Eyvi had been so thoughtful to made her a saddle that could fit Ulfar. It was not very well done but it gave her something to hold on and she could stabilise herself. She was surprised how fast Ulfar could run, she was having a wonderful time and she started laughing, her situation was so bizarre, she was riding a deadly Komodo dragon that could eat a human easily, still he was one of her husbands, her life was just crazier than a fairytale. Ulfar liked hearing Alma laugh, it made him happy that she enjoyed riding him, he had been very careful not to move to hastily and tried his best to make his movements soft, it was quite challenging but so worth it, having a mate riding you was one of the best feeling in the world, Ulfar thought to himself.

They made another camp, Odin told Alma that they would arrive to their new home the next day, Alma was so tired but so happy to hear that the journey was about to come to an end, she hoped the bed had made it to their home without breaking, she could not wait to sleep in her bed the next night, it was nice to cuddle with Tram and Eyvi but she would much prefer to cuddle in her soft bed.

Everyone woke up early ready to finish their journey. Alma could use the saddle Eyvi had made for her on Grey too, she was so happy he had made it for her, the trip would have been so much harder without it. Grey loved carrying Alma on his back, he had carried a few hurt beasts on his back but he had never carried a female, he felt giddy inside, he was very careful where he stepped so Alma could ride him without being scared of falling. Alma loved riding Grey too, his fur was thick so it was better for her ass to sit on him, she giggled just thinking about it. She enjoyed watching all the trees and all the animals she saw, she had not seen a big beast since they had started their journey but she had seen plenty of little animals, she even saw a few cute bunnies, it made her smile and it made her think of Eyva, she could not wait until they could have their own bunnies, to cuddle and play with. She was sure he would love it just as much as she did.

She could see the sea, they were close, she saw Askell flying in the sky, she waved him and told him she had missed him, Askell was so glad she had finally arrived, he could not wait to show her their bed was safe and in the cave. It was hard being away from her, he hoped he could cuddle her tonight, he just wanted to be near her, like all her other mates. Alma could see Keith standing and watching them, she shouted his name, she saw him smiling, she had not seen him in such a long time, she had missed him terribly. They had finally arrived to their new home, it looked so beautiful but she only had eyes for Keith. She gave Grey a few pets and told him she had really enjoyed riding him and she could not wait until she could ride him again, she then gave him a flirty smile and a playful wink before giving all her attention to Keith, she ran into his arms and told him he was not allowed to leave her for such a long time again, this was music to Keiths ears, to hear his mate telling him that he was missed was almost as good as telling him how much he was loved. Alma then snuggled him and gave him feathery kisses all over his face, and telling him over and over again how much she loved him. Keith was so happy he could have died on the spot, his heart has finally come back to him, he was finally whole again. He could not wait to show her their new home and land.

Finally she is home, hope you liked it :) thank yo all so much again for reading and liking my story, it just makes my giggle every time i see i got a star or a comment, i just love it ❤️

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