Part 63 ~ Taurus City

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Just wanted to let you all know in the next chapters there will be fighting and some might not make it, i just wanted to prepare you, it might be very bloody so i will mark the chapter when it will happen, this is after all a beast story, where it is all about survival of the fittest, the strong will prevail, this was always going to happen, there must be conflict also especially in stories like these, sorry but now on with the chapter :).                                                                                                                                                               

Alma had barely slept the night before going to see the king, she was just too excited, she hoped they would have time to go to the market too but she was not sure it would all depend on the king. She was rather curious about the king, everyone would be but she had not asked anyone about him, she did not want them to think she was interested in the king and Odin would only put on a sour face if he knew she had asked, she figured she would find out when she would meet him. She was most interested to see females, she had only heard bad things about females from most of the males, she did not believe they were all bad, since you should not put everyone under the same hat, she at least wanted to find out for herself.

Alma had not spent any time with her suitors since there was no time for play, her life was all about work, getting as much things done for the winter, she had to use both Keith and Odin as much as she could before they would hibernate, she really disliked that they had to leave her side for so long, she felt closest to Keith, Odin and Tram, she thought it must be since she had known them the longest and had more time to get to know them one on one, she did not have the same opportunity to spend alone time with the others since she had more mates now and she had to make sure not to leave anyone behind, it was really hard but she was sure with time all would be well, this was just an adjustment time, after all they had all the time in the world to be together, just thinking about their future put a big smile on Alma's face.

Gummi wanted Alma to sit on his back, Alma was not so sure if that was a good idea, Gummi was smaller than most male beasts but that did not make him weaker, still Alma was scared she would hurt him, she always saw herself as the obese person she used to be, she did not see how much she had changed. Gummi was flattered how Alma put his well being before herself, this female always took him by surprise, he had to admit he really liked it. She was nothing as she seemed, after meeting her his life had become more exciting and he had lived a very exciting life before meeting her. He loved spending evening listening to her tell her stories, he could hardly wait until the sun went down since that was the time Alma told stories to all the beasts and she usually sang for them too. He really liked what she had done to the land. The village was nothing like he had ever seen, it was so organised and they layout was impeccable. He had never thought about farming animals or other things, this was something that was so ingenious that he wished he had thought of this himself. Her method or running a village was very well done, so long as there would not be an attack most of them would thrive during winter as well. He could not wait to see what she would think of doing next. He really liked just being around the female and wondered what the future would look like.

Gummi was a smooth talker so he talked Alma into riding on his back, she was very hesitant and was ready to throw herself off if she would see on his face any discomfort. Haffi was enjoying being near Alma, she was such an amazing female, he felt so lucky that he would be her mate, she was full of surprises and he found out that he really liked surprises. Alma waived goodbye to her males and told them to work hard while she was away, she told them she would come home as soon as she could, she gave them a wink and off she went. A beast was watching Alma leave, he had been stalking her from the sea since the day he saw her. He was waiting for her to go into the sea, his domain was the sea, he could out swim all the village with ease, the only one that was good to swim was the snake but he was not challenge at all, he could easily swim much faster than him plus the snake could not breath underwater, he could hold his breath for some time but not long enough nor could he swim as deep as he could, he was no challenge at all, he just had to be patient for the female to go for a swim. It was easy for him to hide his beast aura, he was very old and also had many stripes, he was not worried at all, he wanted the female for himself, he was sure she would give him excellent cubs but he mostly wanted her for her voice, she would sing for him and only him, all in good time he thought to himself.

Alma was surprised how soft it was sitting on Gummas back, she was asking him every two minutes if she was too heavy, she told him she could walk, gummi just huffed at her and walked faster. The city was getting bigger, Alma was amazed how big the city really was, she was so excited that she could hardly sit still on Gummas back. They had finally entered the city, Haffi had been flying and observing the area but as soon as they reached the gate he morphed back and walked, alma wanted to walk too but Haffi told her that there was still a good way to go to reach the castle. Alma could feel the stares she was getting and it made her feel small, she felt like everyone was judging her and thinking how awful she was sitting on poor Gummas back, she really wanted to get off him but Haffi and Gummi forbad it, it was more secure to have her on Gummas back than let her walk on her own. Both her potential partners did not like the stares she was getting, they could see the hunger in the eyes of the beasts but their hunger would not be satisfied, she was too good for them they thought, Alma felt very insecure and she felt like they were being followed, she wished she could make herself smaller, so small that she could just disappear, she did not like their stares, she felt a little scared but she tried to put on a brave face while telling herself that she was just imagining things, she wished Ulfar was there to calm her down, she was such a drama queen she thought to herself, she told herself to get it together and stop being such a basket case all the time, if she would not change they might just leave her, she was more trouble than she was worth, she thought to herself sadly.

Alma looked up and then she saw her, she finally saw a female but the female looked so different from the males. She was astounded. When she saw the female she thought of a Neanderthal, she looked just like them but how was that possible, it was like the females had not evolved in millions of years while the males had, why, what could be the cause, she found herself staring at the female, it was just so bizarre, the males looked like Greek gods and the females looked like Neanderthal, she asked Haffi quietly if the female looked similar and it was as she thought, they did all look very similar, Alma thought to herself that there might be a link between their looks and why they bore mostly males, maybe the male sperm was stronger than the sperm carrying the female gene, she had a feeling she would have better luck carrying females but she had a feeling since the males were so strong that maybe the sperm carrying the male gender was much stronger than the sperm carrying the female gene, it was just a guess but she was rather sure that the coupling  between the females and the males was not very good, it was like the males inherited nothing from their mother side and the females that were born most likely inherited mostly their mothers gene. Alma was no scientist but this was so strange. She was glad that the female had not noticed her, she had a feeling she would not have liked her staring at her. Alma was overwhelmed and wanted to just get it over with. Finally they reached the castle, and was big and cold, the houses here were not very good, they were strong but they were lacking, their village was much better than the city, Alma had a hunch the king wanted to talk to her about improving the city, Alma sighed to herself, she had too much to do, she really did not have the time to make the city greater but she could not be rude, they had allowed them to build a village so close to the city and she wanted to help them improve the lives of everyone too but still she also wanted to have a little break and have a little romance with her males. She thought to herself its best to get this meeting over with.

Ill updated tomorrow and then you will know who is the king, what do you thing about the Alma's thoughts about the females, should the king be a possible partner, hope you will like him, ill give you a little hint, he is big ;) have a wonderful day/night.

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