Part 109 ~ Keith wakes up

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Odin had been very tired since waking, he spent his time, eating, drinking, sleeping and vying for attention from Alma, it was rather cute seeing him so soft and vulnerable, at least in Alma's eyes, the other beasts found him rather annoying, since he was so good at stealing Alma's attention away from them. Odin had surprised everyone with how he was treating Askell, all the other mates had thought he would be mean and try to provoke the hawk but their  utter dismay he was showing another side of himself, he was actually rather kind to him and he was even praising the hawk for his devotion to get in shape, what the other did not know was that Odin really did not care much about Askell, as long as he did not endanger his mate he would tolerate him, Odin was cunning and could easily see how much Alma was encouraging the hawk to get better, he knew he could easily score brownie points by being kind to him so that is what he did and it of course worked in his favour, Alma was so smitten by his help and how kind he was to Askel that hearts almost came out of her eyes. Still this time was not easy for Odin, he was tired, cranky, hungry and uncomfortable in his skin, he knew this winter was going to be a huge pain for him even if he used lifestones.

After the cleaning of the horde, Alma and her village were one of the richest villages in all the land, they had harvested all the stones, even if it had been a disgusting and a very tiring job they managed to get every stone of every carcass, it had been worth it since they could easily live off that stones for many, many centuries, splurging in everything they wanted or needed, life was good. Alma had decided to give the city a good portion so that they could rebuild the city and attract more beasts, the city had lost so many beasts in the attack and they desperately needed more to move to the city, it would be best to attract stronger beasts so they could defend the city better.

Alma had been toying with the idea of trying to have a meeting with feral beasts and trying to get them to try a new way of life, a life where they could belong as long as they followed they rules and did not kill any beasts, if she could get them to adapt and live peacefully with other beasts she could not think of a reason why  they could not get mates and live a happy and fulfilling life like all the rest, she had been thinking about this but she wanted to talk about it more with Ulfar, Odin and even the spider, she thought it might even be better to talk to the spider about this, he was the most feral of all her ferals, she had often thought if she would welcome him into her harem could he change and if he was even capable of showing and receiving love, she was not sure, but she had decided to add him to the family, mostly because of his web and because her mates were always encouraging her to do so, she just was not sure if she could love him, she was attracted to him, she would be lying if she said otherwise, he was insanely handsome, when she thought about him she thought of a possessive boss that would be easily jealous if his girlfriend got attention from another man, oh, how she missed reading her smut stories but if she thought about it she was kinda in her own romance smut story, one that she hoped would never end,

Keith walked towards their home, eager to see his lovely mate again, it had been nice waking up and smelling her, he was so happy she had taken the effort of making his nest such a homely place, he lived and breathed for that female, he just hoped she was feeling better, if she felt good, he felt good. He did not sneak in as Odin had done, he was too impatient to see her, it was still daylight when he came back in the house, everyone was just relaxing, some were playing chess, some were watching, Eyvi was whispering sweet words to his white little bunny, while petting her gently, Alma was watching Eyvi, dying to pet the bunny too but not wanting to spoil their time together and thinking she should really just go and get her bunny so they they could play together, she was just about to stand up when she saw Keith coming inside with a big smile on his face, she told him she was so happy he was finally back home, she had missed her tortoise terribly, she told him he was late, she had been waiting such along time for him to finally wake up, she told him next time he was not allowed to sleep so long, the home was not the same with him not in it. These words just melted Keiths heart, he was so happy, he was even glad seeing the snake again, how he wished he did not have to hibernate, that way he never had to be apart from her, if only he thought to himself.

Alma told him all about what had been happening, she showed him her belly and told him she was pregnant, at first Keith was so happy but when she wanted to talk to him alone he figured who was the father, he was not at all pleased but Alma seemed happy and that was all that mattered he thought to himself. Alma took him in the barn, the barn was a popular place to hand out during winter since there was always something to do there. Alma told him what Keith had guessed, she told him Hafthor was the father and that she was very happy about the pregnancy. They sat down, Alma laid in his arms and told him about her healing journey, she told him she had been working very hard being a healthier mate, for herself and for them all, she told him she knew she had to work on herself or else she would never be fully happy, she told him she was just starting and that it would most likely take years for her to fully heal if that was even possible, but all that mattered was she had begun. She told him about Ulfars part, she told him that if he had been born in her world he would have most definitely been one of the best psychologists in the world, it was after all one of his talents to calm his prey down, she felt so thankful for his help for this winter had been both so hard but yet so wonderful at the same time, she had gotten so close to her mates and she had managed to give everyone attention, both physical and emotional, she was very proud of herself, it had even been easier than she thought. Keith was happy, he had always wanted a big family and every cub she had he would consider his own even if he had not spawned them. Alma let him touch her belly, it was getting rather large, Alma had no idea if that was because the eggs were getting bigger of if there were so many of them, the gestation would take a while longer before Hafthor would take the eggs to the place they would finally hatch, she was so excited but still she had to wait, for now she was just going to enjoy being with her wonderful mate. She cuddled him and kissed him all over, happy to be in his embrace,

After a little while Keith asked her if she had considered taking the spider in next as a mate, he told her she really needed that spider in her family, even though Alma did not want to talk about the spider she knew he was right, she told him she would start to date him in the spring, still she was not going to mate him anytime soon, they would have to get to know each other much better and he would have to know what she wanted and needed in a mate, she would not accept him if he was a danger to her, her mates or her cubs, Keith reassured her that the spider would never harm her, her cubs nor any of her mates, as soon as he was her mate things would change, he did not know a lot about spiders since they were very elusive and exclusive but there were stories about spiders mating females and falling in love, he had no idea if any of this was true but he had a strong hunch that it had a sprinkle of truth to it at least.

I hope you like it, im a little late, there is a little festival in my town this week so i have been a little busy with that, i hope you all dont mind, im going to try to update my wolf story one too many tomorrow if i have the time, i wish you all an awesome weekend and again thank you all so much for reading, writing and commenting it means the world to me, and don't hesitate to comment if you think i can do better or i can improve something, i love getting feedbacks, thank you all again so much, i never would have thought last year my story would still be ongoing more than a year later, a 20 chapter story i was thinking of just kept expanding, I really enjoy writing, i never would have guessed it but it is so much fun, sorry for the ramble, goodnight ❤️

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