Part 48 ~ Letting them know 4

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Addi walked out of the cave in a daze, he had not gotten a spot in her family yet but it was only a matter of time until it would be official. He could not wait to announce to his herd that his efforts would soon result in them having a new queen, he felt proud, he had gotten the best female a beast could ever have, he would be the envy of many other beast, he relished in that feeling, he felt strong and he felt like he was on the top of the world, nothing would ever top this feeling he thought but then he thought about how it would be like to mate Alma, something told him that, nothing would ever top that feeling, his ears turned red and he looked around him a little ashamed of himself and scared that someone would figure out what he was thinking about. He morphed and ran as the wind, he could not wait to bring his herd the news.

Alma watched as Grey walked towards her, she felt bad she could not ask him to join right away, this poor soul, needed a safe net but she also knew Eyvi needed it just as much as Grey if not even more. She was frightened to let him down and scared that he would be sad. Alma put on a smile and tried to stay calm, she wanted to make his life like a fairytale, he really deserved a happy ending. (my mind is too dirty 😂) Grey was so excited to see the female again, she had been haunting his mind every second of every day since he first saw her. His mind was filled with a future with her, building a home, her being pregnant with his cubs, her giving birth to their love cubs and raising them in a home filled with love. He also knew his dreams might not come true but he tried his best to be positive, she had liked him he was sure of it but he also knew that she had liked others too, he tried his best not to let it bother him but he was filled with feelings that he could not control. He had already made up his mind that if she would not accept him he would still pursue her, he would stalk her and protect her until she would cave in and welcome him, he just hoped he would not have to wait a long time. He saw that Alma smiled at him, it made him giddy inside watching her, watching him, he imagined she was waiting for his return after hunting prey for her, he would only provide the best for her, he would give her anything, even his own soul if that would make her happy. Alma could not control herself and walked towards him and embraced him. Grey wished that time would stand still and they would be in each others arms forever. He felt content, he was where he was supposed to be, in her arms, loving her for the end of time. Alma really wanted to kiss him, she had never had such a strong feeling to kiss someone she barely knew, she would not act on it since that was just not in her nature, still she was very tempted. They were in each other embrace for a while, in a comfortable silence, each thinking their own thoughts about each other. Alma finally stood in front of him, she put her hand on his cheek and petted him softly, his skin felt so soft and warm, he was such a handsome man but his soul was even more beautiful, she felt so happy to have met him. Grey felt like electricity was running through his body, he loved to feel her touch, while she was petting him he was petting her long brown hair, he loved her hair, it was the most softest and nicest hair he had ever felt, he felt like he was in heaven, he felt so happy. Alma looked at him, she decided to tell him the news. She did not wish to start with negative, she was scared to hurt him so instead she asked if he would be willing to court her. Grey was stunned for a while and a little disappointed but his heart was soon filled with happiness again, she had not chosen him right now but non the less she had chosen him, she just could not accept him right away. He had thought she would pick one and dismiss the others. Grey told her that she had made him the happiest beast in all the land. Alma told him that she would pick him but she could not do it right away. She promised that it had nothing to do with how much she liked him and that she was so thankful that he was willing to pursue her. She told him about Askel and how he had saved him when Askell was younger. Grey did not remember helping her mate but he felt very thankful that he did, he was sure he had scored brownie points with that and it made him happy. Grey had helped so many beast throughout his life that was the reason why he could not remember but he felt happy since her mate would also see him in a good light and would most likely be willing to create a bond between them too. He silently gave thanks to the goddess, without her blessings he would not be where he was today. He had suffered for most of his life, now he was thankful for his suffering since the goddess must have rewarded him with her. Alma told him about the move and he was as like the other very willing to move. She told him who would go first to find suitable place for them and she asked if he was willing to stay here and help with hunting and offer protection if she needed. Grey of course had no objections. She told him that she wanted him and all the other beasts that would court her to come to her home tomorrow for a talk. Grey walked away, he was in high spirits. He almost got the girl, he had her in his sight and he would not loose her.

Eyvi was nervous, there were too many strong and remarkable beasts here, he wanted nothing more than to be chosen by her but he was rather sure she would not pick him. He was the least of them he thought to himself sullenly. He wished he had magic like the fox and web like the spider, if he had he would be more optimistic about her chosing him. He almost did not want to see her since he did not want to hear her telling him no. He had been craving her since he met her. He imagined them breeding bunnies and playing with them together. He had also been day dreaming about having cubs with her, dreaming about being a good father and and an even better mate. He imagined her riding on his back, scratching him behind the ears and whispering loving words in his ears. He wished his day dreams would become a reality, he felt happy when thinking about her, she was the only thing that had ever made him feel something, he felt very protective towards her and he wanted to be able to protect her for his whole life.

Alma saw him walking towards her, his eyes were dull and rather lifeless, her heart felt pain for him, she almost wanted to cry for him. She was sure he locked his heart away to protect himself from being hurt. She knew all to well about being hurt and wanting people to like and love you. Alma had craved to feel love from her parents when she was younger but they just did not love her, she was sure they did not even like her. Her older sister was the golden child that could do no wrong, nothing she did was ever good enough, she was always too fat and too stupid, nothing she did would impress them, she felt like crying just thinking about it. No one had ever loved her in her world, she had thought her husband had loved her but after her dream and meeting her mates she knew he had not loved her at all, he had tolerated her, she was a safe bet, she took care of  the house and took care of him and his mental health. She knew in her heart that he was only with her because he thought he could not get anyone better than her but she would never have admitted it. She loved him with all her heart and she still did but it was hard to know he had never felt the same, she was so thankful to the one who brought her here, she had experienced love for the first time since she came here, she did not want to go back home, why would she, there was nothing for her there anymore and never would be.

Alma could not help herself her heart was filled with empathy towards Eyva, she wanted him to feel that he was seen and that someone cared for him. She could not lie to herself, she did not love him yet but she was very certain she would love him with all her heart very soon, they just needed more time to get to know each other. Eyvi was took by surprise when he saw Alma walking towards him with her arms open, she ran towards him and gave him a tight hug, Alma could not wait, she asked him if he was willing to join her family, Eyvi was stunned, tears started to roll down his face but he could not feel them, he was sure that this was not real, he was certain he was just dreaming, nothing good ever happened to him, it could not be. Alma asked him again softly while carefully wiping his tears away, she started to cry too, she felt so much emotions, Eyvi looked at her in disbelief, he thought to himself if he was deranged, could this really be real, did she really want him, after the shock he said yes in a soft low voice, Alma almost had not heard it, he spoke so softly. She hugged him harder and told him that he was safe and he would always be loved now, she asked him to trust her and open up to her, she was willing to do anything to make him happy because he deserved nothing less. Eyvi felt like he had died and that he was in his own heaven, with a beauty by his side who wanted nothing more than to love him and be with him. Something deep within him broke and he wept like a little cub, Alma just held him in her arms and told him again and again he was loved and was safe, she was thankful that she had trusted her instincts and picked him now, he really needed it more than anyone else, she would make sure he felt happy in her family, she would make sure her mates treated him well, he needed love and healing, something bad must have happened to him, she knew damaged people, it was like she had super powers, she just had a feeling when someone was damaged so she tried to help, unfortunately she helped even though it would hurt her immensely, she was an empath, your problems were her problems, she just could not turn it off but right not she was thankful for her super powers because she wanted to help him with all her might. She would make him a happy beast, he deserved his happily ever after and he would get it, she would make sure of it.

Sorry how long it was, when i start it just comes out, i decided to pick Eyva first in family since he needed to join more than the others, he has a lot of trauma himself and he needs a family more than the other do. I was going to pick Addi first but i thought this was better since, Addi has a huge entourage and can easily wait until his time will come. What do you guys think :) finally i can start writing about the move, I'm so excited for it, thank you all for reading and commenting, i read all the comments and they really make my day :) ill probably update after two days.

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