Part 33 ~ The competition, the final ten

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Odin was tired, Keith was tired, they both were so done with this competition, it took much longer than they had anticipated but it was finally just about to be over. They were very impressed with many beasts in the competition and had their favourites. Keith felt weak compared to all of the beast competing. He was only four stripe beast and no four stripe beast would be able to join the top ten, he felt very thankful to have found her in the forest, it he had not he would not be able to be her mate. He knew he would be able to get much stronger since he had Odin by his side and a strong beast that would join the family soon.

The competition had been bloody but no one had died as Alma wanted, some beasts, manly ferals were disappointed with that, they wanted blood and a little feast, some would be lucky enough to meet the female but not all, there were just too many strong beasts, that did not mean that they would give up, they could always linger and wait for the right time to see and hopefully impress the female.

Spiderman was pleased he had made it, he knew from the start that he would, still it was very satisfying to secure a spot to impress the female. Spiderman could not forget the female and he was going to do everything to be able to join her family, he was not worried, if he did not secure the spot as her mate at this time he would just create another opportunity for himself, it would not be that hard, he was sure of it. He wanted the female and he would get her, by all means. He still wanted to get her without causing problems for himself so it was best to get on her good side. He just hoped she did not bare any grudges after their last meet.

Ellos was banged up, he had taken quite a beating, that bastard spider did as much damage as he could without being disqualified. He was very disappointed but he already knew he would not be able to secure a spot, the beasts were just too strong for a level four beast. He was still proud of himself, he did good and managed to get a few good punches on his opponents. Even thought he knew he had lost he was not distraught, he would not give up, he would continue getting stronger and move near her so she would not forget him, he would get her someday, she was after all the biggest treasure he could ever get.

Grey was tired and bruised, his last competitor had been brutal, they were evenly matched in power so the fight had been hard, he had only won by luck. He was very satisfied and could not wait to meet the female. He was rather optimistic about getting a spot, he was strong and well tempered beast, he was a good looking beast so he hoped he could charm her with his body since he did not know how to speak to females, he hoped she would give him a chance, he sourly needed one.

Gummi had fought hard and won, he was very pleased with himself as he should, foxes were not known for their fighting skills but he would be. His first opponent had misjudged him since he thought foxes could not fight well, Gummi had defeated him easily since the beast had been too arrogant, the other beasts learned from then on not to misjudge him and so his fights after that were much harder, still he had prevailed, he achieved the coveted spot in the top ten, he could not wait to meet the female.

Addi had fought valiantly and won, just like he knew he would. He was proud of himself, he had strength and enough experience to win. He was one step closer to meeting the female, he hoped she would be what he was looking for, a mare but if not then be a polite female at least. He was very curious and could not wait to see her.

Magni was so tired, he felt a little regret trying for this, he had never used as much energy as he had done today, all he wanted was to eat and sleep, the female could wait for a day he thought. He hoped he could be a housemate that would just keep her company while lazing around, he liked that idea, he really did not want to do anything hard, it is much better to relax than to work.

Eyvi won all his matches easily, he was fast and swift, he felt it was no challenge at all but he was happy, he had won but now the hard part was left, to impress the female. He was rather scared he was not a social beast, he did not know how to make small chat, he really did not like to talk much, he was more of a listener. He hoped the female would at least give him a chance, he would do anything for the right female and from what he had heard she was like no other, he would probably never get a better chance to get a good female as this, he just hoped and prayed to the beast goddess that he would not fumble the chance he had. He hoped she was a bunny beast, that would make all his dreams come true, he could pet her soft fur every day, he really loved soft cute things. Eyvi was not soft nor was he a beautiful beast. He was not as handsome as most beasts but he was well build and strong, he hoped she would like him enough for giving him a chance, most beasts in the top ten were all stunners, he was the only one that was rather dull looking. His skin did not glow but it was black and as beautiful as the night. Most beasts had natural shimmer on their skin, he did not, he was the only cup in his litter that did not have glitter skin, he felt very self conscious about it and he had been called ugly his whole life because of it and because of his dull face. When you looked into his eyes, they looked lifeless, like he was dead. He wished he was like everyone else but he could only be himself, he hoped that was enough for the female.

Trey of course also got a spot in the top ten, he already knew he would, he had never second guessed it, it was impossible for him to loose since he was always one of the best. He felt sure the female would pick him. He had everything all females wanted, strength, resources and he was very handsome. He had always been the best beasts everywhere he went. In this competition he had finally met beasts that were up to par with his strength and handsomeness. He was not very happy with it, he always wanted to be the best in everything, still he felt his chances were much better than others. He was going to be king one day and no female would say no to a future king, it did not happen. He would dazzle the female off her skin if he so liked. If he felt she was the one he would charm her off her clothes and mate her on the spot. After all he was just that charming, he was not worried at all.

Ulfar had also been one of the few ferals that had gotten into the top ten. He was pleased and could not wait to meet the female. He felt like his chances were just as good as the others. Since the female already had a feral mate he knew she did not dislike ferals as other females. He really wanted to make a good impression but he was not known for being charming. He was very direct and had always been. He had never thought of getting a mate, his life was just fine without it but he had been observing Odin the past days and he could see the changes in the snake. Ulfar was very surprised that a female could change a cold, ruthless beast like Odin so he was sure she was one of a kind. It would take a lot for such an old beast like Odin to change so he was looking forward meeting the female. He saw Odin always looking at the direction of on cave, he was sure the female lived there, he was amused by Odins behaviour and could not wait observe him when the female was around.

Soon she will choose, it will take 2 to 5 chapters until she picks , 😉 who are you rooting for let me know 😊

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