Part 111 ~ Dating

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Winter flew by fast and before Alma knew it was spring again, she was so happy finally being able to get out of the house, still there was a lot to do, both the cows and the goats were getting ready to have their offspring's so lot to do for everyone, some fences needed repairs after the winter so everything was fixed before it was time to let the goats and cows out. Alma hummed happily while stroking her big belly, she did not know how many eggs she had in her stomach but by how big her belly was it must be a few. She was happy, everything was going so well, she decided to have a barbecue with all the villager, food was plenty since they could hunt again, Alma wanted to barbecue potatoes and all kinds of vegetables, everyone in town was excited, this was a good thing to do after being locked up for such a long time, everyone helped making it a success. Tram and the merman doctor handled most of the cooking, they were both excellent cooks and worked well together, Alma did assist though with preparing the potatoes and vegetables, it was a pleasant day and a wonderful evening and everyone was happy with the food. After dinner Alma told the story of the lion king, everyone was immersed in it and loved it, praising Alma to the heavens, Alma had a little guilt taking prays for someone's else ideas but it was not like anyone would ever find out. She ended the night with singing a few songs. Afterwards she decided to talk to her potential mates, she had decided to have dates with them so they could join her family sooner rather than later, she was going to start with the spider. The spider was so thrilled, it had been hard on him since he joined the village, he was made to do all the nasty chores but he never complained, he was fixed at the end goal of being her mate. He had to take care of everyone's poop, it was such a nasty job and beneath him, this was a job for a no stripe beasts but he knew full well why he had been signed to it so he did not complain. The winter had been rather nice, Alma had taught them how to play games so they had all bonded during the winter with playing chess, it was a very popular game that all of them enjoyed. The spider had always been by himself during winter, he had never trusted anyone enough to stay the whole winter with but now he had no choice, he wanted to be her mate so he had to spend it with the other beasts, he liked Pistris the best, he was a beasts of few words but still seem to like being with other beasts even though in the sea he hunted alone.

Alma took the spider to beach, it was just the right temperature, not too hot and you could feel the soft breeze regularly. She had made all kinds of snacks for them. She wanted to get to know him better with an open heart how it would go all depended on the spider. The spider tried his hardest being nice, not too flirty and showing his good size and his good looks. He had made an effort asking her a lot of questions about herself and her pregnancy. Alma had not thought that the spider could have been as charming as he was, he had showed interest in her and was really paying attention to her. She felt herself letting her guards down and talking to him without being scared. She let him feel her stomach much to his delight, he thought about them having their own cubs and smiled more brightly, he asked how she was feeling and if they cubs were fine, Alma just smiled brightly, happy that he asked and told him that everything was just wonderful, she would give birth to the eggs right before fall and them Hafthor would take them to a secret place and there they would be until they hatched. Alma just wished she could be there when they were born but that was just not how it was done in the merman's clan but she would get to meet them soon after they would hatch so she tried not to be disappointed. Alma had really enjoyed their date, she had laughed so much, the spider was much funnier than she had imagined, they held hands while they walked along the beach, it was romantic and Alma could feel her feelings shifting, it had been much easier than she thought dating the spider.

The next day she went on a date with Haffi. She had wanted to go swimming so they went to the lake, Haffi had been waiting patiently after his turn to date her and now it was finally his time. He had fantasised about her all winter and now he could finally see her again. He liked seeing her so happy, last time he saw her she was in a bad state but now she was glowing, happier than ever and flourishing. She thanked him for all he had done for Askel and her, she was a little hesitant but decided to talk about what she had been doing this winter with Ulfar. She told him she had been working hard on herself and how sorry she was to worry him so much last time, Haffi smiled brightly and told her that he would always be there for her and her mates, that made her smile even more brightly. She told him she was a work in progress but she was doing her best to get better, she took his hand and smiled at him, he smiled right back, no more words about the past were discussed both of them were more interested in the future so that is what they did. Alma talked about her cubs and how happy she was how their village was fairing. She was sure there would be more beasts coming this summer wanting to settle down in their village, their little village might even become to a city in a few years if it would grow as she thought it would. She was happy about it just as everyone else.

After playing and splashing for a good time Alma wanted to dry off and sunbathe a little, she laid down and asked Haffi to lay down beside her, she took his hand and squeezed it a little, Haffi almost had a heart attack, he could feel his heart bumping so fast, it felt nice just laying there, the two of them not speaking at all, after a little while he heard that Alma had fallen a sleep he rolled to his side and just watched her, she was so cute, snoring softly, he felt like the happiest bat in the whole world, it would not be long until they would mate, he was sure of it since she trusted him enough to sleep by his side. He still held her hand, smiling softly, imagining their future together.

The story is about to end, there are max five chapter left even less, remember this is two volume so it will not have a happy every after just yet but still it will not by a sad ending :) thank you all for reading, liking and commenting it truly means a lot to me, have a great day ❤️

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