Part 78 ~ Chaos

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After Alma fainted the two beasts just looked at each other not knowing what to do, the stranger was annoyed at the shark, the female had been so scared that she pissed herself, he cursed the big shark for frightening the female and told him they better take her to the surface so that he could morph and speak to her. The stalker had such high hopes for their first encounter, he never thought she might be so frighten of him that she would faint, he felt very bad and blamed himself for being so stupid, of course the female would be frightened, he was after all a massive predator, she would be stupid if she were not scared. He tried to calm himself and tell himself that not all was ruined, he was certain he could fix her opinion of him, he just had to have an opportunity to speak to her.

While Alma was stuck in a bubble the city of Taurus was in utter chaos, Ymir was born to lead so that is what he did, he knew that the assassin horde was dangerous but the could be lead his beasts to victory. Alma had taught Ymir about raising sheep and cows, she said that sometimes a few of them would escape and it was their responsibility to catch them, she told Ymir that you could easily lead a cattle where you wanted, you just had to have the right people and steer them into the direction you wanted them to go to. Ymir gathered his fastest beasts, beasts that could be fast on land and air, this was a very dangerous mission for them but this is what they had to do for their city, they had to protect everyone and lead the horde elsewhere. Ymir was a mammoth, he was not build for speed, he was build for strength but still he decided to go with his warriors, he was the leader and he had to put himself out there so everyone would see that his life was not bigger than their city.

Meanwhile the spider was working in high speed protecting the village, without his web their village would have been demolished by the creatures. Still the danger was high, he had to work fast and efficiently to restore the web that had been broken, a few stronger assassins prey had slipped into the village but the spider had kept most out, he could not attack them at all, he had focus on defending the village and the town, there were other beasts that could fight them, he had to protect the village, Alma would be crushed if the village would be destroyed, she had worked so hard making a home for everyone, he would not let anything demolish what she had build.
Odin and the rest of Alma's mate had no idea that she was missing at sea, they had not had time to dwell on her, their main concern was protecting Alma's cub and protecting the village. They felt glad that Alma had gone out with Askell, it meant that she had missed the attack, they were sure Askell would not bring her back until things were safe so they focused on protecting her cub, the beasts living in the town and of course the town itself. The whole town had a meeting at least once a month where disputes were settled and various matters were discussed. Alma had told Odin that it would be wise to speak to everyone what to do if there was an emergency and what was best to do. Alma told Odin that if there was an earthquake it was wise to go under sturdy things and keep still, Odin thought it might be wise to be prepared for a feral attack, since it happened every now and then, their town was very safe but still nothing was ever completely safe so he hatched a plan that all beasts should lock themselves down the basement and block the entrance with what they had. They had even practiced an emergency since Alma thought it might be a good idea, they would need a signal and odin thought it would be best just to let the beasts know about the danger with three shorts screams, then wait a while and scream again, everyone that heard the screams should also participate in the screams so it was louder, it was not the best way by far but it had worked in their practices. Every beasts that could not fight should locked themselves inside their basement. Odin and the stronger beasts had their hands full killing the assassins prey that managed to squeeze in, everyone worked together as a team, the only one defending the village was the poor spider, he was the only one that could make the web, without him the village would have crumbled but they just had to hold on until all the horde left.

The minion had watched the hawk crash into the sea, he had been prepared, his king had told him to save that hawk so that is what he was going to do. He was the healer of their tribe but he was also a warrior, a good one so he knew what to do. He saw that the hawk had lost his leg, he would never have tried to help him if his king had not willed him to do so. The poor beast had lost his leg, there was no reason for him to live, he would only be a burden, better to just let him join the beast goddess in the garden but his opinion did not matter, all that mattered was the kings commands and he would always follow his king. He moved fast and brought the poor hawk back to the surface, there was still life him him but he did not have long maybe a minute or two so he got to work. The minion fastened a string around the stub that had formerly been his foot to stabilise his blood loss. He had a lot of lifestones with him since he had been prepared for the hawk to be severely injured. He gave him ten stones in a row, to strengthen his heart, he could see improvement in the colour of his skin. He had to move fast and get the hawk to land. He swam fast with the hawk in his embrace. He fed him lifestones regularly, to keep him alive. He had to get on land and make a fire so he could cauterise the leg, he did not have much time left, it was just amazing that he still clanged to life, most beasts would have given up after being bitten but he still did not stop, the minion held the hawk in high regards, he truly felt that he was a great warrior and he deserved to live even though he would only have one leg. Finally they came to shore and the minion rushed to get the ingredients he needed to build a fire. He was lucky that the king had given him so many lifestones otherwise the hawk would not have made it this far. The fire was finally ready, the minion looked at the unconscious hawk and prayed to the goddess that he would survive the cauterisation.

The stranger moved the bubble towards the surface while the shark followed, they had been quite deep so the trip took a while, Alma was still under, the beasts were not that worried, she would wake up but they both hoped she would not wake up until they had reached the surface. It was not wise for the shark to morph until the reached the surface, he was a much quicker swimmer in his beast form and he would slow them down immensely if he were to morph now, he wanted to hurry so that Alma could see he was of no danger to her. They finally reached the surface and the stalker morphed into his human form, his skin was grey but it glittered beautifully in the sun. His eyes were dark grey but in fight form they were as black as the night. He was a big man, sturdy, his hair was light grey, long and ever so soft, his eyes were hard and knew of nothing but fighting for survival, he was muscular and just with one glance he gave of aura of being trustworthy and protective. He hoped she would wake up soon, he just wanted her to like him, he felt like a boy, he felt a little silly, he had never had feelings like this before, they frightened him a little, he did not like the unknown, still he loved looking at her, hoping and praying that she would accept him.

The other beast was just as enthralled by the female. He had been watching her from a far for a long time also. It was her singing that sired him to her. He felt bewitched the first time he heard her voice. He was hoping she was just like him, he was hoping she was the first female ever born as a mermaid. He wanted her to be his queen and entice him every day with her voice. He hoped that she could come to like him, just as he liked her.

Finally we have a merman😍, i have been waiting so long for this moment i have been waiting for this since chapter one😂, hope you like it ill probably update tomorrow or the day after, hope you like it, so should Askell make it through this or should he go to the garden of the beast goddess?

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