Part 52 ~ Preparing for the move 4

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Alma woke up, it was still dark outside, she felt very guilty, Keith was still asleep, he still had his arms around her, protecting her, she just wished he could protect her from herself. She felt so bad, all she ever did was to make things worse. She thought about just walking away and killing herself but she could not even do that since she would be killing all her loved ones. She had condemned them by accepting them as her mate. She felt just awful, she was so angry at herself for doing this to all of them, she was just so selfish and only thought of herself. She wanted to hurt herself, pinch and slap her self silly, she deserved punishment, she did not deserve to live, why did she have to behave like this, she knew her mates were frightened when she had one of her episodes but unfortunately she could not control it. Horrible thought came into her head, she thought if only i had a knife, i could cut out all the extra fat that bothered her, maybe if she cut it from her body her brain would let her rest, she knew these thoughts were crazy but she could not turn off her brain, it was like it had a mind of his own and was her brain was like her mortal enemy, it only made her feel bad about herself.

She thought about her husband and the reason she was in this mess. She should never have asked him, she could only blame herself, he had shown her how unwilling he really had so she should have stopped and been happy with things as they were. She looked at Keith, sleeping peacefully by her side, without him she would most likely be dead, he had done so much for her and he had never complained, even if he had to share her with other beasts, he still was happy just being with her, he even tried his best to make all of them get along, he made her so happy. They all had given her so much while she gave them so little, it really was very unfair, she could not imagine being in their position, having to share her mates with multiple women, no she could not do it, she would rather leave and be on her own, she still could not understand how they did it, poly was something that had been done in her world, though poly in the modern world was relatively new, it was far from perfect and often ended up with someone having a broken heart. Poly would not work unless everyone was on board and the needs of all were met. Poly here was not the same since the needs of everyone could not be met. The more mates you had the less time you had to spend with all of them, still no one complained and everyone were content eating the little breadcrumbs that she gave them. She wished there were more females here, how things worked were so unfair to all the male beasts but they could not complain, females were so rare that you had to be happy with the little attention you got. She promised herself she would not neglect her mates but with every new mate she had it got harder, she wished she could make duplicates of herself so everyone would get her attention, maybe it could be done, after all there was still magic in this world.

Alma looked at Keith and she wanted so much to make it up to him so she carefully slipped from his embrace. Keith was in deep sleep, dreaming about Alma playing with their cubs, while he stood there watching them all, feeling proud of his cubs while adoring his lovely mate. He felt so happy, she was so lovely and such a good mother, he suddenly felt rather hot and he looked down to see his cock, his cock stood proud, he felt very embarrassed, here he stood watching his family and he had a boner, he tried to calm himself down but he could not, he walked away for his family, hearing Alma calling for him, he felt ashamed and could not let her see his shame. It felt like something was sucking his cock but he saw no one, it felt really good, he laid down alone in the grass enjoying the feeling, it keep getting better and better and his body started to move in sync with the feeling, he felt like he was going to combust, Keith woke up having an intense orgasm, he saw Alma sucking him dry and he loved every second of it. For all his life he would never forget this night of passion, it started so well then the middle was a complete failure but the best part was that it ended with a happy ending.

Keith looked at Alma while she looked at him. She decided to start. She told him she was very sorry for how she had behaved. She told him that none of it was his fault, they only one at fault was her. She told him that she did not like anyone going down on her, she was not ready and she was not sure if she ever would be. She did not want to talk ill of her husband so she did not explain his part in her trauma. Keith felt so relieved, it was not his fault he would not make this mistake again but he hoped he would be able to at least make her want to try. He loved when she went down on him and he wanted to make her feel the same. Keith made sure to talk to all her mates so no one would make her feel bad again. He hoped they could all work together so that she would trust them more with her feelings. He knew she had burdens on her shoulder that she did not share with anyone, he only wished to help her but he had no idea how to. He had a feeling the Komodo dragon would be able to help her, she was so fragile and she thought so little of herself. He could not understand why, she was the most beautiful female in the world, she had it all, looks, intelligence but the best thing about her was her heart. Her heart was so beautiful but it was so fragile, it was like her heart was made of glass and if anyone would drop it it would break into millions of pieces that could never be put back together. He only wanted her to be happy, he wished he knew how to help her. He kissed and cuddled her in his arms, Alma soon fell asleep again and Keith too fell asleep again, both had pleasant dreams about each other.

It was time for them to go and secure their new home. Alma kissed them and hugged all her mates and wished them a safe journey, she told them to take good care of each other and come back to her soon. She would miss them terribly. Her potential mates got hugs too much to their delight. She thanked them for helping her and she told them she could not wait to get to know them even better. She watched them all fly away, she felt a little sad but mostly she felt excited, soon all of them would be moving on to bigger and better things, she just wanted them all to be happy, she wanted to build them a happy home, a home where they all felt like they belonged. She gave a little prayer to her secret helper, she asked it to keep an eye for her mates and protect them. Soon they would all reunite and be a family again.

Sorry I'm not updating as often but it's summer and I need to play too 😉 how are we liking this, the move will soon come to be, I'm so excited, hope you are all doing well and thank you all so much for reading, commenting and giving me stars, you just make my day when I read your comments ❤️

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