Part 95 ~ Welcome home

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Alma had no time to kiss and hug anyone, she needed to pee so bad that she was scared she would pee herself while running to the bathroom. All her mates and most of the beasts stopped working as soon as they had seen Haffi in the air, they knew their precious queen was finally back home, they could not wait to see her so all of them gathered waiting for her to arrive. Alma did not even have time to feel embarrassed, her sole focus was on keeping it in and reaching her bathroom, nothing else mattered at that moment. Haffi, had indicated many times that he could drop her so she could relive herself, he could feel her moving on his back and he cleverly thought she needed to pee but every time he tried to descend she told him she was fine. She really did not want to pee in the ocean because everyone would know what she was doing and she was afraid it might attract another monster that would try to attack them, so she was adamant on trying her best to control herself. She was tired, thirsty and hungry when she finally got home, the travel had been very hard on her but she did not complain, there was no other way to travel except by sea and she was not that keen on going back into the ocean after what had happened to her. All the beasts saw her running towards her home, she did not acknowledge anyone, which was not like her so they all thought something was wrong, and tensed up a little, it was not until they heard her moans that they figured she had really needed to pee, some even blushed with embarrassment but she could not help it, she had never felt as good as when she could finally pee, the moans just came out, she was not thinking at that moment but afterwards she felt so awkward, she was rather sure everyone had heard her moans since most of them had excellent hearing, she wanted to find a spot and hide but there was nothing she could do. She came back out trying to not let it show how embarrassed she was and hoped no one would talk about it and thankfully no one did since they knew she would feel bad, they acted like they had just seen her for the first time when she got out. She smiled stiffly and told everyone how glad she was to be finally back home.

Alma had not note noticed the smell nor the dead bodies since she had been thinking only of one thing but now when she was out, happy to greet all her mates and have Gudda back in her arms, she smelled the smell of death, it was revolting, she almost puked, she could see the tired eyes of everyone, she had no idea what had happened but she could clearly see that they had been attacked, she was scared, who would attack them and why. Keith could see the frightened face of his mate so he embraced her first, he was after all her second beast so it was his right to welcome her first. While he was holding her he told her, everything was all right and she needed not to worry about everything, he would tell her what had happened after she had relaxed a little, dined and hopefully slept a little, Alma just nodded her head, she was thankful that the danger seemed to have surpassed and from the looks of it their village had not been damaged much. Thankfully all her farm animals had been rescued by putting them all in the barn and they had been well protected since they could not afford to loose their food for winter. After embracing Keith for some time she let him go and hugged and kissed all her mates, she decided to include all her potential mates except Pistris and Hathor, she did not know them well enough yet. All of them were so delighted to have her back and she was just as glad to be home. When she saw Tram walking with Gudda in his arms she started to cry, she had missed her daughter so and she could finally hold her again, she took her into her arms, telling her little daughter again and again how much she missed her and that she would never leave her again for such a long time. It was a beautiful moment that all the village got to witness, they were so glad Alma could treat her cubs with so much love, other females did not, they did not participate in nurturing their cubs except for giving them milk from their teats, most cubs did not get to experience a lot of love, the lucky ones were taught how to survive before having to go off on their own but Alma wanted to have cubs brought up with love, she wanted them to learn how best to survive and how to make their lives better but she also had to take into consideration that some of her cubs needed to grow up without her, it was in their nature to fend for themselves and if she would make them they might not make it, it was a delegate balance, she had talked about this with her mates and she had agreed to let nature take its course but she was adamant to see her cubs and talk to them before they would leave, she hoped that all of them would return to her when they had matured so she and her mates could teach them new things that would be beneficial to them. She would have many  cubs in the future, she had decided that as soon as they were safe enough she would have many cubs, everyone of her mates would get to be a father, it was just as important to them as it had been to her and she really wanted to help, she hoped she might be able to birth more females that would also in time be able to birth more females and help restore the balance of male-female ratio, she would live for a long time hopefully and she would most likely be able to have many cubs, as soon as their village was made more safer she was ready to start having cubs at least once a year, she was in fact excited to have more cubs, she felt that her protection now was strong enough for her fertility secret to come out, she just hoped her mates agreed.

After everyone had welcomed Alma home, she went to Askell while Tram cooked her a good meal. She was happy to see him again, she felt he looked better, he just needed to come back home, she thought to herself. Tram had told her Askell had only woken up a little, he did not speak but he felt sure that Askell had been glad to see him, Tram told her that he needed a lot of time to heal and he would be better after some time, Tram suspected that Askell might be on the verge to level up in stripe also, it would make sense since he had gone through so much, still Tram felt bad for the bird, there was no use in him getting another stripe, he would never be able to fight as he once did, it would be best that he would, in time, be asked to take care of Alma's cubs, he would be useless in all else he thought with sadness, it was such a waste. Tram was rather sure Askell would have been able to level up to more than six levels, the bird was both strong, intelligent and strategic, it was such a shame, but life happens, it can give and it can take, it is a hard world but at least Askell was lucky to have such a good female or else he would have been dead no other female would help her mate if he was useless to her, it was just a fact.

Finally dinner was ready Alma sat down and asked Keith to tell her what had happened while she ate. Keith told her everything, he decided to praise the spider to the heavens, he had earned the praise and he would not be relaxed until she had mated the spider, she really had to have him in her family, his web was a work of art, deadly and gave their village the protection that most other did not, hopefully the spider would level up and his web would get even stronger. Keith just wanted Alma to be safe and he would accept any beast that would give her better protection, Alma did not know what to say, she still did not want to mate with the spider, he had truly shown his usefulness and gone above to show her how much he wanted to join her family but she still was not ready to accept him but she would however try more, she had shown him almost no attention since she moved into the village, she knew he was trying but its hard to forgive someone who wanted to eat someone you loved, she also was not sure if he was trusted and the worst part she was scared to death of spiders, she would have to get over it. The spider had stayed and done every lousy work he had been asked to do and he had put his life on the line to protect the village, she owed him to try better, but just thinking of all his eight eyes and hairy legs gave her the chills, she told herself again and again she could do this, when in spider form his eyes were red and she tried to tell herself she loved the colour red, this would take a while, she thought helplessly to herself.

This book will be two volumes, I don't know how many chapters are left but I don't think they will be more than 120, next book will be about her and the magic of this world and (magic) beasts that will pursue her. Book two will be the final book about her adventures, I think 🙈 I don't plan on it being as long as this one, I want it to have 50 to 60 chapters, I just wanted you to know what I was thinking. I hope you like it, I'm not a writer as you all can tell 😂 I write what comes to my head, I have of course thought how it will end and of things that happen but a lot comes to my mind as I write, for me this is fun, I'm not English so my grammar is not perfect and my lines can be strange but I hope it does not affect your reading it, if I could I would hire someone to edit it for me but I can't afford it, I will however edit my story after it's done to my best ability, thank you for sticking with the story and reading, I've discovered I really like writing and you all make it so much fun by reading, liking and by giving me comments, I truly appreciate each and every one, thank you all and have a great day/evening or night ❤️

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