Part 31 ~ The competition, part 2

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Gummi looked over all the beast and sighed, it seemed it would be a hard fight just to be able to see the female, still he wanted to try since he had been hearing rumours about her. Gummi was a traveler, he never stopped in the same village or city for more than a year. He like to explore and get stronger. Most foxes liked to be in a group but he was not like them, as soon as he could he left his mothers nest, never to return. His mother was like most females, she did not care about her cubs or most of her mates. Foxes tended to like other foxes, they thought other beasts were inferior to them since they were a part of a few beasts that still had magic in them. Even though they were magical they could only use magic by entrancing females. He was rather curious about fox magic so he had been trying to use it on both the living and the dead, all kind of beasts mostly male but it would not work unless he used it on females. Even though it was a good skill to have it would not last long, you could love bomb a female for at most ten minutes and the affect would wear off, it was very disappointing. Gummi had ideas why the effect was so short and he thought it mush be that with every new generation to was born the magic would be smaller until the magic would finally disappear. Gummi wanted to try to stop it but he had no clue how to do that, he had been travelling, hoping he would find a clue to help but so far he had found nothing. Gummi did not really want to have a mate at this time. He liked his life but he had heard strange things about this female and since he was very curious he wanted to meet her, he thought to himself that maybe she might be the clue he was waiting for.

Addi was a proud black stallion. He was rather old but he did not look like it at all. He had been travelling with his herd for hundreds of years but still had not found a mate. He had always wanted to have a mare as a mate but unfortunately he had not found her. He wanted his cubs to be purebred like him but his dreams was still unfulfilled. He had been travelling for so long to try to find a mare female but it had not been fruitful. He was the tribe leader of his herd and he was very proud of it but he really needed a mate. He had met a few in his travels but they either did not want him or were not willing to let his herd travel with. He would not leave his herd not even for his mate, they would join and help protect. He did not think that he had a good chance on getting this female, he did not even know what kind of beast she was, everything about her wars rather mysterious. He had heard she was a kind female, that was something he had never seen any female be but he also knew not everyone was the same, he hoped she would be a good female since she most likely was not a mare. He was rather certain that he would end up in the top ten since he was a eight stripe beast, not many beasts could beat him and he was proud of it.

Magni was a red panda, he was an excellent fighter but he did not like to fight much. He most liked to sleep and eat, he was not a fan of moving too much. He liked to daydream about having a nice mate and having lots of cubs running around everywhere while his mate was running after them. He liked that dream, he hoped it would come true but still it seemed like such hard work, he was not sure if he could do it. He had not seen a female other than his mother. He did not like his mother much, she did not take care of him when he was a cub, his father did all the work and it made them grow closer, still Magni knew his father loved his mother the most, all beasts loved their mate the most. He only came here since he was curious, he wanted to see if all females looked like his mother, he hope not, he did not want to have a mate that look like his mother, she was not a nice person. Magni looked at all the beasts, there were a lot of strong beasts but it did not bother hims much but he dislike seeing the ferals. He hated ferals, they were cruel beasts and had eaten a lot of beasts from his village, he thought he could get a little revenge for them but then he thought it would be so much work, he sighed to himself thinking its hard to be a panda.

Eyvi was a black panther. He was a loner and a very serious beast. He had been alone since he was a cub. He did not like to be around a lot of beasts so he mostly stayed by himself. Eyvi had been travelling around beastland for hundreds of years trying to find a place to belong but still he had not found it. He dreamed of a family, he was very lonely but he did not want to settle. He knew he could find any female and get accepted into the family but no family had interest him enough to try for it. He had longed for a caring mate and he hoped he could get along well with her mates. He wanted cubs, as many as she would be willing to give him. He loved cubs. He loved little cute cubs, he also liked rabbits, he liked them so much that he never killed them, he just played with them and petted them. He hoped his mate was cute and fluffy so he could pet her too. He was a stealth fighter, often they prey did not see him before he killed it. He had been practicing for a long time to perfect his technique. He did not attack other beasts that could morph, not unless they attacked first, even though he was good at fighting he did not like to fight much. He would much rather make a good home for his mate and pamper her to the heavens. He had heard that this female could sing like the merefolks, it was the only reason why he came. He had heard merfolks sing and he was mesmerised by it. He hoped that she would sing for him. He hoped that this female was the female he had been looking for for hundreds of years.

Trey the lion looked at his competitors and felt like this would be a challenge, he liked challenges so he was excited. He was a strong lion that could in time become king of the lions if he liked. He had everything a king needed to rule. He was fast, strong, smart, conniving, ruthless and knew when to use brute force and when not to. He was like most strong beasts very full of himself and only saw his best sides. He liked to hunt and he liked to gather resources for his future mate. He had many lifestones that he had been saving for many years. He could have any female he liked since he was both strong and very wealthy in resources but he would not settle for just anyone. He had always wanted a mate that would regard him as her equal. Females looked down on their mates, they were just things to be used, Trey did not want to be used, if he could not find a female to be his equal, he would rather find a female he could control. He was sure to be king in the future and he would not let any female control him, he would rather kill her than be used. He hoped this female was what he was looking for, he was getting tired of looking and not finding anyone he liked. He just wanted a family and a mate to love.

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