Part 81 ~

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Her poor mate, he was in so much pain, she felt glad that he had lost consciousness, for she knew the pain would be excruciating, she felt thankful to the doctor and the two other beasts, without them she would not have found her Askell again and he would have surely died. She had his head on her thighs, she gently petted his hair while speaking softly towards her mate loving words. It would be a while before the doctor could determine if he would make it or not.

The merman and the shark were both in a fierce battle, both of them were determined to win, they both wanted to mate the fair maiden and they both wanted to be first but still they had to choose their best stones, to impress their future mate. They both went their separate ways to their lair to retrieve as many stones they could, the merman cheated a little, since he was the king he had summoned all his best beasts to carry as many stones they could and told them to hurry. He almost brought every stone he had, he wanted to win the shark both by being the first to give Alma her stones and by bringing more stones, he was sure she would be impressed with him.

Alma sang softly to Askell, while caressing his hair and face, she could only think of Askell, she had no way to know about all the assassins prey attacking her village, she had enough to worry about, the life of her mate was all she could think about at this moment, she thought about how they first met and how they started to fall in love, she had liked him at first sight but love did not come until she knew him better. He was such a good mate, he did everything she wished for, her only regret was to not appreciate him more, she promised herself she would tell all her mates every day that she loved them and that she was so thankful for everything they did for her. This attack woke her up from her bubble, she had forgot that this was a very scary world and that you could loose your life easily here by making just one mistake. She was frighten, she wished she and her loved ones could just stay at the village forever and never leave, she thought about her cubs, all alone fending for themselves, she felt a big ball forming in her throat, she was doing her best and willing herself not to cry, she had never really thought that they could die, their father was so strong and she assumed they would be just as cunning and deadly as him but still they were so little, she hoped they were alright, she had to be strong for Askell now, she could not have another panic attack now, she had to put him first, she swallowed the ball deep down into her gut, she could be strong too, she would not let him down.

The minion had been watching the female with curiosity, she seemed to really like her mate, living under the sea, he did not meet a lot of females, there were not many females that could live in the sea so most sea creatures had to go on land if they wanted to mate or find a mate for themselves. He had heard quite a few stories about them though, they were vain and unruly. He had never desired a mate until now, watching her taking care of her mate, made him long for someone to care for him as she cared for her mate. She was very beautiful, he liked her long, brown hair and her big chests, he was really tempted on accepting her offer but he was afraid his king would not like it, still an offer like this would most likely never present itself again, he would be a fool if he would say no, he thought to himself. While he was busy thinking about how to accept her offer without offending his king, the kings army showed itself bearing gifts for Alma.

Alma had never seen so many lifestones before and she had seen a lot of it, they were so dazzling and beautiful in all sizes, the merman was glad he had beaten the shark so he was feeling rather arrogant and pleased with himself. He presented the stones to Alma and told them they were all hers. Alma choked up and could barely say thank you to the merman, she was so thankful, this would safe her mate, she looked at the doctor and asked him how many she should feed him. The doctor chose the bests stones and gave it to Alma. He told her to give him twenty stones at this time and twenty more in a few hours. She fed Askell carefully, one stone at a time, while telling him in between how brave and strong he was. The colour of his skin seemed to improve with every stone she fed him, his shimmer was back, she felt so glad, he was improving, she told her self again and again that he would be alright. The doctor took the pulse of Askell and determined that it was much stronger than before, he told her he would live but he might not wake up for up to a week. The king told his merman's to build a hut for Askell and Alma. This was not a hard thing for them to do, they were skilled and did as they were told.

Alma kissed Askell on the cheek and told him he was going to be alright and everything would be alright, she told him he should rest as long as he needed, she was there and she would not leave him, she promised him she would never leave him but instead he had to promise her to wake up and come back to her. The king watched his future mate talking softly to his mate, he had to admit he was jealous but he was also very happy, she was a kind soul and he was sure she would treat him the same in time, he would sire her to fall madly in love with him just like he was falling madly in love with her. He looked at her, wanting to talk about her promise to mate but he just could not bring himself to say the words, he was scared she would not approve, he was hoping she would say them first. He sat down, close to her waiting for her to notice him, he did not want to bother her while she was caring for her mate, he could wait, while he was busy watching her the shark finally returned, he saw the pile of stones the king had brought and frowned, he could not carry so much so the could only take what he could carry, he had many more back at his lair but still he only brought the best stones for her. Alma smiled at him and thanked him again for the stones. The sharks mood instantly brightened up hearing her praising him. He sat down besides the king and waited for Alma to choose whom she would pick first.

There was so much pressure on Alma, she could feel their eyes watching her, it was hard, she knew what they wanted and she knew she what she had promised. She had never slept with anyone she did not know, she was very shy when it came to sex, it had to do with her upbringing, she was taught sex was dirty and should only be done with the one you loved, she was told that women that sleep with many men were whores and she should watch out for no one wanted to marry a whore especially someone that looked like her. Her parents had always told her how lucky she was that her husband chose her, they had told her that they had thought she would be alone forever since well she just was not much of a looker nor that smart but they always told her she had a kind heart. She believed every ugly word someone said about her and the few times she got praises she always thought people were just trying to be nice and just lied to her. She did not want to mate them right away since it went against what she had been told but she did make a promise and she would keep it, still she was scared her mates might get angry at her but she had no choice they had saved her and Askells life, she knew the likelihood getting a female here was very slim and she also knew about the rule that if you save a female you get a place in her harem, she had to toughen up. She looked at the merman and told him as soon as both huts would be ready she would mate him.

Sorry for such a long wait, i was going to write a two chapters on the 26 but i felt like you had waited too long for it ❤️, i hope you liked it, i will update again on the 26. Two chapters and all update another two chapter in the same week, merry Christmas everyone and thank you so much for reading the story, 

P.s this is a picture from my garden taken an hour after the eruption started, it was really scary

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