Part 104 ~ Askell wakes up

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Winter was going by much faster than Alma expected, she slept more than usual because of her pregnancy, she mated her males sometimes often a day much to everyones delight. She was first rather shy about it but as she grew more comfortable with herself her feelings about sex was changing. She was still talking to Ulfar everyday about everything that was worrying her or made her feel bad or inferior. She had never talked about her feelings to anyone before and she found it was an immense help, she often wondered if she had gotten help when she was younger would she have been happier or was it just how she connected to Ulfar on such a deep level, she would never know and now she did not care. She truly felt she was reborn as she entered this world, she had thought she was so happy in her life but after experiencing love from her mates she knew she had not had that with her husband, sometimes she felt bad and sad about her years with her husband, she truly believed now that  he had never loved her, he just liked controlling her, she had thought that was love for her whole life, it is hard to change how you feel and your behaviour but if you set your mind to it and you really want change it can be done. Ulfar had made her practise telling everyone no and be firm about it, what she did not know was that he had talked to all her mates asking them to ask her for something and beg for it, he told them this was to help her grow and they were to help her learning how to say no and try to make it hard for her. Everyone agreed, happy to help her in anyway they could. They all knew about her problems and that she was trying to be stronger as a person and learning to love herself. They did not make it obvious, Grey decided to ask if they could have cubs as soon as the ones she was carrying would be born. Alma hesitated a little before telling him no and saying it was too soon to have cubs so fast, he tried begging her, telling her how much he loved her and wanted to have cubs with her. Alma found this quite stressing and it was truly hard saying no to him looking into is beautiful eyes but she still was firm, she told him she did not want to have cubs right away, she wanted a little time before having more cubs and she would not change her mind. After a little while Grey relented and stopped bothering her, telling her he was happy to wait since he loved her so much. Alma was really proud of herself and ran straight away to Ulfar telling him what had happened. Ulfar gave her a grinning smile and told her she was doing so good and that he was really proud of her. During the week all her mates requested something of her and every time she said no, it grew easier with every no she made but she knew the hardest mate to say no to was still asleep, she was worried she would not be able to ever say no to him but that was alright, she had plenty of time to learn.

She was growing very close to all the cows, it seemed they loved being domesticated, they did not have to fend for themselves during the harsh winter and were well fed, they loved having a secure home, where they had a warm home and always something to eat. The cows loved to sing with Alma when she sang and they had a great time, she had made a comb for the cows and goats to scratch them and help with their fur and everyone of them loved their comb. The cows were starting to accept her mates, her idea having them stand at first far away but coming closer towards them with time was really working, they did not view them as threat anymore but their protectors, they still liked Alma the best and Tram was a close second. Alma often took Gudda with her when she was feeding the animals, Gudda liked playing with the goats and the goats had accepted her as one of their kind, Alma found it really cute. The goats had had their offspring's so Gudda was having a blast playing with them and Alma was happy finally having abundant of milk to make what she wanted, she was hoping the cows would let her milk them after they had fed their calves.

The barn was the ideal place to have a romantic picnic and everyone of her mates loved it, they got to have a little one on one time with her away from the rest. Alma loved it too, she loved being in the barn with all the animals, it was one of her favourite places.

The only thing she wanted now was for Askell to finally wake up, she slept with him every night, she had asked her mates if this was alright with them and since she was very diligent on having the romantic picnics everyday they all agreed, everyone's needs were met and they knew she wanted to be there when Askell would wake up. Alma talked to him sometimes for hours, she was diligent in massaging him and making sure he would not get any bedsores. She cleaned him two times a day and took good care of him. She told him all kind of stories, hoping that he might hear her, she told him everyday how much she loved him and how she missed spending time with him. Sometimes she felt he could hear since his eyes sometimes moved or his fingers twitched when she was talking to him. Alma had never been patient but she had to be for him, she told him to come back to her, she missed his cuddles and soft kisses. One night she woke up to sounds of mumble, she was groggy but was quick to wake up since the sounds were coming from Askell. She sat up took his hand in hers and begged him to wake up, he had slept enough, she wanted to see his beautiful eyes again.

Askell had been in a strange bright room, time did not mean anything there, he had no idea how long he had been there but he liked it there, it was so peaceful there but there was something missing and that was his mate. He walked in the room touching the walls, they were soft but still did not give away, it felt nice touching them, he did not feel scared, he felt content but he had no idea why he was there. After walking around for a little while he sat down again, pondering his life and the meaning of this all, he thought he was dead and this was his heaven, he found it a little strange, he had thought that when he would pass he would enter the garden of the goddess, where he would frolic aimlessly and happily but it did not seem so, he could not even change into his beast form here, still he was not worried, nothing worried him here. He thought about Alma, he hoped she was alright and that she was not worried about him. He smiled thinking of her and after a little while he heard a voice. The voice told him he was a very strong beasts and he had done well protecting his mate. She told him she was sorry for having keeping him sleeping for such a long time but his mate needed this time to get stronger, his mate was waiting for him and hoping for him to wake up soon, she told him to cherish this time he had with his mate for nothing in life is certain. With that she left and he was alone again. He noticed the room was getting smaller and the light was not as bright as before, still he did not worry, nothing could affect him here, he was calm and he felt great, even when the room was not just as big has him he was not scared at all, he was calm, he did not mind what would happen, after a little while the room got smaller than him, and his body was in the light and the darkness, the darkness felt a little cold but not bad, after a while nothing was left of the room and all the light had vanquished, he finally stood up, he could not see anything but he was calm and just walked aimlessly not knowing where to go, after a little while he saw a little spot in the distance, he decided to walk towards it, after a while he reached the end, it was a cliff and he had no idea what would happen if he jumped but he had such a strong urge to jump, he could not help himself so he did what he wanted and jumped, he fell for a long time but while he fell, he saw images of Alma taking care of him, talking to him, singing to him and asking him to come back to her, with every image he saw the more he wanted to go back to her, he missed her terribly, he tried to catch the images he saw but they vanished if he touched it, he was falling aimlessly, not knowing where he would end up, he was screaming her name, hoping he would see her again but he had no idea what was happening, he looked down and he could see a bright light shining, just like the one he had been in, he felt calmer, knowing whatever would happen was supposed to happen as soon as he reached the light he opened his eyes and saw Alma crying happy tears, he felt so happy to see her again, he was finally back with her and he would never leave her again.

Sorry i was late, there was Labour Day yesterday so he decided to have a family day, i hope you don't mind, i hope you liked this chapter ❤️ next chapter Addi will join the family, have a great weekend everyone and thank you so much for supporting me, reading, liking and commenting, it truly just makes my day and I cherish each comment i get, thank you so much ❤️

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