Part 46 ~ Letting them know 2

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Alma felt the energy drain from her, this was very hard, she hated bringing people bad news or telling them something that would make them angry or sad. She wished she could find the solution to the female problem but she just was not that smart nor was there any equipment to research the cause, she was afraid she would never be able to find the cause, even though she wanted so much to help.

Gummi was the next beast to enter her cave. Alma looked at him and sighed to herself. She knew this beast was extraordinary and she would probably not meet a magical beast like him in the near future. She was cautious of him though but she did not feel like he aimed to hurt her but she knew he did not like her like the others. She still felt to have a beast like him in her family would be a great asset to them all, most of her beasts were incredibly smart but she was quite sure he was much smarter than all of them, he was well traveled and he sought out knowledge, he was razor sharp and would have been a great politician, she was rather sure she wanted him on her side but she was not sure if she wanted her to be her mate but she was willing to explore his interests and see if they could be a fit in the future. Gummi knew right away when he looked at her that she had not chosen him, he felt disappointment but he also knew he had very strong competitors, still he was not willing to admit defeat so he gave her a flirtatious smile and sat down. Alma told him right away she had not chosen him, she told him she did like him though and she wanted to get to know him better. She asked if he would be willing to court her and give them both an opportunity to see if they were a good match and if he could see himself in her family. She told him her mates mattered so much to her and they all had to get along, she was not willing to accept someone that would not accept her mates too. Gummi was pleasantly surprised, he found her to be very thoughtful and also very kind. He thought that all her mates must be enamoured with her. It did not take a lot for a male beast to like a female, just a few kind words or kind actions were enough for males to fall, he was scared that he might fall himself. He had always only thought of himself, he did not even have much feelings for his family, he had friends since he had traveled so much but he was not close to anyone. He was not sure about this at all but still he would continue on, she was an enigma and he wanted to figure it out with passion. Gummi thanked her immensely for the opportunity to court her and told her he would be happy to. Alma was very satisfied with his answer. She asked if he would be willing to move to Taurus city since she would be moving very shortly. He had no problem with moving and he looked forward to it. Alma told him that some of her mates would be travelling before her to find suitable housing for them and she asked if he would like to join them and Haffi. Gummi had no problems with that and was quick to say yes, he also told her he would give any assistance he could to help her and her mates. Alma was very happy with is answer and told him she was looking for a big house, she wanted a big land near the sea with at least three good caves. If there was not a house that filled her requirements then she wanted to be able to build one and use the caves until it would be finished. This was easy for Gummi to help with so he was very satisfied with her requests. He would score easy points from the female with helping her this was very beneficial for him. Gummi stood up and told her he would be ready to leave whenever her mates wanted to leave. Alma looked at him and sincerely gave him thanks for his help. She had a hunch that he would be a good negotiator and would be of help to her and her mates. Gummi left the cave ready for the his next adventure.

Trey strutted confidently towards Alma's cave ready to be accepted to her family. He was getting tired of all this waiting, he just hoped they could mate and mark right away, he felt very excited and could not wait to see the female again. As soon as Alma saw him she sighed, she was not a fan of this lion and she almost wanted just to throw him out but she had better manners than that so she asked him to sit down. Even though she did not like him she did not want to hurt his feelings but she did not want to drag it on so she told him unfortunately she had not picked him. Trey was stunned, he could not believe what the female was saying, he thought that he must be having a nightmare, he was quite the catch but she seemed not willing to catch him at all, he just could not comprehend what she was saying. Alma felt bad, she saw how surprised he was so she decided to boost his ego. She told him that he was such a fierce lion, strong, powerful and so handsome. She told him that it had been such a hard decision to not pick him but she had to think also about her other mates. She told him that she knew he would soon be the king of lions and she could not be that mean to accept him since he could never be her first mate. She told him he deserved to be the first mate and he should not accept anything else. She told him she knew lions were proud beings, as they should be and he deserved the best and unfortunately she just was not the best for him. Her words sounded very nice to the lion but still he was crushed, he had been so sure that he would be picked and ever since he had seen her his mind had been filled with nothing but her, still he was a proud beast and would not admit defeat so he just huffed and told her that she was right, he would for sure meet another better female than her, with those words he stood up and left. Alma was stunned but just sat there, she could understand him perfectly, he was hurt, she had hurt him, she felt so bad that she wanted to cry, she was filled with self hatred, she had hurt someone and she knew that her mind would replay this scene for her a million times for the unforeseeable future. Trey would never forget Alma and he would be filled with agony for what he had said to her. He longed for her every day. Still he was happy he had met her, she had taught him something he never knew he should have learned and that was humility, his biggest hope was that she would give him another chance to show her he could be worthy of such a kind female.

When Ulfar walked into the cave he could sense that Alma was in distress, she sat on the ground crying and mumbling something he could not understand but he rushed to bring her in his arms and sooth her. It was one of his ability, he could sooth most beasts if he wanted to, he had not much used this ability since he had no one that had mattered to him but he had used this ability on the females had had picked to bear his hatchlings. He concentrated and making strange sounds from his windpipe, to anyone that would hear it, it sounded like a soft kittens purr, it was very soothing and calming. Alma was telling herself again and again, ég hata þig, ég hata þig (I hate you), she was talking about herself, she was so immersed in her self loathing that she did not even hear or see Ulfar entering the cave. It took a while when she came to herself and saw that Ulfar was embracing her, she felt so secure and safe, she felt so lucky he had come to help her. Ulfar  asked her who made her so distressed but she told him that it was herself. Ulfar looked at her, his heart was filled with sorrow for this kind, fragile female, he would do anything to help her, he only wished he could help her for all eternity. Alma looked at him, she felt so happy in her heart, she felt so lucky he had decided to want to join her family. She did not want to prolong his uncertainty any longer so she asked if he was willing to join her family. Ulfar almost screamed from joy, he could not believe it, she had chosen him, him of all people, he was a feral, loathed by most beasts but to her he was someone, he held her in his arms and told her again and again how thankful he was. Alma told him that she would be moving soon to Taurus city and if he would be alright with the move, it did not matter to him, she was now his home, he finally had a home, he was so grateful. She told him that she wanted to get to know him more before mating him and that she had not mated Fannar yet and that she would mate him first, she hoped that would be alright with him. It did not matter to him who was first or how long he would have to wait, it had no meaning to him, he just wanted to be with her and now they would be together forever, still he could hardly wait to make hatchlings with her, he wanted to have cubs that was made of their love, he would love her with is all and the bonus was that he would be able to annoy the snake forever, Odin had a bad feeling all of a sudden, he felt angry and suddenly wanted to punch a certain dragon.

How are we liking Gumma, what about Trey? I wanted to end it with a sweet note, i just love that dragon :) i want to thank you all so much for reading, commenting and giving me stars, i cannot believe how many have read my story this is just crazy and really makes me happy :) i love reading your comments too, ill probably update after two days, Addi will be in the next chapter ;)

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