Part 85 ~ Connecting

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While Alma slept, the three beasts talked among themselves how best to help her cope, they all had different ideas how to move forward but none of them were that confident that it would help, they felt useless and pathetic, the king relied heavily on his minion, since he was a doctor he was sure he would know how best to help her, yes his minion was a doctor but he had very little knowledge of how to cure mental problems, this was something that was not talked about in this world, it was just a fact that you took care of your own problems and would not bother anyone else with it, if you did it was considered a weakness and no one would see you as a strong beast afterwards even if you were the strongest, you had to be strong in mind and body and if you had a weak mind you hid it, otherwise you would most likely be shunned by your peers.

The doctor felt it was best to talk to her with a soft voice and not to touch her unless necessary, she needed to feel that they would respect her boundaries, he knew little but he was sure this was something that would be of use to her. Both the shark and the king agreed. Since they had seen her admire the doctor they felt it was best that he would be the one to talk to her.

The king felt horrible about everything and thought about honour killing himself in front of her to show his sincerity but he still felt like he had to live to protect her, he was at a loss what to do. He grew up with the laws of the beasts and he thought that she would see it the same as all of them, since she was the one to offer them place in her harem, her reaction confused him and worried him, he had no idea what to do. He just hoped that it would come to him, he was immersed in deep thought, thinking what was the best move to make so that they could move forward, still no answers came to him.

The doctor make the medicine ready for Alma, he entered the hut and watched her sleeping peacefully, he had deep remorse for not seeing her anguish, if he were to be her mate he would have to do better than what he was doing now, he really wanted to stroke her beautiful, soft hair and tell her that everything would be alright but he could not touch her, he could only watch, she was so small and so brittle, he felt like she had no business being in this world, she was too kind for a brutal world like this, he had vowed to himself to protect her with his life for the rest of his existence in this world, even if he could not be her mate he would stay beside her as her minion, a minion she could trust with her heart.

The king had sent his minions to see how the village was doing and he commanded them to protect the village from the sea side, his army was quick to follow their kings order and did as they were told. Their help had helped both the village and Taurus city, they held at bay the assassins  prey that attacked on shore and sea, the amount of assassins prey was astounding, it was never ending amount but still they fought, they fought just as hard as anyone else but at the time the village did not see that mermen were assisting them in defending the village, it was all hands on deck and most that slip through the web came from land not the sea so they did not have their strongest protecting at the sea side, it was a mistake Odin had made, he had not thought that the assassins prey could come to land, he had never seen preys do that and you could only go to the beach by going through the village, if the Hafthors minions had not showed up and assisted at that time the village might have been in trouble but with their help the preys did not get to weaken the spiders web, they got killed swiftly by the strong army of Hafthors.

When Alma woke up she saw the doctor in her hut, she was about to sit up when he, talk to her very slowly and calmly, he told her he was going to give her a little medicine to help her deal with her stress, he told her not to worry for he would let no harm come to her nor her mate. He told her the medicine would calm her down and nothing more, he asked her to trust him, he wanted so badly to help her in her time of need, he also told her she had to think of Askel too, he needed her too and it was best for herself and him that she would take it. He put the drink in her hand, then she drank the the medicine from a shell, it was not as bad as she thought it would be. She softly asked if she could go and be with Askel, he told her that would be fine, he asked if she wanted to sleep beside him until he woke up and she was so thankful she could. She walked out of the hut the first sight she saw was her new mate, Hafthor, he laid down on the sand and asked her to forgive him, he told her he was so ashamed of himself and if she wanted him to end himself he would, he only asked her to try to forgive him, he had not thought of her only himself, he told her he would never be that selfish again and he would only protect her from a distance if that is what she wanted and needed of him. Alma felt such guilt in her stomach, she did not mean to make him feel this bad, it was not his fault, it was hers, this was what was expected of females in this world and it was not his fault to want what he wanted, he could not be assured that she would take her in her harem unless they mated and she had said yes, so he was not at fault, it was her own fault, now he felt bad for her feeling bad and that just made her feel even worse, she was just a selfish human being, that only thought of her own pain, that poor beast mush have been scared that she would distance herself from him, she felt so ashamed of herself.

Alma felt the medicine started to work, she felt fine, she actually did not feel much, she was neither sad nor happy, she felt nothing but she told him not to worry, that she was to blame not him and she would just need time to get to know him. She gave them all a little smile before walking into Askell hut.

Askell was still fast asleep, Alma just looked at her mate, still she felt nothing, she laid beside him and hummed a song to him, while stroking his hair softly, she felt safe here, she held him in her arms and told him, she would take care of him and protect him, he did not need to be strong, she would be strong for him, he just needed to wake up, she wanted to see his pretty eyes again and his soft smile. She cuddled him and before long she fell asleep again.

Sorry for updating a little late, next update will be Sunday or Monday night :) i hope you liked it

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