Chapter 14: Padmaja met Pradumna again

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Story Unfolds :

Let us came back to the back story. The reason of the attack was still not clear to most of you. Let us discuss that story now. The assailants were rebels who were planning to take over the throne of the Anga state. They knew that the throne was now empty. After the untimely death of the former King Karna and his elder son Vrishasen who was the Crown Prince of the state, the state affairs were now ruled by both of their widows. Karna wife Vrushali was the minister of state affairs while Vrishasen widow Vatsyala was the minister of welfare. The ministry of defence was under the able hands of Shone who refuted to take hold on the Crown after his dear eldest sibling Karna. So all the members of the royal family was now eagerly awaiting for the coronation of Vrishaketu as the King of Anga. He was natural choice for the King as he was the Crown Prince of the state. The rebels were dissapointed with it. They loathed those two women. Vrushali and Vatsyala. You will question me then why they were attacking on the young Vrishaketu?!! The answer was super easy. If the Crown Prince would succumb under their attacks then none would left to take over the Anga throne. Shone and his sons would not. Soumyajit was a baby. It was very easy to kill him after killing his uncle. Vrushali, Vatsyala or Padmaja could not rule over Anga. So that was the reason behind this attack. However the main culprit of this plan, named Raghu, had another ulterior motive. He was mesmerized by the beauty of Padmaja and wanted to marry her at any cost. Her consent did not matter for him. But he knew that her dotting and overprotective only brother Vrishaketu would never allow him to touch a single hair of his sister. That was the second reason of Raghu to plan for the brutal murder of that young boy. But he did not know that fate was not in his favor. Padmaja was not destined for him, but her real partner was someone else. Pradumna. The first son of Lord Krishna was fated for the celestral granddaughter of Lord Shiva. Raghu did not even in his worst imagination thought to meet Pradumna. And now that man was standing calmly in the road of killing her brother.

"Kya kare, Sardar?!! (What to do, dear chief?!!)" Manua, One of his teammate had asked him.

Raghu was glaring hard to Pradumna who, on the contrary, in calm face was looking to his eyes. That man had a piercing gaze which Raghu felt could see his deepest intention too. He was right. Lord Krishna son had that type of quality too. He could understand any man or woman just by a single glimpse of him or her.

"Mar do isko bhi. Mujhe wo sundari chahiye. Kisi bhi kimat pe. Prayajon ho to is dusre dust ko bhi mar do jo hamare raste pe a rahan hain. (Kill him too. I want that girl at any cost. She should be mine. I want to trample her virginity. For that I don't want any excuse to hear. Kill her brother. And that man who helps him too.)" Raghu hissed on anger. He was a vile and vicious man to whom women were just made to satisfy their lusts. That type of men were rapists and psycho. They had to destroyed immediately.

Pradumna, on the contrary, was still looking at his direction in calm face. He could throw his Sudarshan Chakra on that man to behead him. At once. But that would be a disgrace of that divine weapon. Anyone who died by it at least have some good deeds in his life. This man did not have any. So he was not suitable to die by Sudarshan.

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