Chapter 98: Vrish-Babru Fierce Fight

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Story Unfolds :

At Manipur Border:

On the very next day the boy who had created a havoc among the royal army members of Hastinapur was standing tall in anticipation. He was expecting to meet Arjuna again. But he did not know that before Arjuna his nephew would greet him. In the battlefield.

               Young Babrubahan

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Young Babrubahan

               Young Babrubahan

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Grown up Babrubahan

He was thinking deep about his own life. What he wanted and what he got. He wanted to hear the stories of his parents. He wanted to be loved by his father. He wanted to be loyal to his father too. Just like he was always so loyal to his mother. Chitrangada. He wanted to follow his beloved father's footsteps. He wanted to touch the feet of his father. In love and respect. He did not know that he was challenging the same father in the duel. He did not know that the same Arjuna whom he wanted to defeat was his father. His dear mother Chitra did not give his father Arjuna's identity to him. Alas!! What he dreamt of and what was now going on!!!

He was helping the horse to eat the greases when all of a sudden he had heard a rustle from behind. Being a warrior his sense organs were truly sharp. He concentrated hard. The sound was coming from the south. It was a galloping sound of a horse. The horse seemed well-trained as its foot-steps were regal and confident. He had a small satisfying smirk on his extremely handsome face. He knew that someone would surely come. To meet him.

He put his right hand on the sword and swiftly pulled it out. The sharp blade made of steel glowed in the daylight. Then he swiftly turned his head and full body to the direction of the galloping sound.

He saw a silhouette was coming to him. He marrowed his eyes. To see it. But what he saw was not in his favor of the plan. He saw an unknown boy. Younger than himself!!!

The boy had a blackish red shoulder long wavy hair flying in Air. He had hazel eyes with piercing gaze. Thin eyebrows and longest eyelashes. Oval face with pointed nose. A symbol of Sun mark in between his eyebrows.
A pair of golden earrings on the ears. Golden armor with pink Dhoti and blue Anga Vashtram. Calm, composed and debonair attitude. Regal style of sitting over the horse. Babrubahan did not know that this unknown boy was looking like his father Karna. At this very moment.

Karna-Nandini Padmaja: Her Journey Through Mahabharata (Karna Series 5)Where stories live. Discover now