Chapter 36: Padmaja on the roads to Dwarka

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Story Unfolds :

Padmaja's Side of Story:

She was restless since she heard the news. Her dear mother along with her elder uncle Yudhhisthir and sister-in-law Vatsyala, nephew Soumyajit and brother Vrishaketu started their own journey towards Dwarka. She wanted to accompany them but none had even asked for her. Neither her dear brother Vrishaketu nor even her elder uncle Yudhhisthir. She did not know that they both were anxious that she would not want to go with them. God!! Sometimes miscommunication had been spreading so rapidly that none even dared to break the silence. They did not want to force Padmaja to accompany them. They wanted her to go there at her own free will. But they should have to ask her at least. That they did not.

She waited patiently till their chariots disaapered. Then without loosing a single moment she ran away after them. On her own feet. She needed to reach to Dwarka at once. Foolish girl!! Failed to communicate her desire to her uncle or brother!!

 Foolish girl!! Failed to communicate her desire to her uncle or brother!!

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Her middle uncle Arjuna

At that time, her middle uncle Arjuna had been planning to meet with his second wife Ulupi. After the death of their only son, Iravan, he never dared to face her. But today he wanted to meet with her. Unfortunately he was not able to fulfill his mission. He was unable to meet her till his war with his son Babrubahan. At that time, the news of illness of Nag Raj Basuki had made him worried. He wanted to go to meet his father-in-law. As soon as possible. Hence it was impossible for him to notice the restlessness of his dear niece Padmaja.

   Devi Ulupi (2nd wife of Arjuna)

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Devi Ulupi (2nd wife of Arjuna)

Padmaja did not informed her uncle Arjuna that she was going to Dwarka all by herself. That foolish girl did not want to make him agitated for her!!! God!! How much naive and immature she was?!!!

She ran after the chariots but could not cope up to follow them. They were both in hurry. Vatsyala was sobbing and praying hard for her brother's safety. She even refused to eat or drink anything. All were scared for her too. They failed to notice that another foolish girl was following them silently. She was none but Karna daughter Padmaja.

Karna-Nandini Padmaja: Her Journey Through Mahabharata (Karna Series 5)Where stories live. Discover now