Chapter 28: Critical Situation in Anga State

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Story Unfolds :

Vrishaketu's Side of Story:

He was not in jovial mood by seeing his uncles a bit. He could tolerate his elder uncle Yudhhisthir but to cope up with Arjuna seemed impossible to him. Whenever he saw his younger uncle, he saw the headless body of his father Karna lying on the battlefield of Mahabharata. His own mother Supriya lying dead at his feet and his younger mother Uruvi sitting uptight holding the cut of head of his father. He was so small at that time but he had seen the scene so many times in nightmare that it seemed as if had took place just yesterday. At the time of the death of his elder brother Vrishasen, he was not present there. But at the time of his dear father's death, young Vrishaketu had been witnessing everything. The look on Arjuna that day had hunted him since then. He never wanted to forgive him. A bit. But about Yudhhisthir the plan of revenge was not successful. That man stood dignifiedly against his own mother Kunti and blamed her for the demise of his elder sibling. Vrishaketu was touched by his sincerity. Tears on the eyes of Yudhhisthir seemed quite genuine to him. Even today whenever his elder uncle Yudhhisthir talked of his father Karna, he always lowered his head in deep respect. He loved that expression on his uncle's face. A look of devotion and respect. But the problem was that he did not see any such expression on the face of his younger uncle Arjuna. Whenever he heard of Karna, he became stiff in anticipation. His eyes got vacant and lifeless. His face expressionless. His cheekbones rigid. A strange kind of determined look had ruled over the face is Arjuna on a single mention of Karna. Alas!! Vrishaketu did not know that his younger uncle was still now blaming himself for the murder of his elder brother. He felt overwhelmed yet uncomfortable at every mention of the name of Karna. He was fighting his own battle!!! Till now!!

At that day, when Padmaja and her nephew Soumya were playing hide and seek with each other, a shocking news came from Dwarka. The son of Dwarkadheesh Lord Krishna was now missing. Pradumna was severely hurt and injured by the rebels of Anga state but he was, since his last fight with them, traceless. None could trace his whereabouts. Vatsyala got scared by the news. Vrishaketu was in deep thought too. Even his mother and two uncles seemed agitated too. If it was correct according to the rumour that he got wounded in the Anga state and went missing since then, then it had to be a devastating blow on the reputation of this small state. A state that could not give security to the viewing Price of Dwarka, was proved powerless in the very eyes of all the states of India or Aryavart. Who now would agree to marry the Princess of such a powerless state?!! Not any big and powerful state!!! Then what to do?!!

Queen Vrushali was now sitting in the throne with worried look on her own beautiful face. She seemed agitated. The news could fuel enmity between Dwarka and Anga in a second.

Devi Vrushali (1st Wife of Karna)

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Devi Vrushali (1st Wife of Karna)

Her Dewar Yudhhistir was pacing the room upside down in deep thought. He was thinking deep.

          Dharma Raj Yudhhisrhir

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          Dharma Raj Yudhhisrhir

Vrishaketu entered into the room and brewed his eyebrows together. What was going on?!! Why so much tense atmosphere?!! What had happened?!!

"Mate.. (Mother)" He called for his mother. Vrushali Padmavati.

His mother, in complete silence, had signalled him to be seated beside her. He obliged. He was always a loyal and devoted son. He never disobeyed her. A bit.

Padmavati Looked at the direction of her son and answered firmly -

"Ab hamara abashta kuch thik nahin hain, Putra. Pradumna ke yun hi aksmath gayeb ho jana hamare rajya ke liye hanikarak hain!! Uparantu Manipur Smarat Chitra Vahan apni Putri Devi Chitrangada aur Dauhitra Babrubahan ko Anga main bhej na chahte hain!! Bibah ki din kshan thik karne ke liye!! Upar se yeh bipatti!!!"

(Our state's reputation is at stake. The disaperance of Pradumna did not look good on us. It seemed as if we failed to provide him ample security. Over that, King Chitra Vahan of Manipur had requested us to take care of his visiting daughter Devi Chitrangada and grandson Babrubahan here. He was adamant to decide the marriage of Padmaja and Babrubahan at any cost. And this disaster!!)

She looked genuinely helpless to her son. Her face had developed some wrinkles too. It seemed as if she was trying hard to come out of this kind of critical situation. Desperately.

Vrishaketu wanted to protect hard. He wanted to scream aloud. How could they even think of giving marriage of Padmaja once more when she was already married with his best friend Pradumna?!!! It was simply yet utterly preposterous idea!!!

 How could they even think of giving marriage of Padmaja once more when she was already married with his best friend Pradumna?!!! It was simply yet utterly preposterous idea!!!

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          Karna Son Vrishaketu

But before he could open his mouth agape to protest against his mother, he heard a sweet yet firm voice from the doorpane. With a jolt he sharply turned back to face his beloved sister. Padmaja. It was she who responded in his behalf.

"Yeah asambhab hain, Matashree. Ham kisi se bhi Bibah nahin kar sakte. (It's impossible, mother. I can't marry anyone.)"

Padmaja's Side of Story:

She had suspected something foul. Her hear was beating fast. The way her sister-in-law Vatsyala cried aloud was enough for her to suspect that something bad was going to happen to them. She might be a mere girl of 17 but she was not naive, foolish or a bit inexperienced. She followed her own sister-in-law and saw her lamenting hard for his missing brother. She had understood everything. Pradumna went missing from that day. Her own little heart ached tremendously for him. He was severely wounded!!! How was he?!! And where was he?!! But she scolded her own heart not to flutter so much by just a mention of his name!!! After all he was still a stranger to her!!! In this way, her brain and heart was fighting endless battle against each other when she had reached to the room where her mother Padmavati was expressing her helplessness to her dear brother.

Padmaja was taken aback!!! At this gravest situation how could one ever think of her marriage?!! Now the most pressing need was to find out Pradumna!! At any cost!! God!! Her heart leapt again!! It started to beat someone fast just by thinking of his name!! "You fool!! Control yourself!!" Her brain scolded her heart. Severely.

She was not ready to get married. Not now. Not ever. She was staying virgin till the end of her life. It was her vow to herself!!! Not to that Iron Man named Babrubahan nor even to that perfect stranger of her life. (She had meant Pradumna!!!!)

So she declared aloud -

"Yeah asmabhab hain, Matashree. Ham kisi se bhi bibah nahin kar sakte!!!!"

 Ham kisi se bhi bibah nahin kar sakte!!!!"

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       Devi Madirakshi Padmaja


Karna-Nandini Padmaja: Her Journey Through Mahabharata (Karna Series 5)Where stories live. Discover now