Chapter 63: Padmaja learnt about Pradumna's fatal illness

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Padmaja's POV :

I don't want to stay at Hastinapur. Even though the people were so good at me. My five uncles, their family members, their children all were very much in love with me. But I am an outsider in this household. I am misfit here. I feel vacant inside. I want my life back. Since when I changed so much?!! I felt as if I am incomplete without him?!! Him!! He does not even care for me a bit?!! I had to hate him. Instead I am in love with him!! Each and every day my love for him is increasing!! It seems incredible but true!! I love him!! Madly!!! Darn fool I am!!! So darn fool!!

Story Unfolds :

A girl of 17 was swinging her both legs together while sitting in the same pond-sided garden bench that she was in love with. It had a big tree beside. A "Jhula", decorated with flowers, was under it. Oh!! How she loved to be in it!! But she could not!! Just yesterday she learnt of her upcoming baby. She did not understand what she had to do now. But her mother Vrushali and aunts Draupadi and Subhadra had cautioned her about what not to do at this time. She sighed hard recalling her happy days when she ran behind butterflies and plucked white lilies. Huh!! Long gone those days!! Now she had to take care of her own walking,  eating, sleeping etc almost everything. She hated it. But she was enjoying the experience too. She was going to be a mother!!! Good Lord!! How could she?!! She suppressed a small smile on her beautiful face. She could not even think of it!!! She looked bashful all of a sudden. Her pick cheeks got crimson red in embarrassment. Her mother told her stories that before birth baby stayed in his mother's womb. She looked her own reflection on mirror every day since then. She did not seem to change a bit!!! Then?!! How it could be possible?!! Ever!! You can see how naive she was. She did not even know that in the first tremester no physical changes could be seen in our naked eyes.

        Padmaja (heroine of Story)

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        Padmaja (heroine of Story)

Everyone was now roaming around her. All her uncles were busy taking care of her well-being. Her aunts were seen to make a chart on her diets. Her mother was busy preparing a nursery for her baby. (She did not know that she was going to have twins. Unless she would surely fainted!!) Her sister-in-laws were busy or making clothes for her baby. All seemed super busy and super duper excited.

Only she had nothing to take care of. Whenever she tried to help someone, he or she drove her out. She once tried to help Subhadra who ushered her to her own room to take rest. She tried to go to the kitchen to Draupadi who dragged her out by pulling her ears. She tried to comfort her mother Padmavati but the stern look on her mother's beautiful face sank her heart a bit and she hurried up out of that room too. Once she went to meet her uncles but all of them stopped talking by seeing her. Her two younger uncles Nakul and Sahadev even started to stammer but after getting a poke at both of their ribs by Bheem they came back to senses. Arjuna seemed lost in his thought about past. Whenever he saw at her face intently he seemed to search for someone else. She did not know that he was seeing the shadow of her mother Uruvi in her!! Her elder uncle Yudhhisthir surprisingly had been avoiding her a lot these days. He did not make eye contact with her. In his mind this uncle of Padmaja was too blaming himself for the decoy and destruction of her clan. He thought himself as a curse on her family. So he wanted to avoid getting indulged with her or her own dearest Vrishi Bhaiya (Vrishaketu).

Karna-Nandini Padmaja: Her Journey Through Mahabharata (Karna Series 5)Where stories live. Discover now